Practicum Education

Through practicum education, students complete academic internships in an agency in the community, where they learn and practice increasingly advanced social work skills alongside veteran social workers who supervise them. Students also take an accompanying practice course and practicum seminar where they can debrief and learn from their internship experiences.

The Steve Hicks School partners with hundreds of agencies and professional social workers in Austin and beyond to provide structured, experiential learning opportunities for BSW and MSSW students, build capacity in the community and advance social justice. Agencies in central Texas and beyond are eager to host Longhorn social work interns because of their high caliber and the programmatic support that the Steve Hicks School provides.

In their last semester, BSW students develop their professional skills through 400 clock-hours of internship in an agency in the community.

Through a first and a final practicum placement, MSSW students develop their professional skills through 900 clock-hours of internship in an organization in the community.

Explore programs that offer student funding and specialized training.

Learn about some of our practicum placements and what our students are doing in them.

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Forms and Guides

Find forms, guides and other practicum-related resources for BSW and MSSW students.

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Resources for Instructors

Find trainings, forms and manuals for instructors and agencies.

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Host a Social Work Intern

Social work interns bring many benefits such as additional helping hands from tech-savvy students eager to contribute, free CEUs, and support from a Steve Hicks School faculty liaison.