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Two guys who just happen to be one of Kanto's greatest power couples; the mysterious but loving Red Oak and his still ever so annoying but also so adorable about it husband Green Oak! What a day their wedding was, with what was quite possibly the most intense Pokemon battle to show their love for each other. But how did we get here? This page documents all their significant gameverse interactions!

Underlined text contains additional info when hovered over on desktop.

TO DO: Add more images, polish many parts, break into TPC headquarters for more answers...


In a quiet place called Pallet Town, Red and Green are two inseparable best friends who have always had friendly competitions over everything, ever since they were literal adorable little babies. Seems Red's complete quietness is no big deal even for a wild kid like Green, as they need no words to understand each other. Surely they'll always be together and have each other's backs!

When the two hit the age of eleven, Green's stops playing with Red and turns distant from him. Maybe he's just preparing well for the day he gets his very first Pokemon. Red stops trying to reach him and decides to spend all his time alone reading about Pokemon as well, but Green always lingers on his mind. The printed manual for Red and Blue seems to be from Red's point of view at times, stating that maybe there's still a way he and his childhood friend could work things out. Green is a good kid at heart, right?

It's the day their journey finally begins! And, well... Green could NOT be more annoying right now..! If you're playing RB, he accuses Red of being greedy for choosing first. If you're playing Yellow, he straight up snatches Eevee meant for Red right in front of him! And then bidding everyone bye bye with something as dumb as "Smell ya later"!? Still, Daisy is right. Red should look after him.

Green spends the entirety of RGBY being a condescending know-it-all who gets his ass handed to him by Red and Leaf. But also there are times their old friendship suddenly manifests again, as if they for a moment remembered. One being Green rushing to hug Red in fear in Pokemon Origins (they made sure the animation looks good at this part!). Soon, Red finally ends his short lived time as champion, causing Green to storm off likely in tears. Later Green's seen moping in the Sevii Islands. It is unknown what happens next, but considering Red's very kind nature, I believe he comforted his old friend. However, in Pokemon Zensho, G1 ends with Red and Green remembering their friendship and joining forces to go catch Mewtwo.

Pokemon Let's Go seems to take place between G1 and G2, some time after Red becomes champion. Did you know the prototypes had Green interacting with an invisible Red a lo, who would've accompanied him from the beginning? And everything showing the Kanto Trio's friendship was just... removed. Even though it would've made the game more interesting. I'm not petty about this at all.


Green is once again away from the gym. Seriously, is he ever around? Green is found at Cinnabar Island and begins telling oddly pensive, poetic things to the G2 protagonist with no boasting nor childish insults. In HGSS, after spending enough time with Daisy, you get his phone number. And his poetic thoughts and "whatever"s begin again. But one line of dialogue sticks out.

"I'm Blue. Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven't seen him in a long time... I wonder where he is and what he's up to... Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just... Just a little bit. Whatever..."

At this point Green's tone tells he regrets having been an ass in the past. If I didn't know of Red's whereabouts yet at this point, I'd start getting worried. Red's mother trusts him enough to do his own thing, but living on an ice mountain? All alone? Red, you are so dead. Or so you think until you at last encounter him. An epic battle ensues. Red is surprised by your power. And then he fades away again.

GS's SpaceWorld demo has a slightly different story. Green shows up at the beginning as Professor Oak's aide and hands you the Pokedex. He tells you about someone who showed him humility and how you remind Green of this someone. Green was able to mend his way thanks to him. Notably, he spaces out for a bit when talking about all this. The story was changed later on, but Green's thoughts of Red remain the same.

Will we ever find out what happens next? How will Red return? How will Green react? Tune in to the next chapter in the great Reguri timeline, which is...


Hey, look at them! Pokemon Masters says Red is not only Green's rival, but also his best friend! The Mt. Silver conflict has been resolved! How? Why don't you go write a hearfelt fanfic about it is probably how The Pokemon Company would officially make a statement. Still, I would've wanted to know...

Pokemon Masters is one of Pokemon's more recent moneymaking schemes, having also seemingly figured out the art of gaybaiting. Of course I am taking the bait. Green loves, and I mean REALLY loves bringing up Red all the time. That and also:
  • He admits he thinks Red is amazing, but still seems coy about others knowing.
  • He's always bringing up how his rivalry is what all rivalry should strive to be.
  • He laughs in the face of those who think they can defeat Red.
  • He has an almost telepathic understanding of Red without needing Red to say anything!?
  • He can easily tell which of two Reds is the real Red just based off of vibes when others can't.
  • He really wants you to know that the meals he eats are better than Red's... for some reason.

But the question remains: what does Red think of Green? Sure he laughs and smiles along with him, but still it's hard to tell what he's thinking. The main story gives us a bit of an idea. Just before the finals, Green is feeling insecure about being in the same team as Red and Leaf, expressing a worry that Red looks down on him, merely seeing him as a right-hand man rather than a rival. When there's no immediate answer from Red to Green's request for a battle, Green tells everone to forget about it. Red however speaks at this point, exclaiming that he accepts Green's challenge before the biggest showdown. I believe this is Red expressing that he thinks of Green as his equal, not as someone who stands in the sidelines.

In the villain arc, Red gets scolded by Green for running off to handle things completely on his own again. Nevertheless, Green is happy to see him alive and well. Though the day is saved by Red going for the most rash, albeit impressive, decision to destroy the whole building with a Gigantamaxed Snorlax, seems he still has yet to learn to accept others' help...

And one more thing, what did the official Pokemon Masters Twitter mean by this?


Your journey is still very much not over, as the Battle Tree still awaits you. It is revealed that it's run by Red and Green, now all grown up! Red is once again exploring the world instead of isolating and Green is still lightheartedly joking about Red's old habits, back to being extremely enthusiastic to battle when he could only barely bother showing up at his gym during G2. Get through the Battle Tree and you get to have another battle against them, with music that mashes both of their themes together, to really make them THE power couple of this place that's not to be messed with.

Red and Green going on a vacation together and continuing to run a battle facility together truly feels like a happy ending for the two. The book ends here for now, but possibilities are still endless when you're once again having the time of your life with your one true rival and childhood friend.


At this point, you may have noticed the amount of unanswered questions regarding what happened in between all these generations. There is no canon reason given for why Red decided to isolate himself and not even talk to his mother for a while, but don't you think it's odd to not address this elephant in the room? The two have canonically visited Unova and in G6, what was that time for them like? In XY, Green is mentioned to currently be studying in Kalos, but what? It is plenty of room for imagination and personal ideas, but a bit infuriating when these are barely elaborated on. Yet Pokemon Masters especially throws in a new tidbit of characterization every now and then, so perhaps it is still possible these questions will be answered some day. For now, I keep on being at least one person out here with ideas.