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Рассматривается идейная эволюция бахаизма — религиозной доктрины, зародившейся на платформе шиитско-имамитской мессианской доктрины в 1844 году в Иране и окончательно сформировавшейся к 1863 году, в её связи с социокультурными... more
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    • Oriental Studies
В статье рассмотрены этапы жизни, и деятельности одного из современных представителей школы мысли в суннитском исламе, египетского учёного и проповедника, шейха Мухаммада Аль-Газали Ахмад ас-Сакка (1917–1996). Критический подход шейха... more
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    • Oriental Studies
On the Issue of origin and ways of development of the religious aspect of the Nahda The article deals with some aspects of the ideological issues of the concept of Islamic Nahda (an-Nahda al-Islamiyya). The socio-cultural and... more
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    • Oriental Studies
The author analyzes some of the current sociocultural specifics of Bahaism and ecumenism and their place in the republic’s public and religious life.
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    • Oriental Studies
The author traces the history of Bahaism in Northern Azerbaijan, the religious movement born in 1844 in Iran that assumed its final shape in 1863 under the influence of its founding father Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri (1817-1892), known as Baha... more
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    • Oriental Studies
Some aspects of religious-enlightenment activities of Muhammad Rashid Rida (Lebanon, 1865-Egypt, 1935), a Muslim reformer are investigated in the article. The source of idea, history and further development of reformatory concept of his... more
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    • Oriental Studies
Some educational reformist features of M.R.Riza. Some aspects of religious-enlightenment activities of Muhammad Rashid Rida (Lebanon, 1865-Egypt, 1935), a Muslim reformer are investigated in the article. The source of idea, history and... more
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    • Oriental Studies
The author places the ideological evolution of the Baha’i faith as a religious doctrine in the context of the social and cultural trends of Western neoliberal ideol¬ogy and globalism. She classifies this reli¬gious teaching, born in Iran... more
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    • Oriental Studies
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    • Islamic Studies
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    • Islamic Philosophy
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    • Islamic Philosophy
The concept behind this edited volume, with a variety of chapters written by prominent academicians in Islamic thought, history, culture and education from different post-Communist countries, was born during the III Forum of CIS Scholars... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic StudiesMuslimsIslam In Russia and the Caucasus
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Məqalədə Haydeqqer irsinin ərəb və müsəlman fikrinə təsiri məsələsinə dair iki müəllifin – Uiza Qallez* (*Əlcəzair, Fəlsəfə doktoru, 3 Rue F. D. Roosevelt- Alger, Web:,, və Muşir Aunun... more
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Оригинальное заглавие статьи (фр.): «HEIDEGGER ET LA PENSÉE ARABE» Présentation du livre de Mouchir Aoun "Influence de l’héritage heideggérien sur les espaces arabes musulmans". - Перевод статьи с французского языка на русский и... more
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Due to the appearance of ontellectual systems among Muslims, different interpretations, which can be categorized in different disciplines, were given of beliefs, especially those of man and human perfectness. The term “perfect man” was... more
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      Mystical philosophy in IslamIbn ArabiGuardianshipHistory of Philosophy
Qədr gecəsi hansı gecədir? Bəzilərinin fikrincə, Ramazan ayının 21- dən 27- nə qədər olan gecələri Qədr gecəsidir. Amma onun hansı gecənin olması dəiq məlum deyil. Həmçinin, "Qədr gecəsində göyün qapıları açıqdır" dedikdə, nə nəzərdə... more
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      Islamic StudiesRAMAZANرمضانعلاءالدین ملک‌اف