- James G. put together a fun clickable bookshelf using computer vision, OCR, and GPT — this looks far easier than ye olden days of image maps
- Researchers have figured out how to extract and decipher text from a scroll carbonized in the Vesuvius eruption using machine learning 🌋
- Anna Ridler’s Mosaic Virus is a clever art installation likening the furor over cryptocurrency to the great tulip rush that uses machine learning to render tulip imagery
- Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg‘s Pollinator Pathfinder project generates custom planting plans designed for pollinators, and even has a preview of “pollinator vision” 😍 The plants aren’t for North America but the concept is so cool!

This puts me in mind of Annie Sturdivant’s comparison of AI and plastic; there are some things that plastic is absolutely amazing for (lots of medical stuff), but also the world is drowning in single-use plastic waste.
More interesting uses I’ve saved before:
Analyzing traffic safety with AI
Using GPT-4 to measure the passage of time in fiction by Ted Underwood
Getting creative with embeddings by Amelia Wattenberger
Identifying whale individuals by their tail with machine learning