I just refreshed my tumblr and a lot of other peoples tumblrs that I know have the new controls search bar thingy in the top of their page and it’s gone? did tumblr undo the newest update?
Is this just me?
BROWSER COMPATIBILITY: My themes and other code are optimised for Google Chrome but they are also tested in both Firefox and Safari.
MONITOR SIZE: I work on my themes and other code on a iPhone 5s, iPhone 7, a 13inch MacBook Pro and a 17.3inch HP to ensure that they are optimised from 320px X 568px to 1920px X 1080px.
I don’t feel like it’s necessary to credit my tutorials, but I always appreciate when people do! It could be a short line in the code that says [tutorial] by Themes by Tommy or on a page somewhere.
I just refreshed my tumblr and a lot of other peoples tumblrs that I know have the new controls search bar thingy in the top of their page and it’s gone? did tumblr undo the newest update?
Is this just me?
Tried a different approach. With this code I repositioned the controls in the top right corner of the page and then I shrank them. this time we only use CSS. I managed to get this result:
Earlier today I got some new tumblr controls on one of my sideblogs. It covered my navbar and pushed all the content from the top and it kind of destroyed the whole feel of my tumblr.
But now I will stop complaining and tell you how I fixed it.
I reset the code that pushed all the content from the top and I hid the controls. Then i added a button to toggle the visibility of the tumblr controls.
This is just something I quickly threw together, please tell me how this works for you. :)
Yes, and no. If you have questions about how to do something feel free to ask! When it comes to themes or other builds I do take requests as long as they’re not to specific.
Most of the time. But if I feel that it’s a question that others might benefit from I might answer publicly (or simply write a post about it later).
i don’t feel like it’s necessary to credit my tutorials, but I always appreciate when people do! It could be a short line in the code that says [tutorial] by Themes by Tommy or on a page somewhere. thanks :)
No, sorry.
Tell me about you problem and I’ll do my best to help you :)
Did you put the library code above the other code?
Sometimes when viewing the code the “ are different. Try to replace all the “ in the pasted code in your editor.