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Display Climate/Weather Data Details
- Animator tool for dataset map movies.
- Maproom: Weather and Climate Products
- Monthly Composites various datasets
- Monthly Ocean/Atmosphere related Time-series
- North American Regional Reanalysis Monthly data
- Search and Plot gridded climate datasets
- Time Sections
- US Climate Division Maps
- Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools (WRIT) for the atmosphere and ocean: maps, vertical cross-sections, correlations, time-series, trajectories, and more
Display Instrumental Data Details
- AQPI Scanning Radar Dual-PPI Data Tools
- Arctic Observing sites: Barrow (NSA), Tiksi, Summit, Alert, Eureka: Data browsers and files. Some sites are current.
- Atmospheric River Observatory (ARO) Observation/Model Comparisons
- Realtime Boundary Layer Profiler Network:
- Satellite Real-time Products
- Soil, Radiation, and Flux data from the California Observation sites
- SPLASH, including model observation comparisons and historic radar plots.
- Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP3) Observation/Model Comparisons
Climate/Weather Monitoring Details
Climate/Weather Topics Details
- Boulder Colorado Climate and Weather Resources
- Climate Projection Web Portal: CM1P5 and CMIP6 maps and time-series over land and the ocean.
- EDDI: Real-time EDDI maps of the CONUS
- El Niño/La Niña (ENSO) including ENRR
- Fire Weather
- Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)
- Marine Heat-waves
- Probable Maximum Precipitation
- Radar images of interest
- Renewable Energy
- Temperature Extremes: Change in the Frequency of U.S. Multi-Day Temperature Extremes
Perform Analysis Details
- WRIT: Reanalysis Intercomparisons Tools: A set of web-based tools that plot, compare and analze reanalyses and observation datasets
- FACTS: Facility for Weather and Climate Assessments: Examine and compare model outputs to help assess the nature and causes of extreme events.
- US Climate Division composite and correlation maps
- Correlations of Monthly/Seasonal Climate Variables
- El Niño/La Niña (ENSO) climate risks, climate comparisons, and ENSO differences/similarities
- Indices from climate/ocean data
- NCEP Operational Daily Plots
- NCEP Time-section Plots
- Timeseries of Monthly/Seasonal Climate Variables
- US Station Climatologies
- US Climate Station Analysis
- Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools (WRIT) for the atmosphere and ocean: maps, vertical cross-sections, correlations, time-series, reajectories, and more
Forecasts Details
Model Related Projects Details
- 20th Century Reanalysis Project
- FACTS: Facility for Weather and Climate Assessments: Examine and compare model outputs to help assess the nature and causes of extreme events.
- ISPD pressure observations for 20CRv3.
- NOAA NASA Joint Archive (NNJA) of Observations for Earth System Reanalysis
- Replay: NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) Replay