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This is the template that rush init generates for experiments.json:


* This configuration file allows repo maintainers to enable and disable experimental
* Rush features. More documentation is available on the Rush website: https://rushjs.io
"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/experiments.schema.json",

* By default, 'rush install' passes --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile to 'pnpm install'.
* Set this option to true to pass '--frozen-lockfile' instead for faster installs.
// "usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall": true,

* By default, 'rush update' passes --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile to 'pnpm install'.
* Set this option to true to pass '--prefer-frozen-lockfile' instead to minimize shrinkwrap changes.
// "usePnpmPreferFrozenLockfileForRushUpdate": true,

* By default, 'rush update' runs as a single operation.
* Set this option to true to instead update the lockfile with `--lockfile-only`, then perform a `--frozen-lockfile` install.
* Necessary when using the `afterAllResolved` hook in .pnpmfile.cjs.
// "usePnpmLockfileOnlyThenFrozenLockfileForRushUpdate": true,

* If using the 'preventManualShrinkwrapChanges' option, restricts the hash to only include the layout of external dependencies.
* Used to allow links between workspace projects or the addition/removal of references to existing dependency versions to not
* cause hash changes.
// "omitImportersFromPreventManualShrinkwrapChanges": true,

* If true, the chmod field in temporary project tar headers will not be normalized.
* This normalization can help ensure consistent tarball integrity across platforms.
// "noChmodFieldInTarHeaderNormalization": true,

* If true, build caching will respect the allowWarningsInSuccessfulBuild flag and cache builds with warnings.
* This will not replay warnings from the cached build.
// "buildCacheWithAllowWarningsInSuccessfulBuild": true,

* If true, build skipping will respect the allowWarningsInSuccessfulBuild flag and skip builds with warnings.
* This will not replay warnings from the skipped build.
// "buildSkipWithAllowWarningsInSuccessfulBuild": true,

* If true, the phased commands feature is enabled. To use this feature, create a "phased" command
* in common/config/rush/command-line.json.
// "phasedCommands": true,

* If true, perform a clean install after when running `rush install` or `rush update` if the
* `.npmrc` file has changed since the last install.
// "cleanInstallAfterNpmrcChanges": true,

* If true, print the outputs of shell commands defined in event hooks to the console.
// "printEventHooksOutputToConsole": true,

* If true, Rush will not allow node_modules in the repo folder or in parent folders.
// "forbidPhantomResolvableNodeModulesFolders": true,

* (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) For certain installation problems involving peer dependencies, PNPM cannot
* correctly satisfy versioning requirements without installing duplicate copies of a package inside the
* node_modules folder. This poses a problem for "workspace:*" dependencies, as they are normally
* installed by making a symlink to the local project source folder. PNPM's "injected dependencies"
* feature provides a model for copying the local project folder into node_modules, however copying
* must occur AFTER the dependency project is built and BEFORE the consuming project starts to build.
* The "pnpm-sync" tool manages this operation; see its documentation for details.
* Enable this experiment if you want "rush" and "rushx" commands to resync injected dependencies
* by invoking "pnpm-sync" during the build.
// "usePnpmSyncForInjectedDependencies": true,

* If set to true, Rush will generate a `project-impact-graph.yaml` file in the repository root during `rush update`.
// "generateProjectImpactGraphDuringRushUpdate": true,
* If true, when running in watch mode, Rush will check for phase scripts named `_phase:<name>:ipc` and run them instead
* of `_phase:<name>` if they exist. The created child process will be provided with an IPC channel and expected to persist
* across invocations.
// "useIPCScriptsInWatchMode": true