See the latest activity in a shared spreadsheet in Numbers on iPhone
You can easily get updates on what’s happened in a shared spreadsheet. The activity list captures when anyone you’ve invited to your spreadsheet does any of the following:
Makes edits, including adding, editing, resizing, moving and pasting (but not style changes).
Adds comments and replies to comments.
Joins a collaborative spreadsheet for the first time.
Manages the spreadsheet, like changing the password or restoring a spreadsheet.
You can also get notifications about different activities.
View activity in a shared spreadsheet
You can view a list of activities for a shared spreadsheet, so you can see what’s happened since the last time you visited the spreadsheet.

Go to the Numbers app
on your iPhone.
In a shared spreadsheet, tap
in the toolbar, then tap Show All Activity.
If you can’t see this option, you may need to exit a mode or close a sidebar.
Changes appear in a detailed list. The most recent edits and comments appear first. Activities related to people joining or managing the file are listed at the bottom.
Do any of the following:
Tap the disclosure arrow to see more detailed changes, such as edits made by one participant in several different places.
Tap a highlighted activity to show where the change was made and to mark all new updates as read.
Tip: To see a quick activity summary when you open a shared spreadsheet, tap
, then view recent updates under Latest Activity. If nothing has changed since your last visit, a message lets you know that you’ve caught up.
To close the activity list, tap
Here are some things to keep in mind:
The activity list includes activities made in the spreadsheet within at least the last 30 days, including your own. It highlights only the latest activities by others.
Newly added participants can see the entire collaboration history in the activity list (going back at least 30 days).
In a public spreadsheet (a spreadsheet with access set to “Anyone with the link” and permission set to “Can make changes”), participants marked as “Guest” in the activity list and in notifications haven’t signed in to iCloud.
Any comments attributed to “Somebody” were made by participants who made their comments and then opted out of the spreadsheet.
See participants at work in the spreadsheet
You can see what participants in a shared spreadsheet are doing in real time. In the spreadsheet, each participant appears as a cursor or highlight in a specific colour, which matches the colour next to their name in the participant list.

To see what participants are doing in real time:
Go to the Numbers app
on your iPhone.
In a shared spreadsheet, tap
in the toolbar.
Do any of the following:
Follow someone’s edits: Tap the person’s name in the participant list to jump to where they are working in the spreadsheet.
Show or hide activity (cursors or selections in different colours): Tap Activity Settings, then use the switch to show or hide participant cursors.
Manage activity notifications
When you collaborate on a shared spreadsheet, you can choose to be notified when someone joins, edits or comments on the spreadsheet.
Go to the Numbers app
on your iPhone.
In a shared spreadsheet, tap
in the toolbar, then tap Activity Settings.
Turn notifications on or off to see when someone joins, edits or comments.
You can also show or hide participant cursors and activity highlights.
Tap Done.
Note: If you aren’t getting notifications, you may need to allow notifications for the Numbers app. Go to Settings > Notifications > Numbers, then turn on Allow Notifications.