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Privacy Policy

Effective 11/14/2019

This Privacy Policy outlines how Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association and its wholly owned subsidiaries (collectively, “us”, “we” or the “MLBPAA”) collects, uses, shares, and protects information about you. By interacting with the MLBPAA through our events, auctions, websites, mobile applications, products and services, you consent to the use of information that is collected or submitted as described in this Privacy Policy. For customers within the EU, MLBPAA is the data controller of your personal data which we collect. Please see the contact details at the end of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is applicable to this Website, and all products and services provided and/or distributed (whether via this Website or elsewhere) by the MLBPAA. MLBPAA may link to services or properties operated by third parties (e.g., the websites of Major League Baseball) which are not subject to this Privacy Policy. You should familiarize yourself with the privacy practices of any third party whose services or properties you utilize and direct any concerns regarding any such third party property to the administrator of the applicable property.

  1. Personal Information We Collect

For purposes of this Policy, We define “Personal Information” as data about an identified or identifiable individual and recorded in any form. You will have the choice whether or not to disclose Personal Information via this Site or other interactions offline with the MLBPAA; however, some parts of the MLBPAA website and some services may be more difficult or impossible to use if you choose not to disclose Personal Information.  For example, sharing Personal Information may be required for certain enhanced interactions with the MLBPAA (e.g., sign up for an event, register for a promotion, make a purchase or publish a comment). The Personal Information we collect may include, but is not limited to:

  • Full name,
  • Email address,
  • Password,
  • Street address,
  • Telephone number(s),
  • Birth date,
  • Payment card information,
  • Contacts (as stored in your wireless device).
  1. How, and for What Purpose, We Use and Share Your Personal Information

If you submit Personal Information to us, or to any third party acting on our behalf (a "Service Provider"), via the MLBPAA websites or elsewhere (including via membership drives), we may use and share your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy, as disclosed when you first submit your information or as otherwise permissible under applicable law. We will not sell, lease, publish or share your Personal Information with or to anyone else, except as set forth in this Privacy Policy. We may use and share your Personal Information as described in Section 1 above and:

  • To provide you with information you have requested, or with products, services or content you have purchased, used or otherwise engaged with, (e.g., a sweepstakes, rewards program, subscription to goods or services, etc.) and to communicate with you (including via postal mail) about the same;
  • To communicate with you about products, services, sponsors, partners or affiliates related to a purchase you have made or rules or terms to which you have agreed, to the extent the sending of such communication is permissible under applicable law;
  • To send you periodic surveys to help improve the MLBPAA or your MLBPAA experience;
  • In connection with loyalty, membership or rewards programs operated or accessible from the MLBPAA websites;
  • When the personally identifying components of your information are removed, we may use and share such anonymized information for internal purposes (e.g., to learn about the age distribution of our users);
  • In accordance with any other permission you provide at the time you submit such information to us; and
  • To provide your Personal Information to other third parties where necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.

For customers in the EU, we are required to give you information about the legal basis on which we process your Personal Information. In some cases, such as where you have purchased a service, the processing of your Personal Information will be necessary in order to perform a contract with you. In many other cases, the processing will be necessary for the purpose of legitimate interests we are pursuing, namely the facilitation of the purposes for which your Personal Information is processed as set out above.

  1. Other Information Collected

Automatically Collected Information.  Additionally, we may collect some Personal Information automatically via your use of the MLBPAA website. As you navigate the MLBPAA website, we may also collect information through the use of commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and web beacons (collectively “Website Navigational Information”). Website Navigational Information includes standard information from your web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol address, and the actions you take on the MLBPAA website (such as the web pages viewed and the links clicked).

Other Advertising. We share certain data with Social Networks (as defined below) such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat to allow us to target existing users and customers with highly relevant advertising campaigns. We will not share your name, address, email address or telephone number for the purposes of such campaigns. Instead, a unique code (hashed email address) is shared with the applicable Social Network in order for that identifier to be matched against existing users of the relevant social network and to identify potentially relevant audiences for targeted advertising. We use services such as LinkedIn Matched Audiences and Facebook Custom Audiences for these purposes.

