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A Schema.org Property
An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.

Values expected to be one of these types

Used on these types



Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
Government benefits coverage for SpecialAnnouncement pertaining to the covid-19 situation.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "SpecialAnnouncement",
  "name": "New Paycheck Protection Program for small business",
  "text": "Example Administration announces a new loan that helps small businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.",
  "datePosted": "2020-03-30T08:00",
  "expires": "2020-04-24T23:59",
  "category": "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q81068910",
        "type": "Country",
        "name": "US"
  "governmentBenefitsInfo": {
    "@type": "GovernmentService",
    "name": "Paycheck Protection Program",
    "url":  "https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program-ppp",
    "provider": {
      "@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
      "name": "US Small Business Administration"
    "serviceType": "https://schema.org/BusinessSupport",
    "audience": {
      "@type": "Audience",
      "name": "Small businesses"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 2
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
<!-- A lesson plan for US second grade teachers. -->
  <h1>Designing a treasure map</h1>
  <p>Resource type: lesson plan, learning activity</p>
  <p>Target audience: teachers</p>
  <p>Educational level: US Grade 2</p>
  <p>Link to lesson plan: <a href="http://example.org/lessonplan">http://example.org/lessonplan</a></p>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<!-- A lesson plan for US second grade teachers. -->
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
    <h1 itemprop="name">Designing a treasure map</h1>
    <p>Resource type:
      <span itemprop="learningResourceType">lesson plan</span>,
      <span itemprop="learningResourceType">learning activity</span>
    <p>Target audience:
      <span itemprop="audience" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/EducationalAudience">
        <span itemprop="educationalRole">teacher</span></span>s.
    <p itemprop="educationalLevel" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/DefinedTerm">
        <span itemprop="inDefinedTermSet">US Grade Levels</span>
        <span itemprop="name">2</span>
        <link itemprop="url" href="http://purl.org/ASN/scheme/ASNEducationLevel/2" />
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a itemprop="url" href="http://example.org/lessonplan">http://example.org/lessonplan</a></p>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="CreativeWork">
    <h1 property="name">Designing a treasure map</h1>
    <p>Resource type:
    <span property="learningResourceType"> lesson plan</span>,
    <span property="learningResourceType"> learning activity</span>
    <p>Target audience:
      <span rel="audience" typeof="EducationalAudience">
        <span property="educationalRole">teacher</span>s
    <p rel="educationalLevel" typeof="DefinedTerm">
        <span property="inDefinedTermSet">US Grade Levels</span>
        <span property="name">2</span>
        <span rel="url" resource="http://purl.org/ASN/scheme/ASNEducationLevel/2"></span>
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a property="url" href="http://example.org/lessonplan">http://example.org/lessonplan</a></p>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org/",
  "@type": "CreativeWork",
  "name": "Designing a treasure map",
  "learningResourceType": [
    "lesson plan",
    "learning activity"
  "audience": {
    "@type": "EducationalAudience",
    "educationalRole": "teacher"
  "educationalLevel": {
    "@type": "DefinedTerm",
    "inDefinedTermSet": "US Grade Levels",
    "name": "2",
    "url": "http://purl.org/ASN/scheme/ASNEducationLevel/2"
  "url": "http://example.org/lessonplan"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.