Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences , 2020
Uma campanha de triagem em grande escala rendeu dezenas de estruturas cristalinas de pequenos fra... more Uma campanha de triagem em grande escala rendeu dezenas de estruturas cristalinas de pequenos fragmentos de moléculas que se ligam à protease principal do SARS-CoV-2. A comunidade de pesquisa global é encorajada a persegui-los como pontos de partida para a descoberta de medicamentos para COVID-19.
Palavras Chave: Covid-19, Medicamentos, Farmacologia, Terapêutica, Tratamento.
Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
Google Scholar is a Google search tool that allows you to search academic papers, school literatu... more Google Scholar is a Google search tool that allows you to search academic papers, school literature, university newspapers and various articles. Launched in November 2004, it started offering searches in Portuguese on January 10, 2006 [1].
Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2].
The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database.
We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community.
Keywords: Google Scholar; H index, BJIHS
Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
The state of Amapá is located in the extreme north of Brazil, within the Amazon rainforest and is... more The state of Amapá is located in the extreme north of Brazil, within the Amazon rainforest and is crossed by the Equator. It has a hot and humid climate with rains that last 8 months a year and 4 months of unrelenting sun that melts rubber from car seals, fries eggs on the floor and even cooks a whole egg tub, in case you forget in a car exposed to the sun . It was believed that with this potent solar incidence, the Sars-COV 2 virus would not have so much impact in this region, a terrible mistake! Today Amapá has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in the whole of Brazil, with a maid of 600 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants and in the Amazon it is the 3rd in deaths and loses in this item only to the state of Amazonas and Pará.

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
Introdução: As próteses fixas implanto-suportadas são alternativas de tratamentos cada dia mais f... more Introdução: As próteses fixas implanto-suportadas são alternativas de tratamentos cada dia mais frequente nas clinicas odontológicas. Elas podem ser parafusadas ou cimentadas dependendo do planejamento cirúrgico. As próteses parafusadas são reversíveis, tem maior infiltrado bacteriano, estética prejudicada pelo orifício dos parafusos. As próteses cimentadas têm dificuldades de reversão, perda da prótese em caso de afrouxamento de parafuso e uma melhor estética por não ter orifício do parafuso. Objetivos: Nesse contexto, o presente estudo, pretender avaliar os níveis de resistência a tração dos copping´s cimentados por 2 diferentes tipos de cimentos para fixação de coroas implanto-suportadas cimentadas. Metodologia: Foram confeccionados três corpos de prova com implantes e coroas cimentadas com diferentes matérias, onde cada um desses corpos de prova foi submetido a um teste de tracionamento. Resultados: Os copping´s cimentados com cimento fosfato de zinco (CP1 e CP4) exigiram uma força de tração de 118.02 kgf e 213.63 kgf respectivamente, enquanto os copping´s cimentados com cimento resinoso (C2 e C3) exigiram uma força de tração de 258.93 kgf e 228.87 kgf respectivamente. Conclusão: Dentro das limitações das atuais condições in vitro empregadas neste estudo, a retenção de copping's de coroa cimentada nos pilares de implantes com cimento resinoso e cimento fosfato de zinco foi significativamente afetada pelo tipo de cimento. O cimento resinoso exigiu uma força de tração significativamente maior que o cimento fosfato de zinco para a remoção dos coping's.

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
Introdução: O objetivo deste trabalho é aprofundar o conhecimento da doença peri-implantar e os ... more Introdução: O objetivo deste trabalho é aprofundar o conhecimento da doença peri-implantar e os tratamentos existentes descritos na literatura. Material e método: Revisão bibliográfica das doenças peri-implantares, com base em uma pesquisa nos indexadores Pubmed, Medline e Cochrane Library, utilizando os uni termos " peri-implantite, mucosite, dependência de tabaco, microbiota oral, sobrecarga oclusal, tratamento cirúrgico, terapia antimicrobiana, desintoxicação, terapia regenerativa, defeitos ósseos ". Desenvolvimento e discussão: Análise de fatores de risco, diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças peri-implantares. Conclusões: Fatores como tabaco ou histórico de periodontite, juntamente com falta de higiene bucal, são as principais causas da doença peri-implantar. Um diagnóstico correto da etiologia, bem como a escolha apropriada da terapêutica, pode interromper o avanço da doença peri-implantar. Após o tratamento realizado, será muito importante o monitoramento e manutenção regulares da higiene bucal adequada.

