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Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
Cap resmi Aljir
Landihan: "Aljir nu Bodas"
Lokasi Aljir di Aljazair
Lokasi Aljir di Aljazair
Lokasi Aljir di Aljazair
Koordinat: 36°42′N 3°13′E
Nagara Aljazair
Wilayah Propinsi Aljir
Diadegkeun deui 944 M
 - Wali (Gubernur) Mohamed Kebir Addou
Populasi (2005)
 - Kota 1,519,570
 - Urban 2,029,936
 - Metro 3,518,083
Zona wanci CET (UTC+1)
Kode pos 16000-16132

Aljir (Basa Arab: الجزائر‎, Basa Arab Standar: Al Jaza'ir IPA: [ɛlʤɛˈzɛːʔir], Basa Arab Aljazair: Dzayer ([dzæjer] (tina pronunsiasi Berber), Basa Berber: , Ledzayer [ldzæjər], Basa Prancis: Alger [ɑlʒe]) nyaéta ibu kota sarta kota panggedéna di Aljazair tur mangrupa kota panggedéna kadua di Afrika Kalér sanggeus Kasablangka, Moroko. Dumasar kana sensus taun 1998, populasi kota ieu aya 1,519,570; di wewengkon urban aya 2,135,630; di wewengkon metropolitan aya 3,518,083; sarta di Propinsi Aljir sakabéhna aya 5,723,749 (2006). Ku kituna wewengkon urban Aljazair Raya mangrupa salah sahiji wewengkon panglegana di Maghreb[1] (sanggeus Kasablangka).

Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Katelah El-Bahdja (البهجة) atawa Alger la Blanche ("Algiers the White") for the glistening white of its buildings as seen rising up from the séa, Algiers is situated on the west side of a bay of the Mediterranean Sea. The city name is derived from the Arabic word al-jazā’ir, which translates as the islands, referring to the four islands which laid off the city's coast until becoming part of the mainland in 1525. Al-jazā’ir is itself a truncated form of the city's older name jazā’ir banī mazghannā, "the islands of (the tribe) Bani Mazghanna", used by éarly medieval géographers such as al-Idrisi and Yaqut al-Hamawi. Algiers is the only Algerian city with an English name different from its French name.

The modérn part of the city is built on the level ground by the séashore; the old part, the ancient city of the deys, climbs the steep hill behind the modérn town and is crowned by the casbah or citadel, Citakan:Ft to m above the séa. The casbah and the two quays form a triangle.

Hubungan sadulur

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Algiers has sister relationships with a number of cities worldwide:

In addition, many of the wards and cities within Algiers maintain sister-city relationships with other foreign cities.

Film ngeunaan Aljazair

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  1. (en) - http://www.citypopulation.de/ Thomas Brinkhoff: The Principal Agglomerations of the World.

Tempo ogé

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Tumbu luar

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