Hand off tasks between Apple devices
With Handoff, you can start a task on one device and complete it on another. For example, you can start reading a web page on Safari on your Mac, but then hand it off to your iPhone to finish it on the go.
You can use Handoff with many Apple apps — for example, Safari, Mail, FaceTime and Maps. Some third-party apps also work with Handoff.
Before you begin
Make sure of the following:
You’re signed in to the same Apple Account on both devices.
Both devices meet minimum system requirements for Handoff.
Turn on Handoff
Turn on Handoff on both your Mac and your other Apple device.
On your Mac: Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, click Generalin the sidebar, click AirDrop & Handoff, then turn “Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices” on or off. (You may need to scroll down.)
On iPhone or iPad: Go to Settings > General > AirPlay & Continuity, then turn on Handoff.
Hand off a task between your Mac and other devices
When your devices are near each other, an icon appears whenever a task can be handed off. Just tap or click the Handoff icon to continue working on your other device.
The Handoff icon appears in the following locations:
On a Mac: Toward the right end of the Dock, if the Dock is at the bottom of the screen. If you set up the Dock to appear on the left or right side of your screen, the Handoff icon appears at the bottom of the Dock.
You can also press Command-Tab to quickly switch to the app that has the Handoff icon.
On an iPhone: At the bottom of the App Switcher screen.
On an iPad: At the right end of the Dock.
If Handoff isn’t working
Make sure that both devices have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on, and you’re signed in to the same Apple Account.
Check that your app supports Handoff. Calendar, Contacts, FaceTime, Keynote, Mail, Maps, Pages, Numbers, Reminders and Safari, as well as many third-party apps, allow Handoff.