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
Introduction: Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new coron... more Introduction: Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new coronavirus agent was discovered on 12/31/19 after cases registered in China. It causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19). The first human coronaviruses were isolated for the first time in 1937. However, it was in 1965 that the virus was described as coronavirus, due to the profile under microscopy, looking like a crown.
Objectives: This article aims to bring the most current medical literature on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Methodology: The publications with the greatest impact factor in February and March 2020 were searched in Nature, Elservie, JAMA and Wiley.
Results: More than 200 articles on COVID-19 were found and 20 articles were selected with the highest number of citations on Google Scholar.
Conclusion: Until March 2020, there is no really effective treatment against COVID-19, but many medications are being tested and with very promising results. The concern with the economy is also an extremely relevant factor at this moment.

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2020
A COVID-19 está impondo à humanidade uma mudança radical na forma de viver e conviver socialmente... more A COVID-19 está impondo à humanidade uma mudança radical na forma de viver e conviver socialmente. Não é pouco. Não se compara a outras epidemias enfrentadas recentemente. Ninguém da nossa geração ou da geração de nossos pais ou filhos havia vivenciado situação similar. Estamos confinados. Estamos apavorados diante de um vírus, cujos feitos não são completamente conhecidos. Em Macapá, e certamente em outras cidades também, carros de som circulam com mensagens que lembram filmes sobre futuros distópicos: "fiquem em casa, não se contaminem, não saiam às ruas". Multiplicam-se imagens de policiais obrigando as pessoas a voltarem para a casa ou de moradores de rua abordando os passantes para suplicar auxílio. As ruas constituem o local público por excelência. O espaço em que o reconhecimento do outro se faz real, em que enxergamos pessoas que vivem realidades diversas da nossa, praticamos empatia, exercemos nossa humanidade. É também o espaço em que a maioria de nós coloca seu corpo e sua alma à venda, em troca da remuneração que lhes permite comer, vestir e morar. Mas o espaço público está proibido. Em algumas cidades do sul do país barricadas de pedras impedem o acesso dos carros a alguns locais. A lógica do inimigo interno, sustentada de modo irresponsável por parte da imprensa e de nossos governantes nos últimos anos, hoje é potencializada diante da ameaça concreta da pandemia. Há um tanto de histeria e de descolamento da realidade, seja nos discursos terroristas que levam pessoas a estocar alimentos, comprar remédios que não combatem o vírus ou fazer barricadas, quanto naqueles habitados por pensamentos mágicos, para os quais nada de mal pode acontecer. Não estamos enfrentando uma "gripezinha" como referiu-se nosso querido presidente da república, mas também estamos longe de estarmos enfrentando uma doença com alta carga virulenta e alta ou moderada letalidade.

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2019
Introduction: The Brazilian population has undergone demographic changes over the years. This inc... more Introduction: The Brazilian population has undergone demographic changes over the years. This increase in life expectancy has resulted in the growth of the country's elderly population, necessitating giving people a aging with quality of life.
Objective: to report the oral health conditions of the Brazilian elderly, emphasizing the quality of life of the elderly, as well as the knowledge of the caregivers regarding the hygiene and maintenance of the oral health of this population.
Material and method: This is a bibliographical study, approaching the search of articles published in the last five years in Google Scholar and Scopus about "Oral Health Conditions of the Elderly in Brazil". The following descriptors were used: "dentistry", "elderly" and "oral health of the elderly". In the screening of articles, using the inclusion criteria, nineteen articles were studied, of which six articles published in 2014, nine articles published in 2015 and four articles published in 2019.
Conclusion: One can conclude with this work that there is a need for dental treatment aimed at this population, due to the pathologies from aging itself.

