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I thrive on art and angst.

@daylilifiedsundrewdrops / daylilifiedsundrewdrops.tumblr.com

Hello, I'm Sundew. I like space and art I guess. I sing sometimes too. My blog is a mess btw.

Me finally making an intro? Welcome!

Hello, hello, hello! You may call me Daylily, Aphrodite/Venus or 'Stranger'. I have she/her pronouns-I'm also a minor so try to keep it sfw here( I do allow inappropriate topics but not too much. )Although, at times there might be venty posts! Be warned. I love angst, and I also love art! One of my interests is in space, I have another account dedicated to it! I also love Greek Mythology( But that doesn't guarantee I know the deep-dives of these. ) I love Sigverse too. My posts are NOT consistent, and there is no telling what I'll post about next. However, here's a list. 1. Poems. 2. Art. 3. Short stories occasionally. 4. Things about my AUs or fandoms I'm in. 5. And random posts in general! Please be nice, also. P.S: If you want me to draw something for you, you'll have to be a mutual of mine <3

let's start a tag game!

i'll go first:

fav color of nail polish: black (basic ik)

last song i listened to: sign of the times by harry styles

what kind of youtube channel i want to have: i would want a diary/blog channel or one where i wear a creepy mask and talk about philosophy or smth :3

Ooh :0 I'll bite

Fav color of nail polish: I don't use nail polish (been kinda wanting to tho) but I'd say black, dark blue, or dark green

Last song I listened to (aka am currently listening to): Birdcage Blue And Yellow by Yaelokre

What kind of YouTube channel I wanna have: an animation one, with plenty of indie projects where I promote merch for the series and stay just about completely faceless (aka I want Glitch Productions)

Fave nail polish color: black

Last song: Nice nice by Dazey and the Scouts

YouTube channel: i actually already have one- havent posted for years and it’s cringe but I was popular in my niche lol. But if I made a new one id prob do some sort of gaming channel where I report on queer news and make a queer safe space

Favorite color nail polish: Glow in the dark neon orange nail polish (I don't know why ngl.)

Last Song: P3T - femtanyl

YouTube channel: W3R1D0 :) but tbh, I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible. I'm only posting there for my one friend 😭

My favorite nail polish: Purple and clear glitter!

Last song: Homesick by MICO

YouTube channel: No

And all else


Ngl I had to draw them(( don't ask why I didn't draw Winona's eyes. I tried but it ended up looking weird. ))

Oh yeah I used the same base for them

Specifically the base I used for my Saturn picture


Odysseus Does Raise Him as His Own

And a seven-year-old Astyanax accidentally burns part of Ithica's castle down because he knocked a candle over. He's really sorry about it though, super sorry, please don't tell his new big brother -

Odysseus has been laughing at the king of the gods for the past three hours.

The oracles work in mysterious ways.


Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊

Ok, I’ll go first

If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️‍🔥

Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!

uh ok

Mikey Way holds Twink

I dont really want to @ anyone so yeah

Let me join!

It's my brain. My brain is leaving me.

thx 4 th tag!!

what is it with ppl not liking pics of me drinking lemonade 😔💔

tags: don’t feel like @ anyone so open tag

Jail! :333


@thisiswasabis @nina-noot-noot @f0xx1n3 @liongrl321 @sammysammer AND ALL MY MOOTS SHALL JOIN(I'm on phone rn so it's hard for me to tag everyone)

Huh. . .

I thought it'll be worse

I have no idea what this is

Oh my golly it’s me!! Djsjsj gasp!!


I mean im insane over nickloon..-


Tbh fair lmaooo

I'm on my computer but sure? Idk how I'm getting arrested for a Niko design tho

What has Akutagawa done......

Oh.... no...

I love this picture


Mushroom conundrum


Ok now we have a booping feature I propose to tumblr next ides of March we have a stabbing counter and the person with the most stabs gets crowned Caesar and the blog with the most stabbings gets crowned Brutus

Jokes on you @fortheloveofdata my posts don’t break containment

EVERYONE SHOULD REBLOG THIS (hey @w3r1d0 should i summon the army?)

Yes you shall.

Ive been watching him for my entire life

I hate the air he breathes his foolish decrees his words so contrived

I hate the way the townspeople gather outside

They hang on every breath cling to his chest home to his heart full of pride

Et tu, brutus?

