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I’m sorry, professor, I consider publishing your course a day late, having a mandatory live zoom meeting during business hours to stay enrolled for an asynchronous class, and requiring students to use a $60 ***pdf*** that you wrote as their textbook to be exceptionally unprofessional and since I’ve still got 14 days to get a refund I’m totally not paying $150 to take your class.

Also, for all the newbie professors out there: a syllabus is not just a greeting and a list of assignments. If you haven’t given your students AT LEAST your office hours, your late work policy, and your preferred method of being contacted, then you have not given your students a syllabus it’s just sparkling announcements.

But really. Sir. SIR. You teach Speech 100. This is one of the most basic classes with like, 20 of the most widely available accepted textbooks and you want me to pay sixty dollars for a pdf of a book that you rewrite every semester so that there are no previous editions?

Buddy this is interpersonal communication, not introductory rhetoric. Why is one of your *four* total assignments about Socrates?

Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve taken Spch 100 interpersonal communication three times already, maybe it’s the fact that I grew up with somebody who taught Spch 100 interpersonal communication from 1981 to 2018, but buddy what the fuck are you doing?

“Some of our lectures will only be available for 24 hours so it is up to you to stay on top of it.”

Friend, you are teaching an asynchronous online 100-level class at a community college during a pandemic. Get off your high horse, a third of your students are probably parents. There is no reason whatsoever to limit access to course materials to 24 hours unless you are doing it to be a controlling asshole.

Also YOU published your class a day and a half late! You don’t get to publish your class late with an incomplete syllabus and tell students to “stay on top of it.” Especially not since that means that people have two fewer days to buy your PDF textbook and only one full day to prepare for your mandatory 1pm on a Tuesday zoom meeting!

Why do you require me to have access to a printer for an online class? Oh yeah it’s because you expect me to print out and draw on sections of your $60 ebook.

SIR. No thank you.

Kids, new students: this is a level of bullshit and disorganization from a professor that you do not have to put up with. This is a neatly ordered series of red flags that say “this professor is going to be absolutely unbearable.”

Also *any* humanities class where your whole grade is 4 assignments should get serious side-eye. You should be able to pass most 100 level humanities classes by just turning in weekly assignments. 4 assignments means that by the time you figure out how the professor grades you’re probably close to halfway through the class. Look for classes that require weekly participation as a major chunk of the grade because that way, even if you fuck up a project in a major way, just showing up can save your ass.

Me the first time I was in college: this isn’t fair, but I guess these are the hoops I gotta jump through.

Me now: absolutely not. I am too old, too experienced, and my ass is too fat to fit through that hoop. Kid, you are an ADJUNCT, what the hell do you think you’re doing?

One of the stated goals of the first assignment isn’t “assess understanding of the subject” or “introduce basic concepts” it is “prove access to course materials, such as the textbook.”

Friend. You are supposed to have global learning outcomes for your students. If your goal is “teach students how to pass MY” class and not “teach students the basics of interpersonal communication” you are a bad teacher.

Okay everyone get out your bingo cards because the professor just managed to get his class halfway updated and here’s what I’ve found:

  • “This Class Is Not A Safe Space”
  • “Discussion question: If you are MALE say four things that you think females normally say. If you are FEMALE say four things that you think males normally say.”
  • Prager U vid is one of three total resources on the topic of climate
  • Chris Rock “How to keep from getting your ass kicked by the police” video as part of the “conflict resolution” unit
  • Democratic-Capitalism-Exceeds-Socialism-in-Economic-Efficiency-as-Well-as-in-Morality-by-Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali.pdf (Paper by the Hoover Institution)
  • This uncredited image:
  • The Unfortunate Fallout of Campus Postmodernism - Scientific American.pdf
  • A video on the “proven” techniques of how to spot a lie from the author who owns this webpage (time to update your security certs, Pamela):

And just for shits and giggles, the first assignment is due one month into the semester so you’ll have no idea what his grading style is until well past the add/drop date and that assignment is the only one that requires the $60 pdf textbook that he wrote. This is HIS description of that assignment:

Purpose – To check that the student has completed initial tasks; included, but not limited to: 1. Having access to the textbook. 2. Demonstrating that the student has interacted with the text. 3. Reading and understanding the text.



Are you fucking kidding me?

Also the midterm and final were scheduled for a one-hour slot on weekdays in spite of, again, being an asynchronous course.

