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Drowning In Ship


I find my fandom, I find my ship, I become obsessed for eternity

'' She's right Ethan, Gabriel can not have that key. And none of our lives can matter more, then this mission. ''

@rebeccasteventaylor thank you for your key theories, i'm broken ;_;

If its any consolation, I am absolutely convinced that the forehead touch is Ethan getting Benji back after he thought be lost him. I mean - look at Ethan face in that

That looks like a man about to cry because he got his love back when he thought he’d lost him.



I’ve got a theory…(insert song here)

I think Benji is still carrying the key, because Ethan sees him as the safest place. (Plus it gives him excellent reason to protect Benji at all costs).

So in this moment, Benji has the key

That looks very much like Ethan saying goodbye to Benji - Ethan is going to sacrifice himself somehow. That clasp - that look - that emotion.

But Benji, being Benji, isn’t going to let Ethan do that. So as soon as Ethan’s back is turned, Benji slips off the key and gives it to Grace

Grace, confused, turns to Ethan to give him the key. Then Ethan realises what has happened, that Benji has slipped away to take Ethan’s place. So in this gif

Grace has turned to look where Benji was and Ethan is screaming Benji no - and clasping the key in left hand - you can see he’s holding tight onto something.

So I think this gif

Ethan grasping the key that Benji gave to him before he died, Ethan broken-hearted, tears in his eyes, is Ethan fulfilling Benji’s last wish - complete the mission.

(Or alternatively it’s ’do something with the key to get Benji, who is not dead, back…because they have to have the forehead touch!)


stop telling your teenage daughters who say they don't want kids that they'll change their mind

reblog the shit outta this

I haven't been a teenager in over a decade. Mind has yet to change on the subject.

  • At 14, I told my guidance counselor that I didn't want kids. He chuckled, patted me on the back, and informed me that when I got a little older, and I was with a guy, I would change my mind.
  • At 16, my grandmother nearly had a heart attack because of her three granddaughters, myself and the youngest agreed we didn't want to uave babies. Ever.
  • At 17, my father asked about my life plan. I told him: graduate high school, get my college degree, do some traveling and writing, go for this particular job I wanted, retired around X age, take month-long vacations to places I wanted to spend time in, etc. He asked, "What about a husband? Children? Normal things a girl is supposed to think about?" My response- a husband if a man came along that could share an adventure with me, kids were a No Go. He assured me I would 'grow up' qnd change my mind.
  • At 19, I shocked my former babysitter who had known me since I was a toddler, when I confirmed the rumour she'd heard that I didn't want kids. She patted my mom's arm and reassured her in a sweet voice that, "Don't worry, girls say a lot of silly things before they meet the right fella, and wise up. She'll give you grand babies"
  • At 22, I was talking to a college professor who chuckled at my making a comment about how, "thank goodness I'm never going to have to worry about juggling child rearing eith marriage, work, and life", then she realized I was serious. She asked if I was alright, thinking I could-not (not didn't-want) kids. I told her the truth, could have but didn't want to. She was aghast, then told me that I'd change my mind when my husband wanted some kids.
  • Well, I'm over 30, still have absolutely no desire to give birth, adopt, raise, or have much of anything to do with children. I don't hate children, I don't think people who have them are crazy (more power to you, to create and/or care for another person), and I don't think it's impossible to have a life AND have children. I recognized at an early age that I don't have that biological imperative to procreate, I don't have the patience to deal with children (something that has shown very little improvement as I've gotten older, in fact it might be getting worse), and I don't feel my life is incomplete without creating another life- I am good with living my own and doing my best to enrich the lives of those I care about (I try my best to be a good friend, to be a good sister, good daughter, good pet-owner, and a good person in general).

So please, please stop telling girls (or really kids at all, but especially girls) that they will change their minds. Please don't tell them that meeting 'the right guy' will make them suddenly feel broody, that their potential future husband's desire to have children will make her reconsider and see things his way. For one, a couple should have had that conversation and decided if it was a deal breaker, LONG before they got hitched. For another, it's her body that gets to grow and birth another human being- her husband's desire to be a father doesn't supercede her autonomy.

Please, let girls make their own choices? Girls are forced to mature too fast as it is and are bombarded from all sides with SHOULD (you SHOULD be a size 2, you SHOULD wear this dress, you SHOULD have a boyfriend to be a normal teen, you SHOULD always smile), they don't need another judgement from someone who hasn't walked a mile in their particular shoes. Respect teenage girls and their ability to look at the world, themselves, their situation, and their future, and make an important choice.

*gets off soap box, slides it back under the sofa, lets out a sigh*

Thanks for attending my TED talk. G'night.

Also, normalize your children saying they want kids and then changing their mind about it.

