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Love this rendering by Rolands Zilvinskis, You’re My Universe. Thee pose is *chef’s kiss* and I love that their space suits are different colors. Great vibe.
Just bought a print of a Scott Listfield painting last week, Purple Mountains. It’d look nice with that other piece if it was a print.

Listfield’s most recent show, This is America, felt so perfect for 2020 in the best and worst way, his vision of a burning, post-apocalyptic America almost too close to reality.

I find I like art of astronauts in all sorts of incongruous places. Earlier this year I nabbed a Karen Jerzyk photo for my office. Her lonely astronaut series is compelling.

I love the visual metaphor of distant observation and detachment, yet the astronaut is out in the world, seeing, experiencing. Zilvinskis’ piece caught my eye as an outlier to many astronaut art themes — the astronaut is not alone. They have a companion, in isolation together. (Hmm, maybe there’s a coronavirus connection there too.) There is hope in the world he’s rendered. I and my friends have been talking lately about how we want to see more optimistic sci-fi, especially near future.