with our powers combined we can research and add citations to the wikipedia page on the 1140s in architecture
so I went to the counseling center at my school to set up an appointment etc etc and I know they have a therapy dog there and I was like “where’s the dog?” and the receptionist was like ‘oh I’m sorry, she’s in a meeting right now’ and I look over at the other room and there is a fucking dog sitting in a chair at a long table sitting next to all these people in business suits and I felt like I was in a dream
i love antique stores you go to check out & theyre like “where the hell did you get this”
But there’s also the curses
I've been looking through the tags and I'm cracking up.
Common themes:
-antique store worker confirming they REALLY don't know how something got there
-other retail employee (especially Barnes and Noble????) saying this isn't antique store specific
-guy who is definitely going to have to call a priest
-tales of excellent thrifting experiences that I'm going to share in this and subsequent reblogs
i love antique stores you go to check out & theyre like “where the hell did you get this”
But there’s also the curses
I’ve been looking through the tags and I’m cracking up.
Common themes:
-antique store worker confirming they REALLY don’t know how something got there
-other retail employee (especially Barnes and Noble????) saying this isn’t antique store specific
-guy who is definitely going to have to call a priest
-tales of excellent thrifting experiences that I’m going to share in this and subsequent reblogs
you look so perfect standing there watching as my car gets mauled by a bear
went to my best friend’s house last night and saw a little plushie dog and plushie cat that had been sewn together down the middle into a two-headed chimera. I said, “did you do that?” she said, “yes, I saved them.”
turns out at her old job when the last two plushies hadn’t sold and became deadstock, her boss told her to cut them up and throw them out. so she cut them each in half, preserved their heads, and then rebuilt them together.
cannot stop thinking about the way these little plushies were approached with the instinct of a Vampire or some sort of ancient god. “Let me save you [turn you into a monster].”
The fact that the beheading was at the order of a superior, and the solution was to create some sort of monster of disobediance to the letter of the law instead of just lying and saving them adds a certain mythological resonance.
“you just donated blood so don’t do heavy physical activity for 24 hours” is the sort of thing you remember 22 hours later as you’re pulling a 50-pound wheeled suitcase and running so you don’t miss your transportation
i donated blood for the first time in november and almost passed out during and after and it was all very dramatic. donated blood yesterday and it was totally unremarkable and i felt completely normal the whole time. yippee i love donating blood