Papers by Gregory Martynenko
It is proposed to use rank means as statistics of empiric rank distributions. To calculate the fo... more It is proposed to use rank means as statistics of empiric rank distributions. To calculate the former ones random variable is substituted for ranks and statistic weights for frequencies (or their analogs) corresponding to these ranks. Rank means are characteristics of nonuniformity (concentration and scattering) of lexical units in different zones of frequency dictionary, uniform rank distributions being an etalon (a standard) according to which concentration and scattering are calculated. Rank distributions show rapid convergence to limiting values with the increase of sample volume but not until the population being investigated is homogeneous, e.g. it covers the dictionary of subject limited sublanguage.

Internet and Modern Society - Proc. of the Int. Sc. Conf. - XX Объединенная научная конференция «Интернет и современное общество» (IMS‑2017). ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО: ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ, НАУКА, КУЛЬТУРА И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ БУДУЩЕГО. КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ КИБЕРПРОСТРАНСТВА, 2017
В статье рассматривается структура и динамика пользовательского интереса к музыкальным видеозапис... more В статье рассматривается структура и динамика пользовательского интереса к музыкальным видеозаписям на международном видеохостинге YouTube. Данные для исследования получены с помощью сервиса YouTube Analytics авторского персонального канала, посвященного главным образом русской и украинской вокальной музыке. Использовались также результаты поисковых запросов по всему видеохостингу.
Исследование проведено в статике и динамике. В статике, с точки
зрения времени просмотра исследовано распределение пользовательского интереса к отдельным вокальным произведениям, а также распределение разных стран с точки зрения их обобщенного интереса к персональному каналу и его фрагментам. В динамике рассмотрены закономерности изменения пользовательского интереса во времени. Показано, что эта закономерность является результатом взаимодействия понижающего или повышающего тренда и циклических сезонных колебаний. Выявлены некоторые геополитические особенности интереса к русской народной и классической музыке.
The article deals with the structure and dynamics of user's interest in music videos published on the international video hosting YouTube. The data for the research were obtained from YouTube Analytics service for the author's personal YouTube channel, which is devoted mainly to Russian and Ukrainian vocal music. The results of common search requests in YouTube have been analyzed, too.
The research was carried out in statics and dynamics. In statics, in the aspect of number of views and the total viewing time, the distribution of users' interest in individual vocal compositions was investigated. Besides, different countries were ranged from the point of view of their generalized interest. In dynamics, the patterns of change in users' interest in a 3-years period are considered. In general, the graph of
user's interest is the result of the interaction of some downward or upward trend and cyclical seasonal fluctuations.
Some geopolitical features of users' interest in Russian traditional and classical music have been also revealed and discussed.

Аннотация В статье обсуждается зависимость размера словаря повседневной речи от числа расшифрован... more Аннотация В статье обсуждается зависимость размера словаря повседневной речи от числа расшифрованных звукозаписей (объема выборки) на материале корпуса «Один речевой день». Построены две динамические аналитические модели: одна в лингвистике является традиционной (функция Вейбулла), вторая (замедленная логистическая – функция Хауштайна) используется в научно-техническом прогнозировании. Установлено, что зависимость текст-словарь более адекватно описывает функция Хауштайна. Модель показала, что потенциальный словарь коллективной устной речи по своему объему не уступает индивидуальному словарю выдающихся русских писателей – словарю А. П. Чехова, Л. Н. Андрева, А. И. Куприна. Весь объем словаря вычерпывается при объеме выборки, равном 10 млн. словоупотреблений. Ключевые слова: отношение текст-словарь, объем словаря, лексическое богатство, аналитическое моделирование, функция Вейбулла, функция Хауштайна, аппроксимация, асимптотический уровень, прогнозирование, повседневная речь, русский язык, корпус «Один речевой день» -- Abstract The paper focuses on the dependence of the vocabulary size of everyday Russian speech on the number of transcribed recordings (sample size). The study is made on the material of "One Day of Speech" corpus known as the ORD corpus. Two dynamic analytical models are analyzed: the Weibull function, which is traditionally used in linguistics, and the slow logistics Haustein function, which is usually used in scientific and technological forecasting. It was revealed that the Haustein function describes this dependence more adequately. The model showed that the potential of collective vocabulary size of everyday speech is comparable with that of prominent Russian writers — individual vocabularies of Anton Chekhov, Leonid Andreev, Alexander Kuprin. It is expected that the potential vocabulary size may be reached on the sample size of 10 million words.