International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2019
Introduction: Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) ar... more Introduction: Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) are considered a public health problem because of their high prevalence in various professions, including dental professionals. Because of poor posture and organization at work, for example, dental surgeons occupy the top spot on sick leave due to temporary or permanent disability, accounting for approximately 30% of the causes of premature abandonment between medical activities. Objectives: To identify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and their relationship with dentist activity and to evaluate the relationship between symptomatology and laboratory test results. Methodology: A scan was performed, but Scopus, Web of Sciences and Google Scholar indexing databases were used to unite musculoskeletal disorders, dental surgeons, prevalence, laboratory tests. We found 15,000 articles, of which 56 were selected based on the best h index score or Qualis rating on the Sucupira platform. Conclusion: The relationship between musculoskeletal pain and dentist activity is strong and in some cases these disorders can be detected on laboratory tests.

Periódicos Brasil.Odontologia, 2019
The objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with the Physical (CF) and Ment... more The objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with the Physical (CF) and Mental (CM) Components of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) among adults. Population-based study with household cluster sample. The dependent variables were the FC and MC scores of the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) instrument, the independent ones were grouped into sociodemographic, health-related and behavioral characteristics. Multiple regression was conducted by the General Linear Model with correction by the sample design. Of the 841 respondents, 31% and 37.2% had CF and CM impairment, respectively, and 57% had impairment in at least one domain. The mean scores were 49.9 for CF and 47.1 for CM. Being male (β = 1.94), having a car in the family (β = 0.89), having recently used dental services (β = 1.86), not having a chronic disease (β = 4.60), taking medication (β = 2.09), not smoking (β = 2.04) and physical activity (β = 1.73) were associated with higher SC scores, while not using medication (β = 1.91) and not being a smoker (β = 1.26) to higher MC scores. There is a need for further studies and policies aimed at maintaining and / or restoring the physical and mental well-being of adults without specific diseases.

Periódicos Brasil.Medicina e Ciências da Saúde, 2019
Introduction: Heterocontrol, which is the monitoring of fluoride concentration in supply water, s... more Introduction: Heterocontrol, which is the monitoring of fluoride concentration in supply water, should be done by state institutions and has been motivated to ensure the effectiveness and safety of fluoridation. This study aimed to analyze the heterocontrol of municipalities with population over 500 thousand inhabitants of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region in 2014 and 2015.
Methodology: Data on heterocontrol were provided by the Health Surveillance services of the study municipalities and analyzed according to the CECOL technical criteria for fluoride concentration.
Results: In some municipalities and months, the collection of water samples failed in relation to the appropriate number for the fluoride parameter. Of the total samples analyzed, only 51.5% were in the best risk-benefit range for fluoride concentration, with 8% negligible benefit and risk and 0.1% of samples with high risk fluoride concentration, with no benefit.
Conclusion: The municipalities analyzed performed the heterocontrol, with periods when the number of collections was not adequate. Fluoride concentrations in the supply water of the study municipalities showed unsatisfactory results. Heterocontrol is critical for maintaining fluoride levels at appropriate levels.

International Journal of Innovation Education and Research, 2019
Considering the role of epidemiological information in planning and effective interventions, the ... more Considering the role of epidemiological information in planning and effective interventions, the purpose of this study was to systematically review the epidemiology of squamous cell carcinoma in Brazil. We searched the PubMed, LILACS, BBO and Cochrane databases using keywords "oral squamous cell carcinoma", "oral squamous cell carcinoma", "oral squamous cell carcinoma" and their equivalents in English and Spanish, in combination with epidemiology, prevalence, frequency, and Brazil by 2018, excluding studies that did not address the epidemiology of this neoplasm or those conducted in other countries. The mean age of the patients was 56.6 years, with a higher prevalence in males 3.29: 1, mainly located in tongue, 42% and mouth floor 22%. Associated risk factors are tobacco (72.85%) and alcohol (66.65%). It was observed that 47% of patients present with regional metastases at the time of cancer discovery. According to the observed observational studies it can be concluded that the epidemiological data of Brazil are high in comparison to other countries, especially the number of metastases, indicating the late diagnosis of the disease ABSTRACT Considering the role of epidemiological information in planning and effective interventions, the purpose of this study was to systematically review the epidemiology of squamous cell carcinoma in Brazil. We
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), 2019
Much has been studied about the impact of
oral health on quality of life. The literature is vast ... more Much has been studied about the impact of
oral health on quality of life. The literature is vast on this
subject and many are the results of the most varied
studies. This study aims to systematically review the
current medical literature on the impact of oral health on
quality of life. A scan was carried out in the main portals
of idexation and the articles with the greatest impact and
relevance factor were selected for this study. Although
there are a large number of articles regarding the impact
of oral cavity on quality of life, there are still many
divergent results, mainly in patients with edentulous users
of total prosthesis.
Keywords— Oral Health, Quality of life, WHO.

