The landscape of unfolding with machine learning
by Nathan Huetsch, Javier Mariño Villadamigo, Alexander Shmakov, Sascha Diefenbacher, Vinicius Mikuni, Theo Heimel, Michael Fenton, Kevin Greif, Benjamin Nachman, Daniel Whiteson, Anja Butter, Tilman Plehn,
SciPost Phys. 18, 070 (2025) -
Krotov: A Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
by Michael H. Goerz, Daniel Basilewitsch, Fernando Gago-Encinas, Matthias G. Krauss, Karl P. Horn, Daniel M. Reich, Christiane P. Koch,
SciPost Phys. 7, 080 (2019) -
Constraining new physics from Higgs measurements with Lilith: update to LHC Run 2 results
by Sabine Kraml, Tran Quang Loc, Dao Thi Nhung, Le Duc Ninh,
SciPost Phys. 7, 052 (2019)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Kolya: an open-source package for inclusive semileptonic B decays
by Matteo Fael, Ilija S. Milutin, K. Keri Vos
(submitted 2025-02-07 to SciPost Physics Codebases) -
Generative Unfolding with Distribution Mapping
by Anja Butter, Sascha Diefenbacher, Nathan Huetsch, Vinicius Mikuni, Benjamin Nachman, Sofia Palacios Schweitzer, Tilman Plehn
(submitted 2025-01-07 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Basilewitsch, Mr Daniel
- Butter, Dr Anja
- Diefenbacher, Dr Sascha
- Fenton, Dr Michael James
- Gago-Encinas, Dr Fernando
- Goerz, Dr Michael
- Greif, Mr Kevin Thomas
- Heimel, Mr Theo
- Horn, Dr Karl P.
- Huetsch, Mr Nathan
- Koch, Prof. Christiane
- Kraml, Dr Sabine
- Krauss, Mr Matthias G.
- Mariño Villadamigo, Mr Javier
- Mikuni, Dr Vinicius
- Nachman, Dr Benjamin
- Nhung, Dr Dao Thi
- Ninh, Dr Le Duc
- Plehn, Prof. Tilman
- Quang Loc, Dr Tran
- Reich, Dr Daniel M.
- Shmakov, Dr Alexander
- Whiteson, Prof. Daniel