fluro 2.0.5
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Fluro is a null-safe Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions.

The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter.
Features #
- Simple route navigation
- Function handlers (map to a function instead of a route)
- Wildcard parameter matching
- Querystring parameter parsing
- Common transitions built-in
- Simple custom transition creation
- Follows
Flutter channel - Null-safety
Example Project #
There is a pretty sweet example project in the example
folder. Check it out. Otherwise, keep reading to get up and running.
Getting started #
First, you should define a new FluroRouter
object by initializing it as such:
final router = FluroRouter();
It may be convenient for you to store the router globally/statically so that you can access the router in other areas in your application.
After instantiating the router, you will need to define your routes and your route handlers:
var usersHandler = Handler(handlerFunc: (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> params) {
return UsersScreen(params["id"][0]);
void defineRoutes(FluroRouter router) {
router.define("/users/:id", handler: usersHandler);
// it is also possible to define the route transition to use
// router.define("users/:id", handler: usersHandler, transitionType: TransitionType.inFromLeft);
In the above example, the router will intercept a route such as
and route the application to the UsersScreen
the value 1234
as a parameter to that screen.
Navigating #
You can use FluroRouter
with the MaterialApp.onGenerateRoute
via FluroRouter.generator
. To do so, pass the function reference to
the onGenerate
parameter like: onGenerateRoute: router.generator
You can then use Navigator.push
and the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes
for you.
You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so:
router.navigateTo(context, "/users/1234", transition: TransitionType.fadeIn);
Class arguments #
Don't want to use strings for params? No worries.
After pushing a route with a custom RouteSettings
you can use the BuildContext.settings
extension to extract the settings. Typically this would be done in Handler.handlerFunc
so you can pass RouteSettings.arguments
to your screen widgets.
/// Push a route with custom RouteSettings if you don't want to use path params
routeSettings: RouteSettings(
arguments: MyArgumentsDataClass('foo!'),
/// Extract the arguments using [BuildContext.settings.arguments] or [BuildContext.arguments] for short
var homeHandler = Handler(
handlerFunc: (context, params) {
final args = context.settings.arguments as MyArgumentsDataClass;
return HomeComponent(args);