The oracle told him to beware the Ides

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing

For untimely death or demise

Or am I just wishing I could be like you?

That the people would see me too as a poet

And not just the muse

Ngl I do not do a lot of Roman history(?) and stuff like that since most of what I post is Studio Investigrave/reblogs/OC related but I love this song too and this post reminded me of that.

Oh it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you

From birth we've been like brothers of different mothers but from the spirit of the same womb

May the Gods strike me down if I forsake you

Frater meus, you're beautifully made and to you I'm forever grateful


Ok now we have a booping feature I propose to tumblr next ides of March we have a stabbing counter and the person with the most stabs gets crowned Caesar and the blog with the most stabbings gets crowned Brutus

Jokes on you @fortheloveofdata my posts don’t break containment

EVERYONE SHOULD REBLOG THIS (hey @w3r1d0 should i summon the army?)

Yes you shall.

Ive been watching him for my entire life

I hate the air he breathes his foolish decrees his words so contrived

I hate the way the townspeople gather outside

They hang on every breath cling to his chest home to his heart full of pride


hello moots, siblings, and internet strangers. I have a silly 4 u >:3

This might be kinda long-winded, sorry abt that, and keep in mind that this is all in good fun, and mostly just an excuse 2 post abt out OCs! :3


So my good friend @141n3 is giving up swearing 4 lent, of course I insist on being a little shit abt it :3(all in good fun of course), so I convinced soul(another friend) 2 make a deal with me that is I get this 2 10,000 notes he will get a Tumblr blog, u may recall that I have promised 2 post Hunting Drones lore if he gets a blog, u may see where this is going.

Fuck ton of Latin swears↓

faex deodamnatus cunne filius canis fututus et mori in igni futuere futue te ipsi ede faecam morde meum globes Te futueo et caballum tuum Irrumator Leno Flocci non faccio Mentula Meretrix Bovis stercus Es stultior asino Es scortum obscenus vilis Es mundus excrementi Globos meos lambe Es stercus Moecha Putida Podex perfectus es Futue te ipsum Stercorem pro cerebro habes Caput tuum in ano est Perite Impudens es leno Vacca stulta Tu scronium es Caput stercoris Obesus porcus Matris futuor



★UPDATE: I have acquired an art sample from soul (see link under tags).

★UPDATE: I just realized, I don't think Soul knows 'bout my nonhumanity, uhhhh, coming out I guess???

(if u reblog pls tag @141n3 /nf)


so im the moot person now?

ill tag people after my chores. then I shall assemble

the army

(and ill be using my alt @d3m0nz-reblogs )

yes because you somehow made friends with everyone.

I think of either Superhero transformations or magical girl group transformation sequences with this. No inbetween


My nose is running, throat is sore, coughing nonstop and eyes are constantly crying for no reason


I do not wanna be in school rn


@ mutuals rb this w how tall you are i wanna know

i’m 4’11

WHAT. YOU'RE TALL? also, OP is deactivated now bc I ate them. I'm 5'6 @localcanadiancreature62 @same-pic-rick-roll @long-form-contentment @bl0ated-corpse

if I ever said I was 5'5" I lied (I didnt know it was that tall)

I checked my height around a year ago and it was 5'3"

5'4-5'5 something like that

Far as I know I'm still 5'6

@perereiii and anybody else who wants to

should still be 5’5 if we stand straight!

5'7"-5'8" ish, i don't really remember

@sunfloweraro and anyone else :)


Tagging @tiredgaytheatrekid @waterspoutskies @thatonecrazysidekick and any other folks wanting to participate <3

5’8! Just taller than you!

Im really bad at tagging so

And anyone else who wants to

man y'all are short

I'm 6'1, maybe 6'2, I haven't checked in a while

Wasn't tagged but I'm 5'2" (I'm shorter 'cause I'm closer to hell. And your ankles.)

*sighs* like 4'11.5? idk

@kirbythesixth @pepsi-overdose @sl33p1ng-catzz & everyone else im too lazy to tag

I'm 5'9. i do not care that the doctors for that past 3 years have been saying I'm 5'8 and a half i am 5'9 i will die on this hill.

5'10? 5'9? I dunno man 😔. I think it's 5'9.


I got measured recently. Give me your ten inches.



Is it just me who never learns from their past mistakes especially when related to school

Anyways longish

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