So I’ve already dropped it (good riddance) but I probably WILL contact the dean and say “hey so I signed up for this asynchronous course because I am a returning student with a full-time job and your professor decided on his own that he was going to schedule 1pm zoom times and 1pm exams for all his async students, which is probably going to cause problems for other students who are enrolled because I’d guess that at least some of them have classes that are SCHEDULED for T/TH 1pm class meetings oh and also just FYI your boy was 28 hours late on publishing his class and didn’t get his syllabus up until 34 hours after he was supposed to so I’m not really sure his time management skills are up to teaching async classes and ADDITIONALLY he noted that he would only make the lecture materials available for 24 hours and then did not list when those lectures were scheduled in his syllabus so it would be very easy for busy students to miss lectures because he didn’t schedule them but also won’t be leaving the materials available. So. You know. Someone should probably check on that.”

His score on ratemyprofessor is 1.8 and even the two people who gave him a 4 say “I failed the final because he hadn’t taught us any of that information or put any of those fields of study on his final exam study guide.”

Also, new students, you must learn the proper way to complain to the dean.

Every department has That One Fucking Asshole who everyone wants to see gone but students tend to complain about personalities or “why is my speech teacher assigning an economic ethics paper published by a conservative think-tank funded by the Waltons” and that is not how it’s done. The administration may agree that he’s an asshole, but “he’s an asshole” isn’t a good enough reason not to renew someone’s contract and go through the time and effort to bring in a new hire.

So you get them on bureaucratic shit. “Published his course late,” “did not provide office hours,” “did not provide a way to communicate and did not respond to calls, emails, or canvas messages,” “set required meeting times for asynchronous courses” - THIS is the shit that the administration can pin a professor to the wall on because it isn’t student said vs. Professor said.

Like, look, you are important and your feelings and thoughts matter, but the administration knows there will always be someone who is offended about something innocuous who doesn’t know how school works and they’re not going to write up a professor because of how a student thinks the class should be run. But they WILL write up and add observations for a professor who doesn’t run a classroom the way that the school policy says a class should be run.

It’s getting to be school time again, and some of you will have garbage professors.

You’re paying for this, do not accept this kind of behavior. Read and re-read the last part from @ms-demeanor because complaining effectively is key to stopping this bullshit.

If you are stuck with a professor that is administering thier class well but being hostile, belittling students, not making reasonable accommodations or otherwise being a jackass, write down specific incidents (what was said to who where and when, if possible, take screenshots or make recordings of class), and look up your school’s nondiscrimination policies, classroom safety standards and inclusivity goals. It’s way more effective to say “on September 3rd professor last name said ”(fucking nonsense here)“ to student Y, which is a clear violation of classroom safety rule (Cite specific rule) and stated inclusivity goal ”(goal here)“ and I want to know what administrative actions I can expect to see while you handle this.” Than it is to say “hey prof lastname’s been really mean/a bigot in class”

The admin almost certainly wants to fire this asshole too. Give them the legal ammo they need.

Shared before, without Gallus’s addition. Time to share again!




Come on man

Look, we already live in a society where there’s different laws for the rich and for the poor. But at least it isn’t THAT explicitly codified.

We got rid of company towns for a reason. God knows what kinds of poisons or other industrial accents this could unleash.



hate when people are like “trust your gut! listen to your intuition!” like okay well my gut is telling me every person i lay eyes on is hunting me for sport and my intuition is saying i should find a secluded cave and live there forever so what do you suggest i do with that information

(Semi-serious answer to joke post incoming) If your gut is sending you endless “UNSAFE!” signals in a situation your logic brain knows is safe, then you trust it by kind of treating it like a conversation with a screaming parrot.

Like going “ok, Gut, what feels unsafe?” And it’ll say “PEOPLE IN THE GROCERY STORE”

and you go, “huh, ok. People in the grocery store aren’t usually dangerous…what makes them scary in the grocery store?” And it’ll go “LOUD AND RUSHED AND BUSY”

and you go “ok, people in the grocery store are probably not dangerous but they’re loud and rushed and busy. Loud and rushed and busy makes me feel stressed. How about we wear earplugs to make it less noisy and go at a less busy time of day?”

And then sometimes you try that and your gut goes “HMMM GROCERY STORE SAFER?” And you go, “yes, grocery store safer.”

Your gut isn’t necessarily correct that the SITUATION is unsafe but it’s usually right that your body/brain FEELS unsafe in the situation. You can trust it by approaching it with curiosity and usually learn something.

(via phirephox666)





Here is your mission.

TSLA hit its all time high of $488.50 on 15 DEC 2024. To reach of a price of $114.00 would be a 76.7% drop. That’s huge, right?

Yeah well, when I checked the price just now (12 MAR 2025 @ 1:31 PM EDT), TSLA is currently trading at $250.85. That’s down 48.6% from the high.

Babes, we’re already nearly two-thirds of the way there.

TSLA $114.00. I believe this is where I say ‘like to charge, reblog to cast.’

