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      PsychologyComputer ScienceLinguistics
This study investigates the effectiveness of explicit instruction on text structure in the development of Japanese EFL college students’ English writing skills by examining two research questions: (1) How does students’ writing change... more
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    • Computer Science
The purpose of this study, conducted as a follow-up study of , was to examine whether Japanese EFL students' use of vocabulary changed after being given lessons on explicit instruction on text structure and process writing. Two groups of... more
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      PsychologyComputer SciencePhilosophyNatural Language Processing
Between 1997 and 2007 the foreign population of Japan increased by more than 45 % making it the largest at any time in the postwar period, constituting 1.69 % of the overall population. At the same time, the transborder flows of people,... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesPopular CultureNationalism
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesPopular CultureFeminism
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      Media StudiesGender and SexualityJapanWomen's Magazines
Pornography producers in Japan are finding themselves increasingly struggling to maintain profits as free content becomes ever more easily available online. Within this environment one niche area is bucking trends and increasing... more
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      FeminismPornography StudiesPorn StudiesThe Male Gaze
In this article I examine two very different types of male porn stars and the education texts in which they appearthe Higi Denju [Lessons in Secret Techniques] DVD and book series by veteran porn performer Kato Taka, and female-friendly... more
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This article introduces the special issue on East Asian Pornographies and Online Porn Cultures. It considers the logistical and theoretical challenges faced by researchers within the region who wish to investigate Asian producers and... more
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      Asian StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityEast Asia
Phantasmagoria is an early projection show using an optical instrument called a magic lantern. Brought to Britain from France in 1801, it amused spectators by summoning the spirits of absent people, including both the dead and the living.... more
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The Victorian era was marked by great prosperity and the consuming culture of death. As a common rite of passage or a natural conclusion of human life, death at that time and under those economic circumstances became ‘popular’. It allowed... more
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Lloyd Fernando is one of three prose writers (the other two being Lee Kok Liang and K.S. Maniam) who should rightfully be considered at the forefront of Malaysian literature written in English. Despite stylistic differences, each of these... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureMalaysian Literature in English
What Lee Kok Liang is attempting in part in this novel is an exploration of self in the context of an environment that is both familiar to the author/narrator, given the Eurocentric epistemology of his colonial education and, at the same... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureMalaysian Literature in English
An analysis of the multiple dualities represented in Lee Kok Liang's 1981 Malaysian novel, Flowers in the Sky.
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureMalaysian Literature in English
童話 Goldilocks and the Three Bears には無数の翻案があり、文章の質や種類は、出 版者や著者によって、あるいは対象とする読者の年齢層によって大きく異なるが、このような文体の相違や視覚的要素重視の度合いの差異は幼い読者にどのような 影響を与えるのであろうか。本論では、主に Goldilocks and the Three Bears... more
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      Language AcquisitionChildren's Literature & Culture
Set in London and Paris in the early 1950s, the text is a semi-autobiographical account of the cultural and social displacement and colonial/postcolonial angst of its Malaysian narrator, and may be compared with similar writing by Sam... more
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      Postcolonial LiteratureMalaysian Literature in English
Introduction (written by Deborah Wyrick) to article: Following a trajectory similar to the fictional Parvatheesam's, the young Malaysian writer Lee Kok Liang traveled to London for his law degree in the 1950s. During that time, as... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureMalaysian Literature in English
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This essay provides an overview of four of the major writers of anglophone Malaysian literature since Malaysian independence in order to assess the supposed "evolution" of the thematic concerns within these texts. The anglophone... more
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