Аннотация. На материале корпуса «Один речевой день» рас-сматриваются симметрийные свойства линеар... more Аннотация. На материале корпуса «Один речевой день» рас-сматриваются симметрийные свойства линеаризованных структур зависимостей в сопоставлении с тремя письменными жанрами: поэзией, научной и художественной прозой. Обсуждается соотношение левоветвящихся и правоветвящихся структур с точки зрения зер-кальной и «золотой» симметрии. Ключевые слова. Линейный синтаксис, соподчинение, устная речь, письменная речь, зеркальная симметрия, золотая симметрия, русский язык. Abstract. The paper deals with symmetry properties in linear order of verbal groups studied on the material of the ORD corpus of Russian everyday speech. The data obtained on spontaneous speech are compared with that obtained on the material of three written genres: poetry, scientific texts and fiction. The ratio of left-branching structures to right-branching ones is considered in terms of mirror symmetry and the golden symmetry.
В статье рассматривается применение идеи симметрии в словесности в трех аспектах: при изучении ко... more В статье рассматривается применение идеи симметрии в словесности в трех аспектах: при изучении композиции вербального и музыкального текстов, при разыскании гармонического центра в интонационной структуре предложения, при анализе структурных и линейных порядков в структурном синтаксисе.
The article discusses the application of the idea of symmetry in linguistic and literature studies in three aspects: 1) in research of the composition in verbal and musical texts, 2) when finding the harmonic center in the intonation structure of the sentence, and 3) in analyzing syntactic structures and linear order in structural syntax.

The ORD corpus is one of the largest resources of contemporary spoken Russian. By 2014, its colle... more The ORD corpus is one of the largest resources of contemporary spoken Russian. By 2014, its collection numbered about 400 h of recordings made by a group of 40 respondents (20 men and 20 women, of different ages and professions), who volunteered to spend a whole day with a switched-on voice recorder, recording all their verbal communication. The corpus presents the unique linguistic material recorded in natural communicative situations, allowing spoken Russian and the everyday discourse to be studied in many aspects. However, the original sample of respondents was not sufficient enough to study a sociolinguistic variation of speech. Thus, it was decided to launch a large project aiming at the ORD sociolinguistic extension, which was supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation. The paper describes the general principles for the sociolinguistic extension of the corpus. It defines social groups which should be presented in the corpus in adequate numbers, sets criteria for selecting participants, describes the "recorder's kit" for the respondents and involves the adaptation principles of the ORD annotation and structure. Now, the ORD collection exceeds 1200 h of recordings, presenting speech of 127 respondents and hundreds of their interlocutors. 2450 macro episodes of everyday spoken communication have been already annotated, and the speech transcripts add up to 1 mln words.

The research presented in this paper has been conducted in the framework of the large sociolingui... more The research presented in this paper has been conducted in the framework of the large sociolinguistic project aimed at describing everyday spoken Russian and analyzing the special characteristics of its usage by different social groups of speakers. The research is based on the material of the ORD corpus containing long-term audio recordings of everyday communication. The aim of the given exploratory study is to reveal the linguistic parameters, in terms of which the difference in speech between different social groups is the most evident. An exploratory subcorpus, consisting of audio fragments of spoken communication of 12 respondents (6 men and 6 women, 4 representatives for each age group, and representatives of different professional and status groups) with the total duration of 106 min and of similar communication settings, was created and fully annotated. The quantitative description of a number of linguistic parameters on phonetic, lexical, morphological, and syntax levels in each social group was made. The biggest difference between social groups was observed in speech rate, phonetic reduction, lexical preferences, and syntactic irregularities. The study has shown that the differences between age groups are more significant than between gender groups, and the speech of young people differs most strongly from the others.

