Agenda for TEI Board Conference Call: 9 May 2006

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Original text

16 September 2007 Converted to P5

Matt Zimmerman

    Action items from last conference call

  • Approval of minutes from last conference call:
  • SB: report on meeting with DLF
  • SR, CR, JU: report any development with moving website to virginia
  • DO, MZ: look into donation system.
  • MZ, JF, DP, VL: Discuss the role of Executive Director.
  • MZ, CR: Review secretary language in the Bylaws to ensure that we are in compliance.
    New Business

  • JV: report on plans for 2006 Members meeting.
  • DO: report on Nominations committee
  • MZ: report on council meeting and TEI day in Japan.
  • Discussion of TEI logo, “P5-ready” logo, and TEI file icon.
  • LB ISO agreement.
  • JF: ALLC internationalziation grant.
  • VL: Recruiting Strat
  • DP: Fundraising Strat.
  • MZ: Questions about recruiting while in Japan (mainly I would like the schedule of membership fees for the different DIVs and also the formula used to decide at what DIV an institution joins).