International Journal of Development Research, 2019
Although the number of cases of total edentulism in Brazil is high, no study in Amapá has focused... more Although the number of cases of total edentulism in Brazil is high, no study in Amapá has focused on it. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a sociodemographic characterization of implants-supported total prosthesis users and total prothesis tissue-suported. Two hundred and ninety-nine users of tissue-supported total dentures and 48 users of implant-supported total dentures were surveyed using a sociodemographic questionnaire approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Amapa. As descriptive measures, the mean and standard deviation were utilized to characterize the quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequencies were used to characterize both the qualitative and quantitative variables. The majority of the sample was female, with a mean age of 61 to 70 years and 69% declared themselves Caucasian. The implant-supported prosthesis users showed significantly better family income and higher schooling. To our best knowledge, this is the first such study conducted in Amapá. The study results are clinically relevant for accurately determining the sociodemographic dimensions of the two groups.

International Journal of Development Research, 2019
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compared the satisfaction and quality of life of ... more The objective of this study was to evaluate and compared the satisfaction and quality of life of edentulous users of total tissue-supported and total implant-supported prostheses in Macapá, Amapá, Brazil. Two hundred ninety-nine users of total tissue-supported prostheses and 48 users of total implant-supported prostheses were surveyed using two questionnaires: The Oral Health Impact Profile-14Br and a visual analog scale of satisfaction. The means and standard deviations were used to characterize the quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequencies were used to characterize the qualitative variables as well as certain quantitative variables. When evaluating satisfaction according to the type of prosthesis, users of implant-supported prostheses were 100% satisfied with both upper and lower prostheses. Among users of tissue-supported prostheses, 90% reported being satisfied with the upper prosthesis, while 56% demonstrated dissatisfaction with the lower prosthesis. All users of implant-supported prostheses reported good quality of life; by contrast, 5% of users of tissue-supported prostheses reported good quality of life, while 73% reported a reasonable quality of life and 22% a poor quality of life. This is the first study on this topic in Amapá. The study results are clinically relevant for accurately determining the quality of life of these prosthesis users.

