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on Substack

The best time to start your Substack is today. We’re here to help you do your best work for your subscribers by connecting you to expert advice, insider tips, and a supportive community.

Publish the stories and ideas you want, how you want to

Substack gives writers flexibility to get their ideas out in writing, audio, video and more. Turn on paid subscriptions, or publish for free. You’re in control.

The fastest way to get started

Start a publication here with one of our basic themes. Then, simply upload your email list if you have one, and publish a first post— that could be a text post, discussion thread, podcast, video, or note. Just don’t forget to include a “subscribe” button.

Set up a subscription business

It’s free to get started on Substack. If you turn on paid subscriptions, Substack will keep a 10% cut of revenues for operating costs like development and customer support. Learn how to set up your Substack to generate an income below.

Before your first post

Here’s how to quickly dial in your settings and set up your publication’s basics, so you can start publishing right away.

Get clear on your value proposition

If you want your pitch to resonate with readers, you’ll need to understand who they are and what they want. Then, build a publication that appeals to their needs.

Customize your publication

What you choose for your name, logo, layout and publication descriptions all affect how subscribers recognize you and get to know your work. These elements are all easy to customize using our settings.

Create an editorial calendar

Consistency is key to growing a publication. We recommend publishing a post at least once a week as a benchmark to get started. Publishing on a regular schedule, for example every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m., helps readers build a habit and demonstrates your own commitment to your work.

Announce your publication

The launch is an important moment for your publication. It’s an opportunity to summon your supporters and drive a wave of excitement, attention, and subscriptions. Be bold and make a splash.

Publish an announcement post

Let the world know you are starting something new! Talk about why you’re launching a Substack, why it’s important to you, what readers can expect, and why they should join you. This should be a free post so everyone can see it. Don’t forget a button for readers to subscribe.

Tell everyone about your publication

Add your Substack URL to your email signature, personal website, as well as your social media links and bios. Don’t divide peoples’ attention: only direct people to one link. Keep posting and sharing your work as you go.

Empower supporters to spread the word

Endorsing and being endorsed by both writers and readers on Substack is the most powerful way to grow. Setting up a few features and collaborations before you launch will help you create the most momentum.

What’s next?

Keep exploring the tools and insider tips that will help you grow your audience, plus earn money directly from subscribers.