Anonymous asked:
Think you could take a 10x10 inch cock? Asking for a friend 👀

diet-cokesiut answered:
like is it a cube or am i misunderstanding
Anonymous asked:
Think you could take a 10x10 inch cock? Asking for a friend 👀
diet-cokesiut answered:
like is it a cube or am i misunderstanding
hate how they forced bugs bunny into anti-weed propaganda in the 90s, as if bugs bunny wouldn’t love smoking weed
To be perfectly fair, bugs bunny would also love taking money for starring in anti-weed propaganda and then using said money to buy weed
bugs bunny is not real
Prince: I wish to marry!
Queen: Only if she can pass my test: failing to sleep on a bed with a pea under it!
Prince: Why are you screening for princesses with sensory issues?
Queen: She must be true royalty! Only the most autistic girl in all the land shall marry my son!
The phrase “most autistic girl in all the land” popped unbidden into my head last night and I couldn’t remember who had made the joke and had to Google it
Surely this next six minutes of hitting the snooze button on my alarm will leave me feeling well rested. Surely this time.
I’d be totally fine if he were, in fact, calling that man a bitch instead of swearing under his breath at the ridiculousness of the situation.
if i was trapped in the time loop i would do the correct sequence of actions to break out of the time loop on my first try, thus resulting in me unaware of there being a time loop in the first place
You keep saying this every time.
that's because you're stuck in the time loop so you hear me say it every time. i on the other hand, got out perfectly so i'm experiencing time linearly as normal
I think this is the loop where I kill you with a rock
i'd like to think i'm a pretty chill, laidback person. (i'm not, but i sure would like to think it.)
that said, i do ardently believe that before a media conglomerate makes an adaptation of a pre-existing work, the creative team should be required to answer a simple, maybe sixth grade level multiple choice test about the themes and intentions of the original. and then also maybe a single short essay question where they must justify why, beyond strictly business reasons, this new version needs to exist. this would be graded pretty leniently but there would need to be something.