This article continues a historical review on the emergence and development of stylometrics which... more This article continues a historical review on the emergence and development of stylometrics which was published in the previous volume of “Structural and Applied Linguistics”. Being founded by Wilhelm Dittenberger, stylometrics expanded its geography in the Prst half of 20th century and enriched its methodological framework and interdisciplinary contacts. In Russia stylometrics appeared due to endeavours by N. A. Morozov. Later, the works by A. A. Chuprov, A. A. Markov, Andrei Bely, as well as the successes of Russian formal school and mathematical achievements of English biometrical school signiPcantly expanded the range of philological problems solved by means of mathematical methods. Later, there emerged new metric disciplines. In particular, artmetrics appeared Prst in the process of searching for culmination in verbal and musical text composition with help of the golden section. And then it was further developed in the search for criteria for measuring text aesthetics.
Данная работа является продолжением статьи, опубликованной в предыдущем выпуске сборника «Структурная и прикладная лингвистика». В первой половине XX века расширилась география стилеметрии, основанной В. Диттенбергером, обогатилась и ее методическая база и междисциплинарные контакты. Стилеметрия пришла в Россию благодаря усилиям Н. А. Морозова. В работах А. А. Чупрова, А. А. Маркова, Андрея Белого, в успехах русской формальной школы, в математических достижениях английской биометрической школы существенно расширился круг филологических проблем, решаемых с помощью математических методов. Появились новые метрические дисциплины, в частности возникла искусствометрия — сначала при поиске кульминации в композиции вербального и музыкального текста с помощью золотого сечения, а затем при поиске критериев измерения эстетичности текста.
Работа посвящена методике исследования интонации языков малочисленных народов, целью которого яв... more Работа посвящена методике исследования интонации языков малочисленных народов, целью которого является определение основных произносительных моделей для разных типов фраз и выявление наиболее общих закономерностей интонационной системы. Предлагаемый подход апробируется на материале ненецкого языка.

The studies described in the paper are made on the base of
the ORD – “One day of speech” – corpus... more The studies described in the paper are made on the base of
the ORD – “One day of speech” – corpus of Russian everyday speech which contains long-term audio recordings of daily communication. The ORD corpus provides rich authentic material for research in phonetics
and syntax of spoken Russian, and may be used for adjustment and improvement of speech synthesis and recognition systems. Current phonetic investigations of the ORD corpus relate to temporal studies, study of speech reduction, phonetic realization of words and affixes, investigation of phonetic errors and mondegreens, studies of rhythm structures and hesitation phenomena. Syntactic studies primarily deal with linear
word order of syntactic groups, syntactic complexity of spoken utterances, and specific syntactic phenomena of spontaneous speech. In this paper, we summarize main achievements in phonetic and syntactic studies made on the base of the ORD corpus and outline some directions for further investigations.

The songs by Rachmaninoff represent the superlative manifestation of Russian vocal lyrics, what m... more The songs by Rachmaninoff represent the superlative manifestation of Russian vocal lyrics, what makes these songs a perfect material to research interrelations between music and poetry. Structural interaction between poetry and musical components in Rachmaninoff's songs is studies by using the method of time series analysis. Time dynamics of two indices are compared. Stress index is used for describing poetry component of the song and pitch/duration index is used for describing its musical part. The methodology of comparative study is demonstrated on the example of three songs: All was Taken from Me, The Fountain and What Happiness. Time dynamics of pitch/duration index is turned out to be a complex phenomenon. It combines a general trend with cyclical fluctuations, for description of which the notion of a poetry-musical period (strophe) was introduced. As a rule, a whole period corresponds to four lines. The intonation contrasts are more explicitly expressed in musical components of the songs than in poetry ones.

