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Random Reality

February 7th, 2009

If you’re a software developer or web-savvy businessperson, you’ve probably heard of 37 Signals’s famous book, Getting Real, which aims to pass on some of the company’s wisdom about how to build and market relatively simple end-user applications. The book is aimed primarily at developers of web applications, expected considering the web is 37 Signals’s forte, but I think it contains pearls of wisdom that anybody working in the software industry could benefit from reading and considering.

I have read bits and pieces of the book, but I doubt I have read the whole thing. The short essays are perfect for a quick browse here and there. Often, I’ll navigate to the site in order to read just a few tidbits, before moving on with my day’s work.

But I haven’t read much of the book in a long time. When I was recently reminded of it by Manton Reece’s reference in his blog, I thought to myself, yes! I should read some more Getting Real! But again, the struggle of being faced with all those bite-sized morsels, and having to choose which to delve in to.

My solution? The Random Reality bookmarklet.

Just drag the link above directly to your bookmark toolbar. Now when you are in the mood to “get real,” you can jump to a random essay from the book at the click of a button. If you feel like reading more of the book, just click the bookmark again.

Of course, if you love browsing the book, it might make even more sense to buy a copy in PDF or paper format. But even if you own a copy and have read through it, you might enjoy the occasional dose of random reality in your life.

7 Responses to “Random Reality”

  1. Rino Jose Says:

    Thanks, Daniel. The bookmarklet works great for this! It’s like having a thought for the day.

  2. Helder Says:

    A Great Post!


  3. Dipesh Khakhkhar Says:

    Thanks a lot Daniel. It will be a good read (once a day….)

    ps: Dragging this link from google reader doesn’t work as expected….

  4. Daniel Jalkut Says:

    Dipesh, thanks for the note about Google Reader. Looks like they disable javascript links. Maybe it’s a security precaution.

  5. Hari Says:

    Thank you very much!!

  6. prajwala Says:

    What an idea, really this is very cool solution. Thanks

  7. Vlad Says:

    Doesn’t work in Opera. Cool idea, though.

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