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Unterstütze Riseup!

Riseup Rot

Wir bieten Riseup Rot-Konten für traditionelle Dienste wie E-Mail (IMAP) und VPN.


Wir bieten Mailinglisten für aktivistische Organisationen.

Andere Dienste

Die folgenden Dienste benutzen jeweils unabhängige Konten, die nicht mit Riseup Rot oder Riseup Schwarz verbunden sind.



Ressourcen und Anleitungen für sichere Kommunikation.

Riseup Hilfe-Portal

Um uns wegen einer Frage zu kontaktieren, nutze unser Hilfe-Portal, um ein Ticket zu erstellen. Aber bitte suche und lies vorher unser Onlinedokumentation auf dieser Seite.

Radikale Server

Liste von radikalen Server-Projekten weltweit.


Minor privacy policy update
A relatively minor change of our Privacy Policy happened. We changed the text around how long usernames for deleted accounts are unavailable, and explicitly added to our misuse section scams and phishing.
We need your help!
Riseup's services are funded by donations from people like you. We try not to ask too often, but we have to ask sometimes. Please consider making a donation if you value this freely available service, appreciate that we don't track or sell your data, or want to support people around the world working towards liberatory social change.
Scheduled network outage
Today at 15h UTC, 1pm EDT, 10am PDT there will be a planned network outage. We anticipate it being very short, but it will likely be a few minutes long. We wanted to let you know to be aware when it will happen.
Update on switch outage
The switch failure has been resolved with a replacement. If you are using Thunderbird and still cannot login, please quit and restart it. Any emails that were to be delivered during the outage period are not lost, and will be delivered.
Network switch outage
A critical failure to one of our core network switches is resulting in some people having difficulty using our services. This happened in the middle of the night, and we will need to replace the equipment, so please bear with us as we resolve this disruptive problem.
Another minor Terms of Service update!
We made a small change to our Terms of Service to add this line: Do not trade, sell, publicly give away, or publicly offer invites to people you don't know.
Minor Terms of Service update
We made a small change to our Terms of Service to explicitly indicate that usernames are included in the antiharassment definition.
Winter fundraising campaign
It's Riseup's twentieth year, help keep us going! We need your support to support each other. Please contribute to our winter fundraising drive.
Happy #N30!
Happy N30 from your friendly autonomous tech collective, running servers for justice since 1999. Much love to all in the streets & behind the screens fighting for a better world. Donate to keep Riseup working hard for you and movements globally.
Certificate update
The *.riseup.net, riseup.net certificates were updated. If you are pinning cert fingerprints, this will be the last time these certs and signed fingerprints will be updated.
Un grand merci à SQiL for a successful translation event!
Last night several wonderful volunteers came to the SQiL event to work on translating our help pages to french. Several pages were translated, updated, and fixes made, thanks to SQiL for a second year of help! Our help pages are an excellent resource to learn more about online security, anyone can help improve them!