1. The paper deals with the interdisciplinary potential of linguistics, revealing its relations t... more 1. The paper deals with the interdisciplinary potential of linguistics, revealing its relations to the general theory of coenoses, to the mathematics of harmony, and to a diverse number of metrical disciplines. The author intentionally skips well-known and evident interrelations of linguistics with other neighboring disciplines and focuses on less-researched interdisciplinary relations. The paper is unique in a way that the author uses his own research experience and includes only those interdisciplinary interactions that the author faced himself during his long and versatile research career path. That gives an opportunity to look at linguistics from new different perspectives and expand its potential further.
2. General theory of coenoses is an interdisciplinary theory that deals with community and population studies. This theory has an origin in biocoenosis (or ecosystems) studies that describe interacting of organisms living together in a common habitat. The theory was expanded and enriched by principles used in systems theory, classification theory, sociological theory, community theory, and theory of statistical population. You may also find coenoses or communities in different scientific fields (e.g., biogeocoenoses, technocoenoses, urban coenoses, linguistic coenoses, etc.).
Any text (both written or oral) being an integral unity consisting of multiple elements, not necessarily homogeneous, may be considered as a specific kind of coenosis. Text integrity is achieved by cohesiveness of author's ideas and unity of theme, plot, style, and other essential factors. The set of words, sentences or paragraphs, which constitute text, can be regarded as its lexical, syntactic and hyper-syntactic "population".
Regardless of the particular subject area, the researchers use common systemic notions and terms for description of communities, e.g., such terms as homogeneity-heterogeneity, stability-instability, balance-disbalance, order-randomness, concentration-dispersion, integrity- amorphousness, complexity-simplicity, etc. Interdisciplinary studies of coenoses use common mathematical models and methods of data processing within one conceptual framework.
3. Stylometrics (or stylometry) is a philological discipline associated with studies of linguistic style. It has its origin in the works of German philologist W. Dittenberger dedicated to the problem of anonymous text attribution. Stylometrics ideas have much in common with metrical studies in other scientific areas: biometrics (F. Galton and K. Pearson), psychometrics (G. Fechner), "art-metrics" (A. Zeising), biometrics, anthropometry methods used to identify criminals ("bertillonage" by A. Bertillon), econometrics (V. Pareto), and others. At the end of the XXth century the goals of stylometrics were reformulated expanding its area to the broader set of tasks associated with ordering and systematization of texts and their components in regard of stylistic features (e.g., taxonomy, attribution, dating, morphology, periodization, diagnosis, identification).
4. Mathematics of harmony is an interdisciplinary research area that is based on the synthesis of the theory of harmonic proportions and the theory of recurring sequences (such as Fibonacci sequences). In linguistics, it may be used for studying text composition, poetic structure, word frequency lists, rhythmic structures, etc. Mathematical concept of recursion was introduced in linguistics in form of syntactic ideas and the theory of generative grammar by N. Chomsky. When studying syntactic structures, this concept was expanded by adding specific linguistics content. Thereafter, this extended notion of linguistic recursion was brought back to mathematics where it is now used for typology of Fibonacci sequences. Thus, we observe the interdisciplinary migration and evolution of the term "recursion". The interdisciplinary aspect of this study is reinforced by the fact that these mathematical and linguistic structures can be introduced to any other scientific discipline where Fibonacci numbers are used (economics, medicine, architecture, music, etc.).
Данная работа является первой частью более крупной двухчастной статьи под заявленным названием. В... more Данная работа является первой частью более крупной двухчастной статьи под заявленным названием. В предлагаемой части рассматривается эпоха первичного становления стилеметрии. Рассматривается широкий междисциплинарный контекст, сформированный другими измеряющими общественных дисциплинами: антропометрией, биометрией, психометрикой, искусствометрией и др.
"The paper discusses the problem of the interaction between verbal and vocal components in Russia... more "The paper discusses the problem of the interaction between verbal and vocal components in Russian romances. Dynamics of such hybrid texts is studied on the example of the romance "Fountain" by Sergei Rachmaninoff (lyrics by F. Tyutchev) with the use of time series method. An accent index is used for studying poetic text, whereas a special index that take into account both pitch and duration is introduced for studying the vocal line.