I was raised Mormon, so I was told that I wanted kids. Not I said I wanted them, I was told from the time I was eight that I wanted them. For a long time, I believed that I did want them.

Then my sister started having kids.

That was when I realized that, no, actually, I did not want them. I had been told for over twenty years of my life that I wanted kids. I saw my sister go through pregnancy and birth and realized that nope, I loved my niblings, but being a mom wasn't for me.

And that is totally valid!

One of the things I was always told (if my desire for no kids was taken seriously) was "But what if your husband wants children?"

At first I said 'If he wants kids that badly he sure as hell wouldn't be marrying ME' but one day I blurted out 'then he can carry them himself' and my dad choked on his beer.

When I was about five I went to my mom and told her I wanted to be a boy. (okay look we're not talking about gender right now)

She said why?

I said, "because boys don't have to have babies." I never played with babydolls, never played "house", had no interest in anything that involved motherhood. My mom's whole career as a nurse revolved around giving birth. She taught lamaze. She was a breastfeeding educator. I was surrounded by women having babies. It was horrifying to me.

I was told over and over that I would change my mind. Into my 30s I was told this.

I'm 45. I didn't change my mind. I married someone who also didn't want kids. He never changed his mind. We meet a lot of people who confess to us that they are jealous. "Don't get me wrong, I love my kids...but yeah I wish I'd never had them." This is a COMMON thing.

Don't let yourself get talked out of what you feel and think.

Also, shout out to the people who have to deal with other friends/family members having kids and - when you are seen in proximity of said children or holding said children - get told "Oh, I bet this makes you broody" / "doesn't that make your biological clock start ticking" and all the other delightful misogyny and ageism rolled into one.

I was raised religious and until I got out of that environment, everyone had made it clear that their expectations for my life were that there would be marriage and babies, despite having already done my share of child-rearing as an eldest child and hating it.

The day I realised it was optional was like a whole new start.

Oh, I have been very set that I didn’t want to get married and didn’t want to have kids since I was very little.

Now I ended up with severe endometriosis. And I begged and begged my gynaecologist to give me a hysterectomy instead of trying treatment after treatment that didn’t work. Nope, he said. You might want kids. No, never want kids, I insisted, over and over again. Nope, you might change your mind.

So it went on and on and as my body was ravaged by the endo and I was forbidden the one chance to stop this because no one could believe I wouldn’t want children one day.

(Side note - they also didn’t want to induce early menopause. Said it would turn me into a broken old woman . Had menopause. Once done I’ve felt incredibly powerful and healthy. Plus no more periods. Post menopause life is wonderful)


Talking of ship tropes and benthan …

I think the thing with them is - both of them truly believe they are not worthy of love.

Every one Ethan has loved openly has either died or had to fake their death. When Ethan says ‘I love you’ that person is cursed. Ethan is convinced his love is a death sentence, so he won’t say it, or even openly express if he can help it. It doesn’t help that as soon as he began to realise his feelings for Benji, Lane took Benji.

For Ethan, loving him is far too high a price to pay.

And Benji - we know he has low self esteem, self harms. He demands he stay with Ethan, but doesn’t ask for his love or his protection in Vienna. He gives everything to Ethan, would die for Ethan, and in place of Ethan, but I don’t think he has any idea how much he matters to Ethan.

I think both of them adores and worships and loves the other, but both of them would never say a word because they don’t believe they deserve that love and never can believe the other could love them.

Does that make sense? Basically it’s ‘I don’t deserve love’ falls for ‘I’m unlovable’

And that’s why it’s so bloody difficult to get them together….


One of my favourite moments in any shippy fanfic is where one thinks the other is dead and goes through all the guilt and agony and mourning and realisation of the own depth of their feelings and then - then the other comes back and they just cling to their newly alive loved one with all their might ‘not dead not dead not dead alive!’

And if my current theory is right and this is Ethan losing Benji

And then we get Ethan mourning Benji (note the tears in his eyes)

And then we get the reunited ‘not dead not dead not dead’ moment

I may just spontaneously combust in the cinema


“whatever the fuck these two characters had going on” is a vastly underrated character dynamic

“Weird about each other” is how I’ve always put it. It’s my favorite thing.

I don’t know what’s going on and I can’t possibly imagine an endgame that will have a happy ending for them but by god it’s compelling to watch


House M.D. (2004-2012) I 4.12 - Don't Ever Change

See the thing is, once Wilson realises that sleeping with Amber is basically sleeping with House and therefore he wants to be with House, he’s basically fine with it. Ok, just another layer of his complex, maddening relationship with this bizarre, difficult and yet somehow necessary man.

It’s House who goes on all sorts of emotional rollercoaster journey, wildly swinging from ‘I don’t need you!’ to ‘I will give up everything for you’ over and over again, while Wilson waits patiently for House to pick one

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