In addition to advertisements for our own goods and services, we may also facilitate third parties to advertise their own goods and services including through targeting those advertisements to those that might be most interested in them. This is done using information which does not include your name, address, email address or telephone number and we won't hand over or sell any of your Personal Information to third party advertisers. In order to provide advertisements relevant to you, your IP address will be used, as well as your operating system and device type. Information about your particular device will be used to show you advertisements which work properly on that device.

Social Networking. When interacting with the MLBPAA or when using certain third party social networking services (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) (each a "Social Network"), you may have the option to connect your MLBPAA information and activity with your Social Network information and activity. If you authorize such a connection, you permit us to share or publish information about your MLBPAA activity with that Social Network and its users, and to access certain aspects of your Social Network information, as disclosed to you at the time you consent to the connection. Information we may share with a Social Network may include, but is not limited to: technical information about your MLBPAA website activity, your comments or the videos you watch on MLBPAA websites. Information we may access about you, with your consent, from a Social Network may include, but is not limited to, your basic Social Network information, your location data, your list of contacts, friends or followers and certain information about your activities on the Social Network. If you permit a connection between a Social Network and an MLBPAA, we (and that Social Network) may be able to identify you and to associate information received pursuant to the connection with information we already have about you. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policy and privacy control options of any Social Network with which you choose to share information or connect to an MLBPAA website.

  1. Other Circumstances When Your Data May Be Shared
  • Aggregated and Anonymous Information. We may share aggregated, anonymous information with any third party. This information is not linked to Personal Information that can identify you or another individual person. Amongst other reasons, this information may be shared for analytics advertising purposes. As with many websites, we use Google Analytics to understand how you and other visitors engage with the MLBPAA. If you don't want Analytics to be used in your browser, you can install the Google Analytics browser add-on (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout). You can learn more about Google Analytics and privacy here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en
  • Business Transfers. As time passes, MLBPAA may be sold along with its assets, or other corporate transactions may occur. In such a case, our customer information may be one of the business assets we transfer.
  • Disclosure for Legal Purposes. We may be required to share your personal and non-Personal Information pursuant to judicial or governmental subpoenas, warrants or orders. If we are required to do so, we will, of course, obey the law. In addition, notwithstanding any term to the contrary in this Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to use, disclose or share your personal and non-Personal Information in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or as required by law.
  • With respect to former player member contact information only, we may share such information with other former player members or the Major League Baseball or any Major League Baseball teams unless you have instructed us not to.  
  1. Transferring Your Personal Information Across Borders

For customers in the EU we are obliged to provide certain information relating to the transfer of your Personal Information outside the EU. Where you are have purchased a service it may often be necessary to transfer your Personal Information in order to perform a contract with you. In addition, we may in some circumstances rely on your express consent. If you submit Personal Information to us, or to a Service Provider, via the MLBPAA websites, you will be voluntarily transferring this Personal Information to the United States, a jurisdiction which does not provide the same framework for the protection of Personal Information. The same will be the case in relation to your Personal Information which is collected when you use the MLBPAA websites as specified above.

  1. Managing Your Personal Information

You may choose and control what information you provide about yourself and certain information which is automatically collected via the MLBPAA websites. If you do not wish to provide certain information necessary for enhanced functionality or content on the MLBAM websites, please do not use such functionality or content. If you have registered for an account through MLBPAA websites, including joining the MVP Club, you may review and revise certain of your account information by emailing postoffice@mlbpaa.com or calling 719-477-1870. You may modify your subscriptions to our various promotional email communications and newsletters by emailing postoffice@mlbpaa.com or calling us at 719-477-1870.

If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows a user to accept or reject most cookies. Certain cookies that are set when some video products are accessed via the MLBPAA websites, called local shared objects or Flash cookies, may not be managed using the settings in your web browser. Information on managing, accepting and rejecting these cookies is available from Adobe on the Adobe website. If you set your browser or Adobe Flash options not to accept cookies or local shared objects, you may not be able to take advantage of certain features of the MLBPAA websites.

