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This paper reports on the excavation of several units containing stratified material from the end of the Old Kingdom into the Early Dynastic levels. This work has been conducted under the auspices of the Pennsylvania State University and... more
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At the ARCE Annual Meeting in 2004 I presented preliminary results on the Old Kingdom – Early Dynastic strata of Tell er-Ruba, Mendes. At that time I discussed the stratagraphic and ceramic material associated with the 6 major building... more
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Although the memory of the 23rd Dynasty as preserved in Manetho may be imperfect, that imperfectness must have been present in the king-list tradition since the 25th Dynasty and must represent the 23rd Dynasty as the 25th Dynasty intended... more
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At previous ARCE Annual Meetings I have presented preliminary results on the ongoing excavations of the Old Kingdom – Early Dynastic strata of Tell er-Ruba, Mendes. In those reports, I discussed the stratagraphic and ceramic material... more
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The 2004 and 2006 Tel Aviv University excavations of the Early Bronze at Megiddo were conducted with two specific goals in mind: to expose the plan of the EBIb (J-4) temple and to elucidate the EBIII (J-5-7) rehabitation of the area.... more
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The 2004 and 2006 Tel Aviv University excavations of the Early Bronze at Megiddo were conducted with two specific goals in mind: to expose the plan of the EB Ib (J-4) temple and to elucidate the EB III (J-5-7) rehabitation of the area.... more
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In the 2006 and 2008 seasons at Megiddo, the Early Bronze Age excavations in Area J were expanded to two squares above the northwestern corner of the J-7 Temple 5269. This excavation allowed us to excavate down through the Middle and Late... more
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The ancient town of Mendes is the largest surviving archaeological site in the Egyptian Delta. This one time capital of Egypt boasts an occupational history of some 5000 years from the beginnings of agriculture to the Middle Ages. For... more
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In 1996, a cache of sixteen ceramic vessels was discovered in the cultic compound at Tel Megiddo by the Tel Aviv University Megiddo Expedition. The vessels have clear Egyptian affinities in form and technology, but were certainly made in... more
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The status of Memphis as the earliest capital of a unified Egyptian state has gone unquestioned in Egyptology. The basic modern reconstruction of the foundation of the city follows closely the reports of the Classical visitor, Herodotus,... more
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