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The total population of Dubai has grown by 1000% over the last 40 years alone. In 1975 the total population was 183,000 inhabi-tances, which increased in 2015 to about 2 million. This increase makes Dubai population one of the fastest... more
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    • Geography of Population
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The total population of Dubai has grown by 1000% over the last 40 years alone. In 1975 the total population was 183,000 inhabi-tances, which increased in 2015 to about 2 million. This increase makes Dubai population one of the fastest... more
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    • Population Geography
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلي عدة أهداف منها:إنشاء قاعدة بيانات رقمية للأمية في محافظة الدقهلية علي مستوي الناحية والمدينة والمركز، والتعرف علي حجم ومعدلات وتوزيع الأمية في محافظة الدقهلية، وأماكن توطن الأمية والعوامل الكامنة ورائها، تحديد العلاقة... more
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      GeographyPopulation GeographyEducationPopulation Studies
Abstract:During the last two decades, the public sector faced high pressure in private-sector of employment. Citizens of Kuwait and United Arab Emirates (UAE) target the public sector and expatriates penetrate the private sector. In order... more
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Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi and other Arabian Gulf cities have developed rapidly in the second half of 20th century, due to the increase of oil and gas revenues. The total population of the city has... more
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    • Demography
Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. The capital went through a radical transformation from a nomadic settlement before the 70's of the 20 th century to a metropolis that ranked as the world's fourth favorite city in... more
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    • Population Geography
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This study highlights the effect of immigrant workers on the unprecedented demographic growth in the UAE, which has become one of the highest in the world. The population of the UAE has octupled in 30 years, from 0.5 million in 1975 to 4... more
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    • Geography
The problem of the relationship between population and food supply in Menoufiya is a small scale example of that facing the whole of Egypt. The main problem is not as a result of insufficient production of food from the land, but as a... more
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      الامارات العربية المتحدةالهجرة
تهدف الدراسة الى ابراز التحسن الواضح فى خصائص سكان مصر منذ النصف الثانى من القرن العشرين ومقارنة هذه الخصائص بنظيرها فى البلدان المتقدمة لكشف الفجوة بين ملامح السكان بين مصر وأوربا ل لأيضاح التفاوت الواضح بينهنا ( أو بمعنى أخر التدنى فى... more
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    • Human Geography
.تتناول الدراسة مشكلة تزايد معدلات الأصابة بسرطان الثدى وأسبابه وملامحة ,تباينه جغرافيا بين أقاليم العالم ومدى العلاقة بين تزايد معدلات الأصابة بالتمدن . وتركز الدراسة على ابراز العلاقة بين نوع الغذاء وبعض الملامح الديموجرافية مثل... more
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    • Human Geography
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    • Human Geography
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      GeographyDemographyEconomics Business
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      EngineeringPopulation GeographyGeography of Population
This research is about factors affecting employees’ turnover intention in construction companies. Employees’ turnover intention is known as the organization’s workers’ intent or plan to leave their current working place’s position.... more
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      GeographyPopulation Geography