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my friend just told me that there’s a secret second dashboard that solely contains posts from people you’ve turned on post notifications for, and when i click the link in the messages it opens it within the tumblr app, so the tumblr app also has a secret second dashboard for post notification blogs, and the only way to access it is to open the link for it within the app.

i literally love tumblr

i have a private pinned post that just has a link to this dashboard on it, it’s great. two dashboards for life

wow! i was really hoping someone would organically reverse-engineer this and find that dash.

here are a few other “secret” dashboards:

these are all just taking existing feeds of content and putting them in a dashboard-like format… the “Stuff for you” tab/feed is the same idea.

I was sure this was going to be 5 rickrolls, but no, this is both legit and amazing.


I hate ageism in fandom, I met my best friend because of her fanfics and she’s the age of my parents, I’d never exchange her for anybody else. She writes beautiful stories and I draw her illustrations, perfect symbiosis. We even got matching tattoos lmao I love her so much

Most fandoms wouldn’t exist without older people’s work

To Tumblr, Love Pixel Union
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