В статье обсуждается проблема взаимодействия вербальной и вокальной составляющей в тексте русского романса. С помощью метода временных рядов на примере романса Сергея Рахманинова «Фонтан» (сл. Ф. Тютчева) исследуется динамика гибридного текста. В поэтическом тексте при измерении динамики используется индекс ударности, а в музыкальном – индекс ВД, соединяющий высотность и длительность."
Статья представляет собой первую попытку постановки вопроса об истории оснований деятельности по ... more Статья представляет собой первую попытку постановки вопроса об истории оснований деятельности по группированию единиц, характеризующихся полиморфизмом (но не самих таких группировок, разной логической природы, – классов, типов, периодов, районов и т.д.; последние привлекаются лишь в качестве иллюстративного материала) с древнейших времен до настоящего времени. Проводится попытка выделения 11 этапов развития этого вида деятельности – мифологического, логического, гностико-натурфилософского, схоластического, естественно-исторического, натурфилософского, исторического, рационально-позитивистского, математико-статистического, таксономо-мерономического и когнитологического – и дается краткая характеристика каждого из них.

This paper concerns the thesaurus approach which is a part of the theory of leitmotif. This metho... more This paper concerns the thesaurus approach which is a part of the theory of leitmotif. This method is mainly used in philology and aesthetics and involves text corpus creation and text indexing by keywords. We can assume that the founder of this approach in Russia was Korney Chukovsky. Chukovsky’s method allows to perform bibliographic and semantic information retrieval, as well as to perform different data classifications.
Рассматривается тезаурусный подход в литературоведении, являющийся частью теории лейтмотива. Основоположником такого подхода в России является К.И.Чуковский. Этот подход включает в себя формирование информационного массива и индексирование текста с помощью оценочных ключевых слов, характеризующих автора и его произведения. Метод Чуковского позволяет производить авторский, документальный лексикографический поиск, а также производить различного рода классификационные операции.
Papers by Gregory Martynenko
Исследование проведено в статике и динамике. В статике, с точки
зрения времени просмотра исследовано распределение пользовательского интереса к отдельным вокальным произведениям, а также распределение разных стран с точки зрения их обобщенного интереса к персональному каналу и его фрагментам. В динамике рассмотрены закономерности изменения пользовательского интереса во времени. Показано, что эта закономерность является результатом взаимодействия понижающего или повышающего тренда и циклических сезонных колебаний. Выявлены некоторые геополитические особенности интереса к русской народной и классической музыке.
The article deals with the structure and dynamics of user's interest in music videos published on the international video hosting YouTube. The data for the research were obtained from YouTube Analytics service for the author's personal YouTube channel, which is devoted mainly to Russian and Ukrainian vocal music. The results of common search requests in YouTube have been analyzed, too.
The research was carried out in statics and dynamics. In statics, in the aspect of number of views and the total viewing time, the distribution of users' interest in individual vocal compositions was investigated. Besides, different countries were ranged from the point of view of their generalized interest. In dynamics, the patterns of change in users' interest in a 3-years period are considered. In general, the graph of
user's interest is the result of the interaction of some downward or upward trend and cyclical seasonal fluctuations.
Some geopolitical features of users' interest in Russian traditional and classical music have been also revealed and discussed.
The article discusses the application of the idea of symmetry in linguistic and literature studies in three aspects: 1) in research of the composition in verbal and musical texts, 2) when finding the harmonic center in the intonation structure of the sentence, and 3) in analyzing syntactic structures and linear order in structural syntax.
Данная работа является продолжением статьи, опубликованной в предыдущем выпуске сборника «Структурная и прикладная лингвистика». В первой половине XX века расширилась география стилеметрии, основанной В. Диттенбергером, обогатилась и ее методическая база и междисциплинарные контакты. Стилеметрия пришла в Россию благодаря усилиям Н. А. Морозова. В работах А. А. Чупрова, А. А. Маркова, Андрея Белого, в успехах русской формальной школы, в математических достижениях английской биометрической школы существенно расширился круг филологических проблем, решаемых с помощью математических методов. Появились новые метрические дисциплины, в частности возникла искусствометрия — сначала при поиске кульминации в композиции вербального и музыкального текста с помощью золотого сечения, а затем при поиске критериев измерения эстетичности текста.