A tag mentioned 'where the reddit stockbros at’ and … well anyways, for those asking how to help without directly trading:

- Loudly and frequently remind everyone how he didn’t found Tesla, he bought the right to call himself the founder, and then ruined a great thing.

- Loudly and frequently discuss how absolutely shit quality Teslas are, using as many specific examples as possible. One of my faves was an old TT where an auto assembly worker went over as many details of a Tesla as they could, pointing out aaaaall the shoddy craftsmanship and cut corners, badly installed gaskets, etc.

- Loudly and frequently discuss Tesla deaths. Especially things like how Mitch McConnell’s wife lowered vehicle safety standards and then her sister got drunk and reversed her deathtrap into a pond.

- Bonus points if you can put these comments in relevant places, like say, Yahoo Finance, relevant tags on ANY social media, and under finance/market news and blogs.

- Same goes for SpaceX and Starlink, anything and everything negative you can say about them especially backed up by facts, statistics, or other reports

- Consumer/market sentiment is closely monitored by the industry, regardless of how they spin it in media. No one on the internet actually knows whether or not you own any of these products.

- If you’re feeling really edgy, go to whatever subreddits/Yahoo comments section/wherever relevant and pretend to be a Tesla/etc shareholder who gave up and sold. Don’t tell others to sell, that shit usually gets shut down pretty quick, but just be 'disgruntled’ and 'disappointed’ or even scared. “idk guys I’m really worried, this isn’t getting better, I just really think it’s over, I’m selling”

- If you or anyone you know has any kind of 401(k) or other externally-managed retirement portfolio, mention to them you really hope they don’t have any Tesla/etc in there, maybe they should double check/call their broker/whatever

- pressure your banks/universities/etc to divest any Elon-related tickers, stressing things like “volatility,” “market sentiment,” “bad optics,” and “risk”

- never go the Gleeful Troll route, it just gets ignored. If you want to convince people, play the Concerned Consumer/Shareholder angle

- Report Elon Musk’s market manipulation to the SEC. They won’t really do anything, maybe a slap on the wrist at most, a paltry fine of 0.001% of profits or something, but it’s fun and it’s free.

The stock market is paper-fucking-thin and fearful sentiment is contagious. It can absolutely be used to an advantage.


Anyways, a small note: margin calls are not nearly as cut-and-dried as implied. Organizations with millions or billions of worth and assets can easily juggle things to rebalance their risk, a margin call does not automatically force liquidation unless that risk cannot be balanced.

(via chrisisjustalie)


this ai generated origami tutorial is sending me


I don’t know what’s funnier, the complete nonsense folds or the fact that one step is just. pair of scissors. famously not used in origami.

Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4, and 7

(via phirephox666)




Holy shit this got really funny to really sad really quick


oh my god it’s the real one. I’m so used to the stupid Skyrim edit.

(via itseasytoremember)



im so glad nobody on the modern Tumblr Left ever changes their url or icons unless they get deleted and remake because back in The Day (2012) we did that all the time and it made keeping track of who was who nigh impossible. remember halloween urls? man, we used to- [i break out into a fit of raspy coughs that leave me wheezing for air while desperately flailing for the nurse call button] [you notice that my coughs are staining the bedsheet with flecks of blood]





(via phirephox666)





you wanna know something that fucks me up when i think about it. what really fucks me up. that the west coast of the us has different butter than the east coast. like it’s an entirely different shape. when i learned that my brain metaphorically exploded. something as fundamental and constant as butter is completely different based on whether you grew up in oregon or south carolina. where is the divide. why doesn’t anyone talk about this. oh fuck i’m thinking about the east/west butter divide again i gotta calm down


i’m from massachusetts. when i first learned that not only is the bottom butter common in the western part of the us, but it’s the only butter that some people know, i lost my goddamned mind. i had never even SEEN any butter other than the top butter until i bought some at trader joe’s and was like what the goddamned hell is this. now every time i see tj’s butter in my fridge i have a minor exestential crisis. that first time i googled the history of butter. east coast butter is called elgins and west coast butter is called west coast stubbies. i need to stop talking about this because it makes me fall into a butter-fueled spiral if i think about it for too long

I grew up on the East Coast, and moved to the West as an adult. The first time I pulled butter out of the fridge, over here, I outlout went “this is the wrong shape”.

this is NOT cute. west coast butters have terrible respiratory problems due to their muzzles being bred out via irresponsible breeding practices. this is CRUEL to these butters DO NOT support west coast butter breeding 📢‼️

The first time I saw butter in the state’s, I mostly thought “where’s the rest of it?”. In Canada, butter is by the pound


(via clotpolesonly)


i hate it here im gonna [remembers suicide jokes are bad for mental health] find the Avatar and restore my honor

(via clotpolesonly)