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See look I don’t hate all AI

Pollinator Pathmaker, Digital render in pollinator vision, 2023. © Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg Ltd


This puts me in mind of Annie Sturdivant’s comparison of AI and plastic; there are some things that plastic is absolutely amazing for (lots of medical stuff), but also the world is drowning in single-use plastic waste.


More interesting uses I’ve saved before:

Analyzing traffic safety with AI

Using GPT-4 to measure the passage of time in fiction by Ted Underwood

Getting creative with embeddings by Amelia Wattenberger

Identifying whale individuals by their tail with machine learning

Featured Technology

The siren call of LLMs

We’re misusing LLMs for tasks we want automated

I’ve noticed a lot of people turning to Large Language Models to collect and analyze data for them. I believe relying on LLMs to produce examples, write summaries, and analyze information is an inappropriate, or at least unreliable, use of the technology.*

The LLM sirens whisper our wishes back to us: that we need not waste our time with the boring parts. That we, too, can harness the power of coding or writing without putting in the effort to learn how. That we don’t actually need to read that article to glean “the takeaways” from it. That the only value of research is the final output, and we gain nothing by doing the work ourselves.