the ORD – “One day of speech” – corpus of Russian everyday speech which contains long-term audio recordings of daily communication. The ORD corpus provides rich authentic material for research in phonetics
and syntax of spoken Russian, and may be used for adjustment and improvement of speech synthesis and recognition systems. Current phonetic investigations of the ORD corpus relate to temporal studies, study of speech reduction, phonetic realization of words and affixes, investigation of phonetic errors and mondegreens, studies of rhythm structures and hesitation phenomena. Syntactic studies primarily deal with linear
word order of syntactic groups, syntactic complexity of spoken utterances, and specific syntactic phenomena of spontaneous speech. In this paper, we summarize main achievements in phonetic and syntactic studies made on the base of the ORD corpus and outline some directions for further investigations.
2. General theory of coenoses is an interdisciplinary theory that deals with community and population studies. This theory has an origin in biocoenosis (or ecosystems) studies that describe interacting of organisms living together in a common habitat. The theory was expanded and enriched by principles used in systems theory, classification theory, sociological theory, community theory, and theory of statistical population. You may also find coenoses or communities in different scientific fields (e.g., biogeocoenoses, technocoenoses, urban coenoses, linguistic coenoses, etc.).
Any text (both written or oral) being an integral unity consisting of multiple elements, not necessarily homogeneous, may be considered as a specific kind of coenosis. Text integrity is achieved by cohesiveness of author's ideas and unity of theme, plot, style, and other essential factors. The set of words, sentences or paragraphs, which constitute text, can be regarded as its lexical, syntactic and hyper-syntactic "population".
Regardless of the particular subject area, the researchers use common systemic notions and terms for description of communities, e.g., such terms as homogeneity-heterogeneity, stability-instability, balance-disbalance, order-randomness, concentration-dispersion, integrity- amorphousness, complexity-simplicity, etc. Interdisciplinary studies of coenoses use common mathematical models and methods of data processing within one conceptual framework.
3. Stylometrics (or stylometry) is a philological discipline associated with studies of linguistic style. It has its origin in the works of German philologist W. Dittenberger dedicated to the problem of anonymous text attribution. Stylometrics ideas have much in common with metrical studies in other scientific areas: biometrics (F. Galton and K. Pearson), psychometrics (G. Fechner), "art-metrics" (A. Zeising), biometrics, anthropometry methods used to identify criminals ("bertillonage" by A. Bertillon), econometrics (V. Pareto), and others. At the end of the XXth century the goals of stylometrics were reformulated expanding its area to the broader set of tasks associated with ordering and systematization of texts and their components in regard of stylistic features (e.g., taxonomy, attribution, dating, morphology, periodization, diagnosis, identification).
4. Mathematics of harmony is an interdisciplinary research area that is based on the synthesis of the theory of harmonic proportions and the theory of recurring sequences (such as Fibonacci sequences). In linguistics, it may be used for studying text composition, poetic structure, word frequency lists, rhythmic structures, etc. Mathematical concept of recursion was introduced in linguistics in form of syntactic ideas and the theory of generative grammar by N. Chomsky. When studying syntactic structures, this concept was expanded by adding specific linguistics content. Thereafter, this extended notion of linguistic recursion was brought back to mathematics where it is now used for typology of Fibonacci sequences. Thus, we observe the interdisciplinary migration and evolution of the term "recursion". The interdisciplinary aspect of this study is reinforced by the fact that these mathematical and linguistic structures can be introduced to any other scientific discipline where Fibonacci numbers are used (economics, medicine, architecture, music, etc.).
В статье обсуждается проблема взаимодействия вербальной и вокальной составляющей в тексте русского романса. С помощью метода временных рядов на примере романса Сергея Рахманинова «Фонтан» (сл. Ф. Тютчева) исследуется динамика гибридного текста. В поэтическом тексте при измерении динамики используется индекс ударности, а в музыкальном – индекс ВД, соединяющий высотность и длительность."