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, 2019
Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar e comparar o grau de satisfação e qualidade de... more Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar e comparar o grau de satisfação e qualidade de vida de edêntulos usuários de prótese total na cidade de Macapá - Ap. Metodologia: Foram entrevistados 299 usuários de prótese total mucossuportada e 48 usuários de prótese total implantossuportada por meio de dois questionários, o Oral Health Impact Profile-14Br (OHIP-14Br) e a escala visual analógica (EVA) para satisfação com as próteses dentárias. Resultados: Ao realizar a avaliação da satisfação quanto ao tipo de prótese, os usuários de prótese implantossuportada estavam 100% muito satisfeitos com a prótese superior e inferior e quanto à satisfação dos usuários de prótese mucossuportada, 90% dos usuários relataram estarem satisfeitos com a prótese superior, porém 56% demonstraram algum tipo de insatisfação com a prótese removível inferior. A avaliação do impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida, em usuários de prótese implantossuportada, obteve um escore de 3,24 pontos na escala OHIP-14Br, enquanto os usuários de prótese mucossuportada tiveram um escore de 15,23 na escala OHIP-14Br.Conclusão: Conclui-se que usuários de prótese implantossuportada apresentaram significativamente melhor qualidade de vida e satisfação com suas próteses, quando comparados aos usuários de prótese total mucossuportada.
Palavras-Chave: Qualidade de vida, Prótese dentária, Saúde bucal.
Oral health and dental management, 2019
This article aims to carry out a systematic review of the current medical literature on the adapt... more This article aims to carry out a systematic review of the current medical literature on the adaptation of structures of prostheses on prefabricated implants or melted in titanium, before and after laser welding. It was used as methodology a scan was carried out on the main indexing platforms for scientific articles. We found 40 articles on the subject; however, 24 had a low impact factor or index on the Qualis platform below B2 and were discharged. According to the method employed and based on the results obtained in the literature for the two techniques studied, it was concluded that the monoblock technique is safer than the distal bar technique since this technique promotes less or no distortion which would promote stresses on the implants.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2019
Objective: This study aims to demonstrate, through literature review in edentulous patients that ... more Objective: This study aims to demonstrate, through literature review in edentulous patients that present severe bone resorption of the maxilla, through alternative surgical techniques that do not require the use of bone grafts. Methodology : The methodology was performed through an epidemiological survey in the main research databases and some articles with high impact factor were selected for a systematic review installation of atrophic maxillary implants without the use of bone grafting. A scan was performed in PubMed, Scielo and Capes e were found 130 articles related to the theme, 43 with bias inadequate to research and 47 with impact factor or which are much below average. These 90 articles were excluded from the review process, leaving 40 articles that were used as basis for this study. Results: The feasibility of this technique became possible only with the advent of the creation of the prototypes generated from the computerized tomographies, which allow the surgical planning and the preparation of prostheses with precise fittings, made from models with dimensions and shapes identical to the area to be rehabilitated.

