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Question mark

A table of contents, figures, or other elements.

This function generates a list of all occurrences of an element in the document, up to a given depth. The element's numbering and page number will be displayed in the outline alongside its title or caption.


#set heading(numbering: "1.")

= Introduction

= Methods
== Setup

Alternative outlines

In its default configuration, this function generates a table of contents. By setting the target parameter, the outline can be used to generate a list of other kinds of elements than headings.

In the example below, we list all figures containing images by setting target to figure.where(kind: image). Just the same, we could have set it to figure.where(kind: table) to generate a list of tables.

We could also set it to just figure, without using a where selector, but then the list would contain all figures, be it ones containing images, tables, or other material.

  title: [List of Figures],
  target: figure.where(kind: image),

  caption: [A nice figure!],

Styling the outline

At the most basic level, you can style the outline by setting properties on it and its entries. This way, you can customize the outline's title, how outline entries are indented, and how the space between an entry's text and its page number should be filled.

Richer customization is possible through configuration of the outline's entries. The outline generates one entry for each outlined element.

Spacing the entries

Outline entries are blocks, so you can adjust the spacing between them with normal block-spacing rules:

#show outline.entry.where(
  level: 1
): set block(above: 1.2em)


= About ACME Corp.
== History
=== Origins
= Products
== ACME Tools

Building an outline entry from its parts

For full control, you can also write a transformational show rule on outline.entry. However, the logic for properly formatting and indenting outline entries is quite complex and the outline entry itself only contains two fields: The level and the outlined element.

For this reason, various helper functions are provided. You can mix and match these to compose an entry from just the parts you like.

The default show rule for an outline entry looks like this1:

#show outline.entry: it => link(
  it.indented(it.prefix(), it.inner()),

You can use these individual functions to format the outline entry in different ways. Let's say, you'd like to fully remove the filler and page numbers. To achieve this, you could write a show rule like this:

#show outline.entry: it => link(
  // Keep just the body, dropping
  // the fill and the page.
  it.indented(it.prefix(), it.body()),


= About ACME Corp.
== History

The outline of equations is the exception to this rule as it does not have a body and thus does not use indented layout.

Question mark

none or auto or content
Question mark

The title of the outline.

The outline's heading will not be numbered by default, but you can force it to be with a show-set rule: show outline: set heading(numbering: "1.")

Default: auto

label or selector or location or function
Question mark

The type of element to include in the outline.

To list figures containing a specific kind of element, like an image or a table, you can specify the desired kind in a where selector. See the section on alternative outlines for more details.

Default: heading

View example
  title: [List of Tables],
  target: figure.where(kind: table),

    columns: 4,
    [t], [1], [2], [3],
    [y], [0.3], [0.7], [0.5],
  caption: [Experiment results],

none or int
Question mark

The maximum level up to which elements are included in the outline. When this argument is none, all elements are included.

Default: none

View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.")
#outline(depth: 2)

= Yes
Top-level section.

== Still

=== Nope
Not included.

auto or relative or function
Question mark

How to indent the outline's entries.

Default: auto

View example
#set heading(numbering: "1.a.")

  title: [Contents (Automatic)],
  indent: auto,

  title: [Contents (Length)],
  indent: 2em,

= About ACME Corp.
== History
=== Origins

== Products

Question mark

Question mark

Represents an entry line in an outline.

With show-set and show rules on outline entries, you can richly customize the outline's appearance. See the section on styling the outline for details.

Question mark

The nesting level of this outline entry. Starts at 1 for top-level entries.

Question mark

The element this entry refers to. Its location will be available through the location method on the content and can be linked to.

none or content
Question mark

Content to fill the space between the title and the page number. Can be set to none to disable filling.

The fill will be placed into a fractionally sized box that spans the space between the entry's body and the page number. When using show rules to override outline entries, it is thus recommended to wrap the fill in a box with fractional width, i.e. box(width: 1fr, it.fill.

When using repeat, the gap property can be useful to tweak the visual weight of the fill.

Default: repeat(body: [.], gap: 0.15em)

View example
#set outline.entry(fill: line(length: 100%))

= A New Beginning

Definitions of entry
Question mark

Question mark

A helper function for producing an indented entry layout: Lays out a prefix and the rest of the entry in an indent-aware way.

If the parent outline's indent is auto, the inner content of all entries at level N is aligned with the prefix of all entries at level N + 1, leaving at least gap space between the prefix and inner parts. Furthermore, the inner contents of all entries at the same level are aligned.

If the outline's indent is a fixed value or a function, the prefixes are indented, but the inner contents are simply inset from the prefix by the specified gap, rather than aligning outline-wide.

none or content
Question mark

The prefix is aligned with the inner content of entries that have level one less.

In the default show rule, this is just it.prefix(), but it can be freely customized.

Question mark

The formatted inner content of the entry.

In the default show rule, this is just it.inner(), but it can be freely customized.


The gap between the prefix and the inner content.

Default: 0.5em

Question mark

Formats the element's numbering (if any).

This also appends the element's supplement in case of figures or equations. For instance, it would output 1.1 for a heading, but Figure 1 for a figure, as is usual for outlines.

) -> nonecontent

Question mark

Creates the default inner content of the entry.

This includes the body, the fill, and page number.

) -> content


The content which is displayed in place of the referred element at its entry in the outline. For a heading, this is its body; for a figure a caption and for equations, it is empty.

) -> content

Question mark

The page number of this entry's element, formatted with the numbering set for the referenced page.

) -> content