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Soil and Water Research, 2018 (vol. 13), issue 4



Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):I-II | DOI: 10.17221/11359-SWR  

The use of Snyder synthetic hydrograph for simulation of overland flow in small ungauged and gauged catchmentsOriginal Paper


Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):185-192 | DOI: 10.17221/237/2017-SWR  

The paper presents the results of simulated overland flow on the Třebsín experimental area, Czech Republic, using the Snyder synthetic unit hydrograph. In this research an attempt was made to discover a new approach to overland flow simulation that could give precise results like the KINFIL model for a small ungauged catchment. The provided results also include a comparison with the KINFIL model for N = 10, 20, 50 and 100 year recurrence of rainfall-runoff, with the rainfall time duration td = 10, 20, 30, and 60 min. Concerning a small gauged catchment, one of the most accurate and elegant methodologies, Matrix Inversion...

The proportion of soil aggregates in dependence on the fraction composition of humic substancesOriginal Paper


Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):193-199 | DOI: 10.17221/207/2017-SWR  

Humic substances (HS) are an important stabilizing element in the formation of soil aggregates. The experiment included 6 soil types (Haplic Fluvisol, Haplic Chernozem, Cutanic Luvisol, Haplic Cambisol, Haplic Planosol, Rendzic Leptosol), each in four types of ecosystems (forest, meadow, urban, and agro-ecosystems). Soil macroaggregates were separated with the sieve (dry and wet sieve) to size fractions of net aggregates; humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) were divided into 3(4) fractions: free and bound with mobile R2O3, bound with...

Kinetics of non-exchangeable potassium release in selected soil orders of southern IranOriginal Paper

Gholamreza ZAREIAN, Mohammad Hady FARPOOR, Majid HEJAZI-MEHRIZI, Azam JAFARI

Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):200-207 | DOI: 10.17221/138/2017-SWR  

Non-exchangeable K release can greatly influence soil K fertility. This study was carried out to study the release of non-exchangeable K from 22 surface and subsurface soils of southern Iran using successive extraction with 10 mmol/l of CaCl2 and oxalic acid in a period of 2-1368 h at 25 ± 1°C. Alfisols, Aridisols, Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, and Histosols were among the studied soil orders. Illite, smectite, chlorite, vermiculite, kaolinite and palygorskite clay minerals were identified. The amount of non-exchangeable K varied from 95 to 506 mg/kg. Results showed that CaCl

Indication of environmental changes in mountain catchments by dendroclimatologyOriginal Paper


Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):208-217 | DOI: 10.17221/199/2017-SWR  

In the Czech Republic, mountain watersheds are mostly forested with dominant Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations. The aim of this paper is to analyse changes in radial growth and xylem anatomy of Norway spruce trees in the upper plain of the Jizera Mountains, related to changes in climate (air temperature, precipitation), air pollution and acid atmospheric deposition. Data of two neighbouring climate stations were used to detect trends in air temperatures and precipitation. At elevations of 745-1060 m a.s.l., the ring-width growth was significantly affected by mean annual temperature, while impacts of elevation and precipitation...

Fuzzy AHP for drought risk assessment in Lam Ta Kong watershed, the north-eastern region of ThailandOriginal Paper


Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):218-225 | DOI: 10.17221/158/2017-SWR  

Droughts occur from a combination of natural factors and human activities rather than just a single natural cause. Spatial factors have also heavily influenced the causes of draught. This study was conducted in the Lam Ta Kong watershed, Thailand. In this study, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method was applied to evaluate the risk of agricultural drought and the GIS technique was employed to give full consideration to the ambiguity and uncertainty of the agricultural drought risk. There are five risk factors to consider in the agricultural drought risk assessment and they are divided in a total of fifteen criteria: physical factors (slope...

Measurement and computation of kinetic energy of simulated rainfall in comparison with natural rainfallOriginal Paper


Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):226-233 | DOI: 10.17221/218/2016-SWR  

Rainfall characteristics such as total amount and rainfall intensity (I) are important inputs in calculating the kinetic energy (KE) of rainfall. Although KE is a crucial indicator of the raindrop potential to disrupt soil aggregates, it is not a routinely measured meteorological parameter. Therefore, KE is derived from easily accessible variables, such as I, in empirical laws. The present study examines whether the equations which had been derived to calculate KE of natural rainfall are suitable for the calculation of KE of simulated rainfall. During the experiment presented in this paper,...

Pollution status of agricultural land in China: impact of land use and geographical positionOriginal Paper

Xiaoming WAN, Junxing YANG, Wei SONG

Soil & Water Res., 2018, 13(4):234-242 | DOI: 10.17221/211/2017-SWR  

According to the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan released in May 2016, the soil quality of 666 666.7 ha of agricultural soil requires remediation before 2020. Despite the survey on the environmental quality of soil in China released in 2014, detailed data on current pollutant concentrations remain unavailable. To date, reports on soil environmental quality on the national scale are few. The current research aimed to gain a detailed understanding of soil pollution in China through literature study and data analysis. Data for eight potentially toxic elements (i.e., arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg),...