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MarsEdit Meets Tumblr

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Many of you have been waiting patiently for MarsEdit 2.3, featuring support for Tumblr. Today, I’m happy to release a public beta with these updates. Please feel free to download and give it a try! I would also value your feedback on what I’ve done so far. Click Here To Download MarsEdit 2.3 Public Beta […]

Two Years On Mars

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

A little more than two years ago, Brent Simmons came to me with an intriguing proposition. Would I be willing to talk with NewsGator about the possibility of taking over MarsEdit, the desktop blog editing software Brent had developed as an adjunct to his RSS feed reader, NetNewsWire. My answer was about as close to […]

MarsEdit 2.2.3

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

It’s hard to believe it’s been more than 3 months since the last update to MarsEdit, our popular desktop blog publishing application. I’ve been hard at work on innumerable new features, and even, dare I speculate, some new apps. Some of these lofty plans have turned out to take a bit more thought and effort […]

Random Reality

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

If you’re a software developer or web-savvy businessperson, you’ve probably heard of 37 Signals’s famous book, Getting Real, which aims to pass on some of the company’s wisdom about how to build and market relatively simple end-user applications. The book is aimed primarily at developers of web applications, expected considering the web is 37 Signals’s […]