Agenda for TEI Board Conference Call: 5 May 2007

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Original text

16 September 2007 Converted to P5

Daniel O’Donnell

  • Certification of the Meeting
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Chair’s Report
  • Action Items
    • Action DO by ?: Arrange with CaféPress to sell a basic mug with the TEI logo.
    • Action DO, DP, JF, RS by ?: Continue the discussion of online payment.
    • Action JF, SB by 28 February 2007: Finalize SOP document and move it to the Consortium section.
    • Action JU by mid-March 2007: Try to have a TEI Tight plan for the Council to review before its next meeting; encourage PT to stick to his deadline.
    • Action DO by March 2007: Send out the call for bids for the 2008 Members’ Meeting.
    • Action JL by February 2007: Draft a strategy statement for how the TEI should go about taking advantage of grants.
  • Project and Committee Reports
    • Member’s Meeting
    • Council
    • Tite (covered by John’s email)
    • Website
    • I18N
    • Grants Committee
    • Nominations Committee
    • Next year’s (2008) meeting
  • Officers and Hosts