TEI Consortium Board Meeting, November 9th, 2003: Minutes

Geoffrey Rockwell, grockwel@mcmaster.caDecember 2003

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Original document from the Secretary of the TEI Consortium. Based on notes taken at the TEI Consortium Board Meeting, November 9th, 2003.

16 September 2007 Converted to P5 31 Dec 2003 Fix tagging errors 12 December 2003 Encoded November 2003 Created

TEI-C Board of Directors meeting, November 9th 2003Minutes taken by Geoffrey Rockwell, TEI Board Secretary

Certification of meeting

The meeting was certified.

Approval of the agenda

The agenda was approved.

Matters arising from October 2002 meeting in Chicago

Tone Merete will update the Board TEI Procedures document with an item on elections and will circulate to the Board. Update Board TEI Procedures. All Board Members should review carefully. Board members should check it. Once the Board Procedures document is sorted out then we can move on to changes to the public document(s). The Board should discuss how public documents should be changed to reflect changes to our procedures.

There was an action item to create recruiting literature, funds permitting. We decided this was not worth doing.

Matters arising from the conference call in June 2003

Tone Merete will put up funding deadline document. Put up funding deadline document.

We discussed approaching Japanese funding sources about language encouraging TEI membership in grants. Claus approached Christian Wittern to see about this. Approaching Japanese funding sources about this would be premature, according to Christian. Instead we should stay in touch with Japanese contacts to include TEI membership in their grant proposals, and to encourage TEI-related funding applications. Stay in touch with Japanese contacts about encouraging TEI-related funding applications.

We discussed whether we can get DFG (German funding agency) to include similar language. Peter Robinson volunteered to pursue this. Peter Robinson will pursue the question of getting DFG to encourage membership in grants.

Lou talked to Laurent Romary about Feature Structures and ISO. The Feature Structures workgroup has successfully met.

Syd is following up on the GPL copyright license. Develop GPL copyright license for TEI.

Julia reported about the Logo group. None of the existing examples are acceptable yet. Julia will work with the group to develop a brief and to find a design class that might take this on as a project. Develop logo for the TEI.

Appointment of Chair of the Council

Christian Wittern was appointed Chair of the Council. Inform Wittern that he has been appointed Chair of the Council.

Appointment of Officers of the Board

Julia Flanders was appointed Chair of the Board. Geoffrey Rockwell was appointed Vice-Chair, Patrick Durusau was appointed Secretary and Claus Huitfeldt was reappointed Treasurer.

Members meeting 2003 Feedback

Peter Robinson reported on the Feedback form filled out by members at the meeting. There were 37 forms returned. Some of the issues that came up were:

  • The length of the meeting.
  • SIGs were successful and we need to discuss how they can be managed and supported.
  • We need to think about the number of Keynote and Invited speakers.
  • Attendees enjoyed the long breaks as opportunities to meet and talk with others.

Peter will circulate a more detailed report on the feedback for inclusion in the minutes. Circulate feedback report for 2003 meeting.

After discussion the following emerged as ideas for the next conference:

  • We should reduce the number of invited speakers.
  • We should have a poster session, possibly coordinated with a long break.
  • We should replace the Open Mike session with a session of short papers that are selected on the basis of a call for papers.
  • We should make more time for SIGs and their reports.
  • We might allocate time on the Thursday afternoon for SIG activities that would overlap or be coordinated with training.

We discussed how to organize and support the SIGs. Some of the issues that came up are:

  • Do we want one or more Board members to act as a conduit for SIGs to interact with the Consortium?
  • What will be the status of SIG documents and how can they make recommendations to the Board or Council?
  • Should the editors run the web sites for the SIGs or should they run their own?
  • Should we recommend that SIGs organize in a particular fashion? For example should we ask that they select a convenor?

Lou Burnard will work with them in the short term should they want a web site or discussion list. Contact SIG convenors to provide support. Peter will review and circulate his original SIG document. Review and circulate SIG document. Julia will take up the issue and lead future discussion and decision making should that be called for. Lead discussion and decisions on SIGs.

The Chair expressed our appreciation to the Organizing Committee for an excellent conference and meeting. The Committee included Laurent Romary, Peter Robinson, Lou Burnard and Syd Bauman. Tone Merete Bruvik also contributed significantly to the success of the meeting.

Members meeting 2004

We discussed possibilities for the next meeting in 2004. The suggestion that we find a local host in the Far East was discussed and it was noted that this would have an effect on the budget. We agreed that we needed to form a Organizing Committee to quickly identify a date and place for the next meeting.

To that end we selected an Organizing Committee that will include Tone Merete ex-officio, the Editors, and John Unsworth (who has to be contacted about this.) Contact John Unsworth to ask if he will join the Organizing Committee for the 2004 meeting. In the event that John is unwilling, Claus said he would do it.

The Organizing Committee is encouraged to report back by the end of January. Report back to Board with the place and date for the 2004 Members Meeting – Organizing Committee by Jan. 2004. Should it be possible to also identify a place for 2005 that would help with planning and securing funds.

Appointment of nominations committee for 2004

Bill Kretchmar and Edward Vanhoutte were selected for the Nominations Committee. Two board members were also, in accordance with the bylaws, appointed. They are Claus Huitfeldt and ???. The Chair will contact them to see if they are willing to serve. Contact Edward Vanhoutte and Bill Kretchmar about the Nominations Committee.

Report on the NEH project

Tone Merete reported briefly on the NEH project. She mentioned a problem with delayed reporting of expenses that makes it hard to complete the budget.

Editors’ Report

The Editors’ reports were discussed. The Board will ask the Council and Editors to publish a timetable for P5 and a formal statement of what P5 will do. The Board Chair will ask the Chair of the Council to facilitate this. Contact Council Chair about a timeline and formal statement about P5. There was also a question about when there will be an open process for submissions for P5.

Membership Recruiting

Tone Merete reported on our current membership and recruiting. We currently have 70 members of which 12 are new. Most new members are at a lower level. We have a problem with members paying late. We need to improve how we invoice members. [AI.16]

Financial statements

The projection for 2003 was approved.

The 2004 draft budget was introduced by the Treasurer. Claus mentioned how it is less than 2003 because of the absence of the NEH grant. We discussed the effect of the annual conference on the budget and the reduction in funds for invited speakers. We discussed the need to pursue grant opportunities to fund activities of the TEI. We agreed that our next year priority for funding is getting P5 out. New workgroups are a lesser priority.

The 2004 budget was approved.

Zampolli Memorials

We discussed how to recognize the contributions of Antonio Zampolli. It was agreed that we should work with other organizations to suitably recognize him. [AI.17]It was also suggested that we could dedicate P5 to him.

At this point the meeting was adjourned.