Рассматривается тезаурусный подход в литературоведении, являющийся частью теории лейтмотива. Основоположником такого подхода в России является К.И.Чуковский. Этот подход включает в себя формирование информационного массива и индексирование текста с помощью оценочных ключевых слов, характеризующих автора и его произведения. Метод Чуковского позволяет производить авторский, документальный лексикографический поиск, а также производить различного рода классификационные операции.
Исследование проведено в статике и динамике. В статике, с точки
зрения времени просмотра исследовано распределение пользовательского интереса к отдельным вокальным произведениям, а также распределение разных стран с точки зрения их обобщенного интереса к персональному каналу и его фрагментам. В динамике рассмотрены закономерности изменения пользовательского интереса во времени. Показано, что эта закономерность является результатом взаимодействия понижающего или повышающего тренда и циклических сезонных колебаний. Выявлены некоторые геополитические особенности интереса к русской народной и классической музыке.
The article deals with the structure and dynamics of user's interest in music videos published on the international video hosting YouTube. The data for the research were obtained from YouTube Analytics service for the author's personal YouTube channel, which is devoted mainly to Russian and Ukrainian vocal music. The results of common search requests in YouTube have been analyzed, too.
The research was carried out in statics and dynamics. In statics, in the aspect of number of views and the total viewing time, the distribution of users' interest in individual vocal compositions was investigated. Besides, different countries were ranged from the point of view of their generalized interest. In dynamics, the patterns of change in users' interest in a 3-years period are considered. In general, the graph of
user's interest is the result of the interaction of some downward or upward trend and cyclical seasonal fluctuations.
Some geopolitical features of users' interest in Russian traditional and classical music have been also revealed and discussed.
The article discusses the application of the idea of symmetry in linguistic and literature studies in three aspects: 1) in research of the composition in verbal and musical texts, 2) when finding the harmonic center in the intonation structure of the sentence, and 3) in analyzing syntactic structures and linear order in structural syntax.
Данная работа является продолжением статьи, опубликованной в предыдущем выпуске сборника «Структурная и прикладная лингвистика». В первой половине XX века расширилась география стилеметрии, основанной В. Диттенбергером, обогатилась и ее методическая база и междисциплинарные контакты. Стилеметрия пришла в Россию благодаря усилиям Н. А. Морозова. В работах А. А. Чупрова, А. А. Маркова, Андрея Белого, в успехах русской формальной школы, в математических достижениях английской биометрической школы существенно расширился круг филологических проблем, решаемых с помощью математических методов. Появились новые метрические дисциплины, в частности возникла искусствометрия — сначала при поиске кульминации в композиции вербального и музыкального текста с помощью золотого сечения, а затем при поиске критериев измерения эстетичности текста.
the ORD – “One day of speech” – corpus of Russian everyday speech which contains long-term audio recordings of daily communication. The ORD corpus provides rich authentic material for research in phonetics
and syntax of spoken Russian, and may be used for adjustment and improvement of speech synthesis and recognition systems. Current phonetic investigations of the ORD corpus relate to temporal studies, study of speech reduction, phonetic realization of words and affixes, investigation of phonetic errors and mondegreens, studies of rhythm structures and hesitation phenomena. Syntactic studies primarily deal with linear
word order of syntactic groups, syntactic complexity of spoken utterances, and specific syntactic phenomena of spontaneous speech. In this paper, we summarize main achievements in phonetic and syntactic studies made on the base of the ORD corpus and outline some directions for further investigations.
2. General theory of coenoses is an interdisciplinary theory that deals with community and population studies. This theory has an origin in biocoenosis (or ecosystems) studies that describe interacting of organisms living together in a common habitat. The theory was expanded and enriched by principles used in systems theory, classification theory, sociological theory, community theory, and theory of statistical population. You may also find coenoses or communities in different scientific fields (e.g., biogeocoenoses, technocoenoses, urban coenoses, linguistic coenoses, etc.).