Oral health and dental management, 2019
This review article seeks to provide additional information on bacterial endocarditis and Buccoma... more This review article seeks to provide additional information on bacterial endocarditis and Buccomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology procedures, as well as the main microorganisms involved in this feat, risk factors, and conditions and antibiotic prophylaxis. A bibliographic review was carried out, where scientific articles were obtained from the PubMed, Cochrane, Virtual Health Library and Scielo databases. Studies were conducted from 2000 to 2018 and included studies from the period 2013 to 2018, according to the descriptors: Bacterial Endocarditis-Prevalence-Prophylaxis-Bacterial, as well as the association of the terms, searched in English, Spanish and Portuguese. A total of 189 studies were carried out to carry out the research and included 13 articles. Data were analyzed from descriptive statistics. Through information exported in these works, it can be concluded that the best way to prevent an infective endocarditis is to know the patient by means of a well-made anamnesis, where the patient's health history is well evaluated and thus to identify some risk, and antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for all dental patients of imminent risk, as well as more invasive surgery and buccomaxillofacial procedures.
Palavras Chave: Covid-19, Medicamentos, Farmacologia, Terapêutica, Tratamento.
Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2].
The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database.
We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community.
Keywords: Google Scholar; H index, BJIHS
Objectives: This article aims to bring the most current medical literature on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Methodology: The publications with the greatest impact factor in February and March 2020 were searched in Nature, Elservie, JAMA and Wiley.
Results: More than 200 articles on COVID-19 were found and 20 articles were selected with the highest number of citations on Google Scholar.
Conclusion: Until March 2020, there is no really effective treatment against COVID-19, but many medications are being tested and with very promising results. The concern with the economy is also an extremely relevant factor at this moment.
Objective: to report the oral health conditions of the Brazilian elderly, emphasizing the quality of life of the elderly, as well as the knowledge of the caregivers regarding the hygiene and maintenance of the oral health of this population.
Material and method: This is a bibliographical study, approaching the search of articles published in the last five years in Google Scholar and Scopus about "Oral Health Conditions of the Elderly in Brazil". The following descriptors were used: "dentistry", "elderly" and "oral health of the elderly". In the screening of articles, using the inclusion criteria, nineteen articles were studied, of which six articles published in 2014, nine articles published in 2015 and four articles published in 2019.
Conclusion: One can conclude with this work that there is a need for dental treatment aimed at this population, due to the pathologies from aging itself.
Methodology: Data on heterocontrol were provided by the Health Surveillance services of the study municipalities and analyzed according to the CECOL technical criteria for fluoride concentration.
Results: In some municipalities and months, the collection of water samples failed in relation to the appropriate number for the fluoride parameter. Of the total samples analyzed, only 51.5% were in the best risk-benefit range for fluoride concentration, with 8% negligible benefit and risk and 0.1% of samples with high risk fluoride concentration, with no benefit.
Conclusion: The municipalities analyzed performed the heterocontrol, with periods when the number of collections was not adequate. Fluoride concentrations in the supply water of the study municipalities showed unsatisfactory results. Heterocontrol is critical for maintaining fluoride levels at appropriate levels.
oral health on quality of life. The literature is vast on this
subject and many are the results of the most varied
studies. This study aims to systematically review the
current medical literature on the impact of oral health on
quality of life. A scan was carried out in the main portals
of idexation and the articles with the greatest impact and
relevance factor were selected for this study. Although
there are a large number of articles regarding the impact
of oral cavity on quality of life, there are still many
divergent results, mainly in patients with edentulous users
of total prosthesis.
Keywords— Oral Health, Quality of life, WHO.
Palavras-Chave: Qualidade de vida, Prótese dentária, Saúde bucal.
Palavras Chave: Covid-19, Medicamentos, Farmacologia, Terapêutica, Tratamento.
Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2].
The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database.
We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community.
Keywords: Google Scholar; H index, BJIHS
Objectives: This article aims to bring the most current medical literature on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Methodology: The publications with the greatest impact factor in February and March 2020 were searched in Nature, Elservie, JAMA and Wiley.
Results: More than 200 articles on COVID-19 were found and 20 articles were selected with the highest number of citations on Google Scholar.
Conclusion: Until March 2020, there is no really effective treatment against COVID-19, but many medications are being tested and with very promising results. The concern with the economy is also an extremely relevant factor at this moment.
Objective: to report the oral health conditions of the Brazilian elderly, emphasizing the quality of life of the elderly, as well as the knowledge of the caregivers regarding the hygiene and maintenance of the oral health of this population.
Material and method: This is a bibliographical study, approaching the search of articles published in the last five years in Google Scholar and Scopus about "Oral Health Conditions of the Elderly in Brazil". The following descriptors were used: "dentistry", "elderly" and "oral health of the elderly". In the screening of articles, using the inclusion criteria, nineteen articles were studied, of which six articles published in 2014, nine articles published in 2015 and four articles published in 2019.
Conclusion: One can conclude with this work that there is a need for dental treatment aimed at this population, due to the pathologies from aging itself.
Methodology: Data on heterocontrol were provided by the Health Surveillance services of the study municipalities and analyzed according to the CECOL technical criteria for fluoride concentration.
Results: In some municipalities and months, the collection of water samples failed in relation to the appropriate number for the fluoride parameter. Of the total samples analyzed, only 51.5% were in the best risk-benefit range for fluoride concentration, with 8% negligible benefit and risk and 0.1% of samples with high risk fluoride concentration, with no benefit.
Conclusion: The municipalities analyzed performed the heterocontrol, with periods when the number of collections was not adequate. Fluoride concentrations in the supply water of the study municipalities showed unsatisfactory results. Heterocontrol is critical for maintaining fluoride levels at appropriate levels.
oral health on quality of life. The literature is vast on this
subject and many are the results of the most varied
studies. This study aims to systematically review the
current medical literature on the impact of oral health on
quality of life. A scan was carried out in the main portals
of idexation and the articles with the greatest impact and
relevance factor were selected for this study. Although
there are a large number of articles regarding the impact
of oral cavity on quality of life, there are still many
divergent results, mainly in patients with edentulous users
of total prosthesis.
Keywords— Oral Health, Quality of life, WHO.
Palavras-Chave: Qualidade de vida, Prótese dentária, Saúde bucal.