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Update History

  • 2023.12.11: The Gallery has been updated! Various small adjustments have also happened throughout the site:

    • About has been updated with a Credits segment.
    • A "Return" link has been added to the bottom of all blog entries (noscript).
    • A similar link has been added to the FFXI quick guide.
    • The Footer has been hard-coded where it wasn't prior.
    • The Guestbook is temporarily down while I sort out alternatives about it.

  • 2023.12.03: Just cleaning up and organizing some file paths under the hood.

  • 2023.9.06: Minor update! Added noscript tags to some pages, for folks who have Javascript disabled. Also fixed the Guestbook page on the Neocities mirror.

  • 2023.08.30: Solid update after a long time of silence! Y'all can see the blog post for the general rundown on that. Elsewhere:

    • The Miscellany page is finally up.
    • The site now has a manual RSS feed!
    • Two small translations have been added to Misc.
    • Updated the one FFXI quick guide just a couple sentences, cleaned up image paths, etc.

  • 2023.03.30: Outwardly there may not appear to be anything different, but that's the goal! Been organizing a few things this past while on account of: got a proper domain name and another host for mirroring purposes! (And potential other plans?? Hohoh.)

    • The About page is back up and functioning.
    • 403 and 404 error pages have gotten a little customizing, for fun.
    • Trying out a different look for the sidebar in blog entries, visible in the most recent post. This may continue to change over the next few days while I try to decide on a look.

  • 2023.03.12: Been quietly adding blog posts! These will not get noted here, as they're always dated anyway. Outside of that, finally got the blog archive up and running. Also added a few sites to the links page, particularly underneath the Pixel Art section.

  • 2023.02.16: Another extremely minor update. Just quietly adjusting some navigation paths and simplifying them.

  • 2023.02.06: Minor update! Added a bit of code to make images in the Gallery responsive on mobile. It might require screen pinching to zoom in and see detail, but at least it shouldn't actively impede folks from closing out the image now.

  • 2023.02.05: Decided to restructure the site a good bit! The main portions of the navigation bar have been moved to the top of the page, whereas future bonus pages, the visitor corner, and other minor fluff has been added to a single sidebar. Various code adjustments have been made under the hood.

    • The following pages are functioning: Home, Gallery, Links, Site Map, Update History, and Guestbook.
    • Alt text has been added to images in the gallery.
    • Folks on PC can hover their cursor over the thumbnails in the Gallery to get a simple popup indicating what series an image is fanart of (where applicable).

  • 2022.09.27: Adjusted some CSS spacing for the header and footer, fixed a typo. Will likely see some trial and error in the coming month as I work on adding new pages!

  • 2022.08.15: Slightly adjusted some CSS, added two images to the Gallery and a few additional links out. (Previous blog posts were re-uploaded in accordance with the small adjustments.)

  • 2022.8.1: Sorted out a handful of things under the hood, finishing the last of that cleanup to avoid (most) future hassle. Fixed the issue with blog dates. Links is pretty barebones, but has at least gotten a start and should be functioning. Some buttons have been added to the main page ♪

  • 2022.7.28: Just some slight style clean up! Will continue to happen over the next few days, trying to organize things across all pages. Fixed issue with blog path when linked from the main page.

  • 2022.7.25: Arranging and cleaning up various pages to prevent future hassle. Mostly setting up pages outside of the main one to have a simplier layout. The blog is set up, but note to self that if I want to have recent blog posts to show up on the home page I'd have to spend some time sorting that out. The code brings up the assumed relative path of the posts, which are all placed under /Blog/, so the links end up breaking when going from the main page.

  • 2022.7.24: Blog is mostly set up and functioning! Two sketchblog posts from the previous two days are up and running.

  • 2022.7.20: Adjusted layout (header, spacing, new colors, etc), and made an attempt to organize the code all around. Added guestbook and site button, removed currently non-functioning nav links. About page is functioning, Blog is a work-in-progress. (Visitor counter was also reset because it likely parsed me fiddling with the layout several times because I forgot a setting, whoops.)

  • 2022.6.28: Site is live! Home and Gallery pages are functioning.