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E tswa ho Wiktionary

Sesotho word (South African orthography): ho
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): ho

English translation: to (used in conjunction with a verb)

Derivative(s)/Related word(s):
Example of usage: Ke batla ho sebetsa. (I want to work.)
Similar words:

ho - subject concord

In Sesotho nouns are divided into various noun classes. The noun class determines the subject concord for instance - this is very important in the construction of sentences.

Class Prefix Subject 
Example Translation
of example
1 mo- o mosadi woman
2 ba- ba basadi women
1a - o ntate father
2a ba- ba bontate fathers
3 mo- o mose dress
4 me- e mese dresses
5 le- le leleme tongue
6 ma- a maleme tongues
7 se- se sefate tree
8 di- di difate trees
9 - e ntja dog
10 di- di dintja dogs
Classes 11, 12 and 13 are mainly used in languages such as isiZulu and isiXhosa
14 bo- bo bohobe bread
15 ho- ho ho tsamaja to walk
16 - ho fatshe down
17 ho- ho hodimo up
18 mo- o mose abroad

--Sesotho.web.za 10:43, 20 June 2006 (UTC)