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#BlackLivesMatter - Petitions to sign.


Keep reading


Joāo Pedro 

George Floyd 

Minneapolis Police Held Accountable

Julius Jones

Tony McDade

Shukri Abdi

Ahmaud Arbery 

Jennifer Jeffley 

Regis Korchinski-Paquet

Sean Reed

Amiya Braxton

Emerald Black 

Chrystul Kizer

Tamir Rice


Breonna Taylor






I love Josh’s anti-classism so much. I grew up in a single parent household that didn’t have time/the ability to cook. I taught myself as an adult and ended up loving it. I cook with this stuff a lot. Shit, the RealLemon juice ends up in a lot of my cocktails. Sure, I like fancy ingredients when I can afford them and I have things I get picky about using - but I have bad hands, mincing garlic is painful as fuck. There’s a lot to be said for knowing how to work with what you have. Don’t shame people for trying, don’t shame people for feeding their families things that they enjoy.

if you are only a good cook if you have access to premium ingredients at whole foods or above prices then you arent really a good cook

posted 15 minutes ago with 84,842 notes




she sounds like she sucks

i got called a misogynist for this one

posted 41 minutes ago with 23,243 notes



The Pregnancy Panic Companion

In the thick of a pregnancy scare? Freaking out? Not sure what to do? We know how scary this can be, and we’re here to have your back in it.

Take a few deep breaths (really: do some good, slow breathing, you’ll feel better and be able to think more clearly once you do), and have a seat. Based on your unique situation, we’ll walk you through your next steps, give you some extra helps, fill you in on some common self-sabotagers, and do our best to help you chill out and pull it together so you can get through a scare without losing your mind and your well-being in the process.

Skimming this page as somebody who could have used it numerous times before, here are a few treasures I noticed for anybody in the peanut gallery (and to boost this a little):

- gender neutral language. seeking out reproductive health is hell for me as a trans guy, so gender neutral language could be the difference between avoiding care out of shame and getting care ASAP. i love that

- detailed, grounded advice for those of us with irregular cycles. everything i ever find about early pregnancy bases everything off “when you expected your period,” and this article straightup acknowledges my reality: You cannot tell. If your cycle is irregular, there is no way to know. Here are some next steps. No bullshit, no hemming and hawing about it, straight facts. I’m floored.

- advice for the PARTNER in this situation! The article doesn’t assume the potentially pregnant person HAS a partner, but it also doesn’t dismiss the hypothetical partner. this page includes advice for them, with emphasis on being supportive to the potentially pregnant person.

- DETAILED caution and information about CPCs! Explains in bold, right up front of the relevant segment, what Crisis Pregnancy Centers are, why they are not a good option, and where to look for care instead. Fantastic ✨

- Some genuinely fucking incredible advice for emotionally coping with the situation. Pregnancy scares are terrifying. It’s called a scare for a reason. You may think that panic would make a person act fast and clear-eyed, but I can tell you that it does not. It’s a time when decisive action is required, but sometimes the human brain responds to fear by freezing blind. I have felt immobilized with it. This article is sensitive to that, and provides good, level-headed, realistic, down-to-earth advice on how to calm down, dismiss any guilt or shame, call on friends, and get things handled.

This was just a brief skim, but I’m going to bookmark this page. You never know when you’ll need it.

posted 1 hour ago with 420 notes



Fausto Puglisi Fall 2017

posted 1 hour ago with 16 notes



posted 2 hours ago with 65,428 notes




I know that officially Doctor Mario is just Mario dressed as a doctor, but I choose to believe that he’s Mario from an alternate timeline because it’s the option that lends itself to shenanigans.

Doctor Mario: Welp gotta head home. It’s our anniversary tomorrow and we’ve got an early flight to Delfino we have to catch


Doctor Mario: Y’know most people follow that up with a little, ‘hey, happy anniversary’ or-

Mario: You’re married??

Doctor Mario:

Doctor Mario: You’re not????

Mario: No!! Who are you married to?????

Doctor Mario: To Tony!!!


Doctor Mario:

Mario: WHO’S TONY??????

Doctor Mario: WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘WHO’S TONY’???????????


I had to visualize this conversation so that my soul could rest.

Okay while I’m still vibrating with joy a fun fact about this post that nobody asked for

I never chose the name Tony randomly. I specifically decided to name Dr. Mario’s husband after one of the bosses from NES Open Tournament Golf


Because I thought Mario paired well with a twink

posted 2 hours ago with 103,180 notes

(Source: facebook.com)

posted 2 hours ago with 18,619 notes



so there’s this item on neopets called chia flour and what it does is basically, you’re in the battledome against someone else’s pet and you lob it at em and it turns them into a yellow chia. the thing is, the effect doesn’t end when the battle does. like… your pet literally becomes a yellow chia forever. so you could be in there with a really expensive plushie draik or something, a restricted hard-to-get species with a ridiculously expensive color, and suddenly its a chia.

its terrifying, and there have been stories of like, dedicated griefers with millions of neopoints to spend going out of their way to ruin people’s pets. the item has been retired for a while now, so theyre actually in limited supply so people arent really concerned about having chia flour lobbed at their pets anymore…

but it turns out using this illegal neopets site you can just blow 40 bucks on some and really really really really really mess up someone’s day


The term “illegal neopets site” fills me with primal fear

posted 3 hours ago with 105,190 notes
posted 3 hours ago with 143,953 notes


posted 4 hours ago with 6,575 notes
dear cas