Any text (both written or oral) being an integral unity consisting of multiple elements, not necessarily homogeneous, may be considered as a specific kind of coenosis. Text integrity is achieved by cohesiveness of author's ideas and unity of theme, plot, style, and other essential factors. The set of words, sentences or paragraphs, which constitute text, can be regarded as its lexical, syntactic and hyper-syntactic "population".
Regardless of the particular subject area, the researchers use common systemic notions and terms for description of communities, e.g., such terms as homogeneity-heterogeneity, stability-instability, balance-disbalance, order-randomness, concentration-dispersion, integrity- amorphousness, complexity-simplicity, etc. Interdisciplinary studies of coenoses use common mathematical models and methods of data processing within one conceptual framework.
3. Stylometrics (or stylometry) is a philological discipline associated with studies of linguistic style. It has its origin in the works of German philologist W. Dittenberger dedicated to the problem of anonymous text attribution. Stylometrics ideas have much in common with metrical studies in other scientific areas: biometrics (F. Galton and K. Pearson), psychometrics (G. Fechner), "art-metrics" (A. Zeising), biometrics, anthropometry methods used to identify criminals ("bertillonage" by A. Bertillon), econometrics (V. Pareto), and others. At the end of the XXth century the goals of stylometrics were reformulated expanding its area to the broader set of tasks associated with ordering and systematization of texts and their components in regard of stylistic features (e.g., taxonomy, attribution, dating, morphology, periodization, diagnosis, identification).
4. Mathematics of harmony is an interdisciplinary research area that is based on the synthesis of the theory of harmonic proportions and the theory of recurring sequences (such as Fibonacci sequences). In linguistics, it may be used for studying text composition, poetic structure, word frequency lists, rhythmic structures, etc. Mathematical concept of recursion was introduced in linguistics in form of syntactic ideas and the theory of generative grammar by N. Chomsky. When studying syntactic structures, this concept was expanded by adding specific linguistics content. Thereafter, this extended notion of linguistic recursion was brought back to mathematics where it is now used for typology of Fibonacci sequences. Thus, we observe the interdisciplinary migration and evolution of the term "recursion". The interdisciplinary aspect of this study is reinforced by the fact that these mathematical and linguistic structures can be introduced to any other scientific discipline where Fibonacci numbers are used (economics, medicine, architecture, music, etc.).
В статье обсуждается проблема взаимодействия вербальной и вокальной составляющей в тексте русского романса. С помощью метода временных рядов на примере романса Сергея Рахманинова «Фонтан» (сл. Ф. Тютчева) исследуется динамика гибридного текста. В поэтическом тексте при измерении динамики используется индекс ударности, а в музыкальном – индекс ВД, соединяющий высотность и длительность."
Рассматривается тезаурусный подход в литературоведении, являющийся частью теории лейтмотива. Основоположником такого подхода в России является К.И.Чуковский. Этот подход включает в себя формирование информационного массива и индексирование текста с помощью оценочных ключевых слов, характеризующих автора и его произведения. Метод Чуковского позволяет производить авторский, документальный лексикографический поиск, а также производить различного рода классификационные операции.
в доступной для массового читателя форме обсуждаются основные идеи, касающиеся интерпретации гармонии в философии, математике, естественных и гуманитарных науках, об осмыслении этой категории в различных искусствах: архитектуре, музыке, живописи, дизайне,
художественной литературе. В центре внимания автора — математические и эстетические проблемы. Основной объект исследования — гармонические пропорции, рекуррентные последовательности, симметрийные структуры.
Книга выполнена в широком междисциплинарном аспекте и предназначена для специалистов самых разнообразных областей знания, творческой и практической деятельности: от математики и астрономии до музыковедения и литературоведения.
ISBN 978-5-905107-16-0
Для широкого круга лингвистов - специалистов в области лингвистики текста, семантики, стилистики, прагматики, а также для семиотиков, методологов науки, классиологов, биологов-систематиков, патентоведов, геологов, палеонтологов и др.
Исследование рассчитано на широкий круг филологов-русистов, стиховедов, искусствоведов, специалистов в области структурной, прикладной и квантитативной лингвистики.