I want you to be able to play my games for free.
After you've played them, if you like them, I'd love you to pay anything you want to for them.
Write me some feedback, point me in the direction of good writers, good games, good music, good films and good coffee.
Send me a funny picture you liked, a story you wrote, something you drew, an article you enjoyed, a song you sang.
How about sharing a fun moment in your life with me, or your favourite picture of you, or of anyone else.
Tell me about your day, your dreams for tomorrow or write me a limerick. Or a haiku.
Tell me a joke, send me a steam key, a gift card, a discount voucher for the bakery around the corner from you.
Ask for my address and send me a postcard or a red paper clip. Invite me to a beta, tell me about a cool podcast, a comic or a magazine.
Download the game again from itch.io and pay some dollars, or just tell a friend about it.