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Version: XState v5

Stately Studio

Stately Studio is a suite of tools for building app logic, including the Editor, developer tools for XState, and much more coming soon.

A dog walk machine open in Stately Studio’s editor. The dog walk machine has cute puppy images for each state, showing a dog walking and running. The speed up event is selected, and information and options for that transition is shown in an inspector panel on the right.A dog walk machine open in Stately Studio’s editor. The dog walk machine has cute puppy images for each state, showing a dog walking and running. The speed up event is selected, and information and options for that transition is shown in an inspector panel on the right.

You can use Stately Studio’s editor to model your logic using state machines and statecharts visually; no code required! Collaborate on your machines with coworkers and friends with shared projects in teams. Use the XState VS Code extension to use the editor with your codebase inside your code editor, or export your code from Stately Studio into your codebase.

Stately Studio’s editor

Stately Studio’s editor supports everything you need to visually build state machines and statecharts. The editor currently has two modes; Design mode for creating your machines and Simulate mode for simulating how your machine works.

Quick start tutorials

You can access quick start tutorials from the blue Help button in the editor.

When you first visit the Editor, you’ll be shown two short videos (7m36s) as a quick start guide. You can access these videos again anytime from:

  • Editor menu > Help > Learn Stately.
  • The Help button > Learn Stately.

Projects and teams

Stately Studio Projects page for the Voyager team, showing a list of four projects, one with public machines, two with private machines, and one with unlisted machines.Stately Studio Projects page for the Voyager team, showing a list of four projects, one with public machines, two with private machines, and one with unlisted machines.

As a premium user, you can create and join teams in Stately Studio to share your machines and collaborate on private team projects. Read more about Projects and Teams.

Stately Studio Team page for the Voyager team, showing Captain Janeway with the owner and Admin role, Commander Chakotay with an Admin role, Lieutenant Tuvok, Lieutenant Torres, and Lieutenant Paris with Editor roles, and Ensign Kim with a Viewer role.Stately Studio Team page for the Voyager team, showing Captain Janeway with the owner and Admin role, Commander Chakotay with an Admin role, Lieutenant Tuvok, Lieutenant Torres, and Lieutenant Paris with Editor roles, and Ensign Kim with a Viewer role.

Discover machines

Are you seeking inspiration for your machine? Or do you want to learn from how somebody else models their machines? The Discover page lists all the public machines created with Stately Studio. Read more about the Discover page.

Stately Studio Discover page showing the search results for “auth”, filtered by editor machines under 10 states, showing 173 results.Stately Studio Discover page showing the search results for “auth”, filtered by editor machines under 10 states, showing 173 results.

Our roadmap

Do you want to request a feature in Stately Studio? Check out our roadmap to post your feature ideas and upvote other features. Our roadmap also shows you the features we have planned and those already in progress.

You can also keep up with the Stately team’s work in progress at our regular office hour live streams.