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SciPost included in the SCOSS Family of Essential Open Science Infrastructures

5 December 2024 

We are pleased to announce that the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) has selected SciPost for inclusion in its 6th pledging round for funding.

SCOSS is a network of influential organisations committed to helping secure OA and OS infrastructure well into the future. Established in 2017, it has helped a number of initiatives on their way to financial sustainability.

With this inclusion, SciPost proudly becomes a member of the SCOSS Family of Essential Open Science Infrastructures.

We are thrilled with this recognition, and hope it will help us in our journey towards sustainability.

Celebrating 3000 Diamonds

26 November 2024 

Today, we are very proud to present our 3000th Diamond Open Access publication,

Tensor network Python (TeNPy) version 1,
by Johannes Hauschild et al.,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 41 (2024)

This paper is the peer-reviewed documentation for the Python package TeNPy, version 1.0 of which has also been peer-reviewed and published as part of the innovative construction of SciPost Physics Codebases which enables authors to release their research software as fully-fledged scientific publications.

Codebase release 1.0 for TeNPy,
by Johannes Hauschild et al.,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 41-r1.0 (2024)

On this occasion, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the authors of SciPost's 3000 publications for the trust they have placed in us and for helping us in our mission to transform Open Access publishing. A big thanks also to all the referees and SciPost's editorial Fellows who, lending us their time and knowledge, have been fundamental to building the high-quality publishing platform that we are today.

And of course, a well-deserved congratulations to the authors of the TeNPy package for their shiny new publications!

SciPost Phys. Codebases 41 (2024)

SciPost embraces the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

11 March 2024 

The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure embody a set of guidelines through which research community-serving organizations can be operated and sustained. These criteria represent best practices on governance, sustainability and insurance of the infrastructure, to ensure optimal service on a sustained basis.

SciPost has published a detailed self-audit describing the relevance and status of its implementation of these principles. The situation is very good to excellent on the governance and insurance side, but some aspects of the sustainability side need urgent attention. Our Sustain Our Services campaign aims to address these points.

Go to the self-audit

SciPost Sustain Our Services Campaign

7 March 2024 

Today we are launching SciPost's Sustain Our Services Campaign.

This campaign has the following primary objectives:

  • to ensure continuity of support for our services
  • to engage organizations which have benefitted from our activities, but not yet supported us
  • to reduce our financial uncertainty, by building reserves to cover at least 12 months of operations and by vying for longer-term support agreements
  • to empower our growth and widen the positive impact we have in terms of publishing practices, including countering today's publishing costs hyperinflation, by making our business model more widely known and adopted as an alternative to APCs

Secondary objectives include:

  • to engage with and raise awareness of scientists (whose livelihoods are most impacted by current failings) in the reform of the publishing business
  • to extend our business model to like-minded initiatives, thereby forming a larger lobbying group for Diamond

In the coming times, look out for the following:

  • blog posts
  • information sessions / webinars
  • direct discussions with individual stakeholders

To kickstart the campaign, we offer you the following two blog posts:

We look forward to engaging with you during the course of this campaign!

Looking back: our operations in 2023

5 March 2024 

We've just published a blog post looking back at our operations in 2023. Without being exhaustive, we hope it nonetheless can give you an accurate picture of the current state of our initiative.

In brief, in 2023 we decided to scale up the team to tackle growing backlogs due to increasing demands on our services, despite the lack of financial certainty. This strategy certainly helped address the most pressing delays, but depleted our financial reserves. Our growth is stunted and long-term financial sustainability remains a distant perspective without a more engaged support from academic organizations which benefit from our activities.

Go to the blog page

Celebrating the 2000th publication

6 June 2023 

Today, we are very happy to publish a very special paper:

Universality class of the mode-locked glassy random laser
by Jacopo Niedda, Giacomo Gradenigo, Luca Leuzzi and Giorgio Parisi
SciPost Phys. 14, 144 (2023)

For you, this paper should be special due to its scientific quality.

For our initiative, it's a milestone because it is the 2000th paper published since our beginnings in 2016.

We would like to mark this event by expressing once again our deep gratitude to all authors, referees, Fellows, readers, advisors, supporters and sponsors who have made SciPost the successful Genuine Open Access publisher it is today.

This event also reinvigorates us to further improve and broaden our services, fulfilling our mission of providing a quality-focused, community-driven publishing solution for academics worldwide. The embrace of the community, driving the recent rapid growth we have experienced, is a convincing validation of our approach. On the one hand, this has put great strain on our currently severely limited resources; on the other hand it re-motivates us to expand our efforts to convince academic institutions and funding agencies to increase their support, so that we can bring the benefits of our activities to wider communities.

Konsortium der sächsischen Hochschulbibliotheken provides generous support to SciPost in 2023

2 January 2023 

SciPost is extremely grateful for the generous support by the “Konsortium der sächsischen Hochschulbibliotheken”. In 2023 this consortium will support the open science activities of SciPost for an amount of € 35,000. Thank you very much!

The Consortium is a licensing consortium of sixteen academic libraries across the Saxony region in Germany:

- SLUB Dresden

- Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

- Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz

- Universitätsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola" der TU Bergakademie Freiberg

- Hochschubibliothek der Hochschule Mittweida

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden

- Bibliothek der Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau

- Bibliothek der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria von Weber" Dresden

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden

- Bibliothek der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst / Leipzig

- Bibliothek der Palucca-Hochschule für Tanz Dresden

- Bibliothek der Evangelischen Hochschule Dresden

- Bibliothek der Berufsakademien Sachsen

We are thankful for the many institutional supporters and we welcome working with library consortia to find fair and reasonable models to support diamond open access journals like SciPost publishes.

University of Bristol supports SciPost

19 December 2022 

We welcome the University of Bristol as our latest supporter. Their library contributes to the development of SciPost through Jisc’s Open Access Community Framework, that enables Jisc members to support various open access initiatives. We are delighted with this support, as that will enable SciPost to further develop its platform and publish more diamond open access papers. Thank you University of Bristol and thank you Jisc.

University College London supports SciPost

22 November 2022 

We want to thank the Library of the University College London for their generous support covering 2022-2024, through Jisc’s Open Access Community Framework program. We also thank the researchers from UCL for the many papers they submitted to SciPost journals. The support from libraries and scientists enables SciPost to further develop its journal publishing infrastructure, publish diamond open access journals and modernise the way scientific knowledge is shared.

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz supports SciPost

15 September 2022 

SciPost is very happy to welcome the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz as supporter. We are delighted because the scientists of this university belong to the most prolific contributors to the SciPost journals. SciPost is developing a community-led, fully open science publishing infrastructure and the support of leading academic organisations is crucial. We look forward to receiving more papers from Mainz!

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