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Downloading Inter version 4.1…


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Please consider giving us a small donation to keep this project alive.

Installation instructions

Show instructions for

  1. Open the "Font Book" application.
  2. In the main menu, select "File" → "Add Fonts..."
  3. Select "Inter.ttc", "InterVariable.ttf" and "InterVariable-Italic.ttf"
  4. Press the "Open" button

Alternatively, if you prefer not to use Font Book, you can move or copy the font files directly into ~/Library/Fonts/

  1. Open the zip file you downloaded
  2. Select "Inter.ttc", "InterVariable.ttf" and "InterVariable-Italic.ttf"
  3. Right-click the selected files, choose "Install for all users"

If you have a previous installation of Inter, you should make sure to remove those fonts files before installing new ones. You need to install the font for all users, as some software requires fonts to be global.

  1. Create a ".fonts" directory in your home. (mkdir -p ~/.fonts)
  2. Copy "Inter.ttc", "InterVariable.ttf" and "InterVariable-Italic.ttf" into your .fonts directory (cp Inter.ttc *.ttf ~/.fonts/)

You may have to restart apps and/or your window server session.

Ubuntu Linux Q&A

Q: I installed the fonts but they don't show up
A: Try rebuilding the font database:
sudo fc-cache -f -v
Then restart your program(s).

Q: Is there a way to tell if Inter was actually installed?
A: Try running: fc-list | grep "Inter"

Q: ~/.fonts is an old thing. The new thing is ~/.local/share/fonts
A: Yes, that is true for recent distributions. These distros usually support ~/.fonts as well making these instructions work for everyone.

Variable & Static font files

Inter fonts comes in two flavors: Variable and Static (InterVariable*.ttf and Inter.ttc, respectively.)

Variable fonts is a new format which allows you to choose any weight and optical size. Variable fonts is a relatively new technology and may not yet be supported by all your software. Inter's variable font is called "Inter Variable" to avoid confusion and to allow use alongside the traditional static fonts.

Static fonts works with older software and uses a fixed set of predefined mixtures of weight and optical size. For example "Inter Display Medium" is Inter with maximum optical size and a weight of 500.

Web use

If you're making a web page, you can use the following HTML and CSS:

<!-- HTML in your document's head -->
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://rsms.me/">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css">

/* CSS */
:root {
  font-family: Inter, sans-serif;
  font-feature-settings: 'liga' 1, 'calt' 1; /* fix for Chrome */
@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
  :root { font-family: InterVariable, sans-serif; }

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