
Tools and documentation

Support for the tools available for working with TEI documents and schemas is provided as follows:

  • Documentation of the TEI stylesheets (developed by the TEI for its own use in transforming TEI XML documents to HTML, to LaTeX, and to XSL Formatting Objects)
  • Getting Started with P5 ODDs, providing a basic introduction to writing TEI customizations using the P5 ODD language
  • Creating Customizations with Roma, providing instructions for using Roma, the web tool for developing TEI schemas

Advice and queries: TEI-L mailing list

The TEI boasts a friendly and highly skilled worldwide user community, whose members are quite willing to share their expertise. The best way to tap into this community is to join the TEI-L discussion list. Everyone is welcome to subscribe to the list through the webform, or by sending an email to Archived messages from the list can be browsed or searched online through the LISTSERV archive and cover just about every text encoding topic you can imagine. All queries or comments about the TEI Guidelines or text encoding issues in general should be sent to the TEI-L list. You can unsubscribe from the list by sending an email to

There is also a list for the francophone community.

For queries or comments about non-technical matters, please see the list of addresses on our contacts page.

Social Media

The TEI maintains a presence on Mastodon, Bluesky, X (Twitter), and Facebook. These may be used to advertise events, etc., but the mailing list remains the better source of discussion and advice.

Feature requests and bug reports

On the TEI’s GitHub Site the TEI keeps track of Bug Reports and Feature Requests. As long as you are logged into your GitHub account you may report a bug or add a feature request, or comment on existing tickets.

Grant development

The TEI also assists projects in the development of grant proposals that include TEI membership. We can review the technical portion of the proposal to help ensure that it is plausible and realistic, and that it describes the use of TEI in a persuasive manner. We can also help projects think through the strategic and practical issues involved in designing a TEI project, so that costs and staffing can be accurately assessed and planned. In order to allow sufficient time for review and feedback, please share your proposal with us at least six weeks before the submission deadline. For more information about this program, please contact the TEI at

Learn the TEI

Interested in learning how to use the TEI Guidelines themselves? The Learn the TEI page provides a selection of introductory readings and general how-to guides, as well as guides to local practice submitted by other TEI users. For information about classes and workshops that offer formal instruction in use of the TEI Guidelines, see the events calendar.