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Plant, Soil and Environment, 2014 (vol. 60), issue 10

Neighbour effects of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) on Cd bioaccumulation by soybean in saline soilOriginal Paper

A. Ashrafi, M. Zahedi, K. Fahmi, R. Nadi

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):439-445 | DOI: 10.17221/904/2013-PSE  

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals can be affected by various crop-weed interactions in agroecosystems. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the role of belowground interaction of soybean and purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) weed on cadmium (Cd) uptake and its allocation to soybean grains. The experimental treatments included two cropping systems (mono and mixed culture), two salinity levels (0% and 0.5% NaCl) and three levels of Cd in soil (control; 3 and 6 mg Cd/kg). Results showed that the promoting effect of salinity on Cd uptake by soybean and Cd allocation to grains was enhanced in the presence of purslane compared to the absence...

Differences in sensitivity of F1 and F2 generations of herbicide tolerant sunflower volunteers to selected acetolactate synthase inhibiting herbicidesOriginal Paper

M. Jursík, K. Hamouzová, J. Soukup, J. Andr, J. Holec

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):446-451 | DOI: 10.17221/185/2014-PSE  

The aim of this work is to describe the differences in sensitivity of Clearfield, ExpressSun and non-herbicide tolerant (HT) sunflower cultivars to several acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides and to find out the differences in sensitivity in F1 and F2 generations of these cultivars. Non-HT sunflower was very sensitive to most of the tested herbicides, except for nicosulfuron (efficacy 43-75%). F2 generation of non-HT sunflower showed a low level of sensitivity to imazamox (efficacy 10-43%) and to nicosulfuron, tribenuron, thifensulfuron and rimsulfuron under dry conditions (efficacy 43-83%). Sensitivity of Clearfield sunflower (cultivar with...

Effects of application terms of three soil active herbicides on herbicide efficacy and reproductive ability for weeds in maizeOriginal Paper

J. Andr, V. Hejnák, M. Jursík, V. Fendrychová

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):452-458 | DOI: 10.17221/561/2014-PSE  

The aim of this work was to compare herbicide efficacy and reduction of weed reproduction after the application of three frequently used soil residual herbicides during pre-emergent (PRE) and early post-emergent (EPOST) application in maize. Plot field trials were carried out in Central Bohemia during two growing seasons (2010 and 2011). Good efficacy (88%, resp. 83%) was found in isoxaflutole + thiencarbazone (ISF + THC) and terbuthylazin + S-metolachlor (TBA + SMC) on Echinochloa crus-galli, especially in PRE application use. Efficacy on Amaranthus retroflexus was 91% at both tested application periods and there were no significant...

Soil microbial communities and dehydrogenase activity depending on farming systemsOriginal Paper

M. Järvan, L. Edesi, A. Adamson, T. Võsa

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):459-463 | DOI: 10.17221/410/2014-PSE  

The aim of study was to compare the effect of farming methods on soil microbial communities and dehydrogenase activity (DHA). During 2008-2013, in the five-field crop rotation the following treatments were carried out: ORG - organic; ORGFYM - organic with cattle manure; CONFYM - conventional (cattle manure, mineral fertilizers and pesticides were used). From the treatments soil samples in three replicates were taken for microbiological tests in September yearly. Total bacteria and cellulose decomposing bacteria were determined as a number of colony forming units per g of dry soil. Soil DHA was determined in accordance with Tabatabai (1982). Solid cattle...

The yield and technological quality of sugar beet roots cultivated in mulchesOriginal Paper

A. Artyszak, D. Gozdowski, K. Kucińska

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):464-469 | DOI: 10.17221/428/2014-PSE  

In 2005-2008, in several locations of southern Poland, the yield and technological root quality of two sugar beet cultivars (Esperanza and Henrike) cultivated in mustard mulch, straw mulch and in conventional tillage (with pre-winter plough) were investigated. Mustard mulch let to achieve the highest plant density during harvest. Replacing conventional ploughing with mustard mulch caused 9.4% root yield increase and with straw mulch 11.2%. Cultivation system had no effect on the content of sucrose and melassigenic components in the roots, except for potassium. Technological sugar yields obtained from mustard mulch were by 8.0% and in straw mulch by...

Poppy root weevils (Stenocarus ruficornis, Stephens 1831) control in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)Original Paper

D. Bečka, P. Cihlář, P. Vlažný, K. Pazderů, J. Vašák

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):470-474 | DOI: 10.17221/417/2014-PSE  

Effects of insecticidal sprays on poppy root weevils (Stenocarus ruficornis, Stephens 1831) were assessed in small plot trials at three localities in the Czech Republic during two years (2011-2012). In addition, the effects of seed dressing were included into the assessment in one of the localities (Červený Újezd). The levels of root damage caused by the insect pest larvae (expressed as number of bore holes per root) and yield got from individual treatments were compared. Sprays applied for 18 days after the first record of poppy root weevils in trials showed the highest effects on a decrease of the levels of root damage (40% of untreated...

Effect of applied cultivation technology and environmental conditions on lucerne farm yield in the Central EuropeOriginal Paper

J. Hakl, P. Fuksa, J. Konečná, L. Pacek, P. Tlustoš

Plant Soil Environ., 2014, 60(10):475-480 | DOI: 10.17221/629/2014-PSE  

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of used technology and environmental condition on lucerne dry matter yield in the regional conditions. During a three year period (2011-2013), the investigation was based on management survey in 27 farms in the Czech Republic. Climate conditions significantly influenced yield in some interaction with soil where only combination of dry climate and less fertile soil conditions reduced forage yield. The single soil effect was not significant for forage yield. Applied technology was influenced by both environment and farm characteristic (such as farm size and cow's milk performance) which together significantly...