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Impressum, Datenschutz­erklärung

Thomas Trapp
Softwareentwicklung Thomas Trapp
Rümannstr. 61
80804 München

Ust-ID DE277532004

tom@thomastrapp.com [PGP]
ID: 086653AA8CC7270E
FP: E6EA EFD0 2CBB 0EFF C010 1324 0866 53AA 8CC7 270E

Datenschutzerklärung von thomastrapp.com

Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten erhoben, ausgewertet oder an Dritte weitergegeben.
Ich will eure Daten gar nicht haben ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Privacy Policy of thomastrapp.com

No personal data is collected, evaluated or relayed to a third party.

Specifically, no data that potentially identifies you (such as your IP address or your HTTP user agent) is logged on thomastrapp.com.
Further, thomastrapp.com does not instruct your client to open a connection to a third party service, unless you click on an external link.

Social Media

I don't use social media. No Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or whatever. But I do have GitHub.