Innovation, Improvement & Engagement Hub

Welcome to the CDOT Innovation, Improvement and Engagement Hub!

At CDOT, we believe it is important to continuously improve our processes, products and services, to help us achieve our Mission: "To provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively and safely moves people, goods, and information". This Hub has stories about improvements which have been developed and implemented by members of TeamCDOT, along with information and tools to help you with innovation and improvement within your own organization. We invite you to learn about what we are doing at CDOT, and we encourage you to borrow anything on this Hub that may be useful to you!

Gary Vansuch and Paul Juszczak shaking hands and looking at the camera

Gary Vansuch shaking Paul Juszczak's hand, a 2023 Innovations Challenge Winner

What's New for Innovation at CDOT?
Innovations Challenge Showcase

November-December 2023

The Office of Process Improvement recently hosted our annual Innovations Challenge Showcase to announce the winners! It was a fantastic event with a good turnout, providing us the opportunity to personally present awards to several innovators at our headquarters. 

Featured in the photo to the left is Paul Juszczak, an innovator with TWO innovations (The Post Construction Temporary Control Measure Removal project, and the GIS Potholes Fieldmap & GEOHUB Layer Improvement). Additionally, we were delighted to award John Kronholm in person for his contribution to enhancing our Wildlife Underpasses through qualitative research

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 Innovations Challenge and our Showcase Event!

Colorado Department of Transportation logo adjacent to the Innovations Challenge logo. Below the Images is written "Innovations Challenge" and "Innovate your state"
The submission period for the 2025 Innovations challenge is open!

Innovations can be submitted now until July 2025 using the Innovate! Lean Everyday Ideas Submission Form.

About the Office of Process Improvement's Services

At the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), we are improving our operations so we can deliver excellent services and products to all of our customers. We are working to engage everyone, every day at CDOT to make government services more effective, efficient and elegant. This is crucial for fulfilling CDOT's Mission:

"To provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively and safely moves people, goods, and information"

In addition to this Mission, CDOT strives to follow the SMART Act, which identifies meaningful performance objectives and the strategies to achieve them. The SMART Act, or the State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent Government Act, requires the Executive Branch, the Judicial Brand, and other State government entities to publicly share annual performance goals. These requirements include the implementation of the following: 

The SMART Act, along with CDOT's values of Customer Service and Excellence are the two drivers of innovation and improvement at CDOT.

How We Improve Processes, Products & Services

The Office of Process Improvement (OPI) has three main lines of service:

It is through these 3 lines of service that the OPI works to engage all CDOT'ers to improve their work processes, products and services.  From the Lean Everyday Idea (LEI) Program for smaller front line improvement to the Concept to Project (C2P) Program that works to ensure that larger business improvements are successful and CDOT realizes their intended benefits.  Finally, the OPI's Strategy service area engages others at CDOT to work together to design and execute strategic plans that drive CDOT's performance.