If you want to review or revise the Personal Information you provided during website registration or in connection with certain website purchases, or change the promotional email communications or newsletters you receive from us, you may email us at postoffice@mlbpaa.com or call us at 719-477-1870. If you want to review or revise other Personal Information you have provided to us, or to close your account(s) and have us delete the applicable account Personal Information (except what is needed for record-keeping purposes) contact Customer Service at postoffice@mlbpaa.com or 719-477-1870.

Remember that when you share information publicly online, it may be indexable by search engines or recorded by others, and any search engine index or record of your information may persist after you delete the information at the original source.

For customers in the EU, you have the right to see a copy of the Personal Information that we hold about you, and you may ask us to make any necessary changes to ensure that this information is accurate and kept up to date.

You may ask us to make any necessary changes to your Personal Information to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

In addition, subject to limitations as provided for by applicable data protection legislation you have the right to request the erasure of your personal data or the restriction of its processing, or the transfer of your personal data to another data controller. Please contact us as specified below if you wish to do so.

Your Personal Information will be held for the purposes and uses set out in this Privacy Policy and for as long as there is a legal, taxation, accounting, risk management or business requirement to do so. Different retension periods apply to different types of records and data, however the longest your personal data will typically be held is 7 years from the date of your last transaction. This period may be extended where circumstances so require or until a particular query, investigation or dispute is fully resolved. 

  1. Other Information; Contact Us
  • No Spyware or Adware. We do not install any spyware or adware in connection with our Services, or distribute any commercial message, or authorize any third party to distribute any commercial message, by means of spyware or adware. "Spyware" or "Adware" is any software which has been downloaded to or installed on an Internet user's computer or device, without the user's actual consent, and facilitates the distribution of any commercial message to the user. If you feel you may have spyware from another company installed on your machine, there are various anti-spyware/adware software applications available on the Internet to identify if this has occurred.
  • Our Security Practices. The account information associated with any of our services is password protected for your privacy and security. You choose your password for any of our services so the strength of that password is determined by you. We recommend that you choose a unique password and not share your password with anyone else. In certain areas, we use industry-standard SSL encryption to protect data transmissions.
  • Links. Our websites and emails contain links to other websites and products operated by unrelated third parties. In addition, if you click on an advertisement within our websites and emails, you may be directed to a web page within our website or to a third-party website or product. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party websites or products, and we encourage you to read the privacy policies of every website and product that collects personally identifiable information from you. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by the MLBPAA, unless you are notified otherwise upon accessing any third party website or product, in which case the terms and conditions set forth in such notification will apply.
  • Your California Privacy Rights. If you are a resident of California, pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.83, you may request information regarding our disclosure of your Personal Information to a third party for that party's direct marketing purposes. Any such disclosure made to a third party by us would be otherwise in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. To make such a request please send an email to postoffice@mlbpaa.com or write to us at MLBPAA 1631 Mesa Avenue (Suite D), Colorado Springs, CO 80906.
  • Special Rules For Children. Because of federal law, we are not permitted to knowingly collect any Personal Information from a child under the age of thirteen without the consent of that child's parent or guardian. The statements in this Privacy Policy about our collection and use of Personal Information also apply to our treatment of Personal Information from children under the age of thirteen. Some elements of our websites (e.g., shop, events and auctions) require the submission of a payment card number along with Personal Information in connection with a purchase; other elements of our websites require the submission of Personal Information to access or use the website feature. Except in certain cases where limited contact information may be collected and not retained, these elements of our websites are not available to children under the age of thirteen. If a child who we know to be under the age of thirteen and for whom we have not received parental consent attempts to utilize a feature on our websites which is not available to children, he/she will not be able to access it and may receive a message which relays that he/she is not eligible for such feature. For children located in jurisdictions within the EU, where this Privacy Policy refers to consent, this will require the consent of a parent or legal guardian in relation to any person under the age specified by the law applicable to the location of the child in question.
  • Contact Us Regarding Privacy. If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at:


1631 Mesa Avenue – Suite D

Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Email: postoffice@mlbpaa.com  

Phone: (719) 477-1870

The MLBPAA may change its Privacy Policy from time to time.  We will post changes on this page so that you are always aware of the information that we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it.  Your use of the site constitutes acceptance of the provisions of this Privacy Policy and your continued use after such changes are posted constitutes acceptance of each revised Privacy Policy.