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Manage uploaded files

The files you upload are attached to pages in Confluence. Once a file is attached, you can download, delete, or edit it by uploading a new version.

Downloading attached files

Any user with permission to view a page can download files that are attached to that page. 

To download a file attached to a page:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select to open the more options menu, then select Attachments.

  3. Right click on the name of the file you’d like to download to save it to your computer, or select Download All (at the bottom of the table) to download all files attached to the page as a single zip file.

There's no option to download all attachments in a space at once.

Delete an attached file

Anyone with the Delete Attachment space permission can delete a file that is attached to a page. However, you must also have the Space Administrator permission to delete a specific version of a file.

To delete a file that is attached to a page:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments.

  3. Select Delete next to the attachment you want to delete.

  4. Select OK to confirm.

There is no option to delete all files on a page at once.

If you don’t see the Delete button in Step 3, you probably don’t have the permissions needed to delete attachments from a page. Contact a space administrator to request this permission (you can find a list of space administrators at the bottom of the page in Space settings > Manage space > Space details).

To delete a specific version of a file:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments.

  3. Select the expand arrow () to the left of the attachment’s name to see a list of all available versions of the attachment.

  4. Select Delete next to the version you want to delete.

  5. Select OK to confirm.

Space administrators can restore files from the trash, but when a specific version is deleted, it cannot be restored.

Table showing different attachments and their version history in Confluence Cloud

Upload a new version of an attached file

To upload a new version of an attached file:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Do either of the following:

    1. Upload a file with the same name as the current version to the page, OR

    2. Select the file to preview it, then select the up arrow icon. This allows you to upload a new version of an image or PDF that has a different name than the original.

To view versions of your attachments:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments..

  3. Select the expand arrow () to the left of the attachment’s name.

All available versions of the attachment will appear below it in the table.

Table showing different attachments and their version history in Confluence Cloud

You can download or share previous versions of an attachment, but it is not possible to revert to a previous version.

Move a file to another page

You'll need the Add Page, Add Attachment, and Remove Attachment space permissions to move an attached file to another page.

To change the page that a file is attached to:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments.

  3. Select Properties next to the attachment you want to move.

  4. In the Page field, enter the name of the destination page for the attachment (for example, My Destination Page). If the destination page is in another space, include the space key at the beginning of the page name (for example, DOC:My Destination Page).

  5. Select Save.

Note that the image will not appear on the page itself, but only as one of the page attachments visible in the attachments view ( > Attachments) and the Attachments macro.

Edit properties of an attached file

You'll need the Add Attachment permission in the space to edit the file properties. 

To edit the properties of an attached file:

  1. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments..

  2. Click Properties next to the attachment you want to edit. 

This allows you to:

  • Change the file name

  • Add a comment (used in the version list and also by the Snapshot image effect)

  • Change the MIME type

  • Move the attachment to another page

  • Add a label to the file

Changing the MIME type may cause your file to display incorrectly.

View all attached files in a space

To view all the files in a space:

  1. Go to the space in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select Space settings from the sidebar. 

  3. Select Attachments from the Manage content card.

Alternately, you can insert the space attachments macroon a page to display a list of all the attachments in a space. If you use this method, you can use the filters to display only files with a particular label or file extension. 

Output of the space attachments macro for a sample page

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