Create split edits in Final Cut Pro for Mac
You can set separate video and audio start and end points in an individual clip, creating a split edit. You can use a split edit to introduce the sound of a new shot or scene before cutting to the video of that shot or scene, or to extend the audio of a shot over a subsequent shot. For example, you could cut from a clip of a person talking to video of a person listening, while the audio from the first clip continues.
You can use split edits in many different situations—in dialogue scenes, when cutting to illustrative B-roll footage during an interview, or when transitioning from one scene to another. Split edits help you create seamless edits from one shot to the next.
The split edit technique results in L-shaped and J-shaped clips with audio extending to the left or the right. These are known as L-cuts and J-cuts.
Note: If you’re working on numerous split edits throughout your project, you might find it convenient to show expanded audio by displaying audio roles in separate lanes. See Organize the timeline with audio lanes in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
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