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Our Mission

To serve the University of Tennessee community by ensuring access to education through our commitment to policy, prevention and education, supportive measures, investigation and resolution, and monitoring patterns and trends.

Our Title IX Commitment

The University of Tennessee is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment free from Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking), Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation.

The University of Tennessee’s Title IX commitment is grounded in the Center for Disease Control’s Social-Ecological Model. Our commitment emphasizes five key areas:

  1. Policy. Our foundation is in the policy and procedures we follow.
  2. Prevention and Education. Our goal is to prevent Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking), Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation before they happen.
  3. Supportive Measures. Our promise is to provide support and appropriate supportive measures to individuals involved in the Title IX process.
  4. Investigation and Resolution. Our commitments to due process, campus safety, and encouraging reporting guide how we investigate and resolve reports.
  5. Patterns and Trends. Our responsibility is to utilize the best available research, evidence-based practice, and our own campus trends in our prevention and response efforts.

2023 Title IX Annual Report

2023 Annual Report (pdf)

The Office of Title IX publishes an annual report to provide transparency, increase awareness, recognize the work of our campus and community partners, and ensure ongoing accountability.

Our responsibility to the community is to show our work. This data is specific to UT and informs the way we work to meet the needs of our campus community.

As you review the report, please know that our door remains open year-round to your ideas, suggestions, questions, and concerns. For annual data beginning in 2011, visit the documents archive.


If you are experiencing an emergency, contact 911.

You can access resources and report prohibited conduct to the Office of Title IX by calling 865-974-9600 or emailing

If you need to speak confidentially after hours, you can call 865-974-4357 or contact one of UT’s community partners listed here.

You may also choose to report prohibited conduct to the UT Police Department by calling 865-974-3114.

Safe at UT Campus Safety App

Safe at UT is an essential tool to enhance your personal safety while at the University of Tennessee. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to an array of safety resources. Users have convenient access to campus resources and services without having to search the internet for them.

Learn more and download the app from the Emergency Management website.