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Plant, Soil and Environment, 2011 (vol. 57), issue 3

Nitric oxide ameliorates stress responses in plants

A.N. Misra, M. Misra, R. Singh

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):95-100 | DOI: 10.17221/202/2010-PSE  

Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous diatomic molecule with a wide variety of physiological and pathological implications in plants. Presence of unpaired electron in its molecular orbital makes it highly reactive; it can react directly with metal complexes, radicals, DNA, proteins, lipids and other biomolecules. Nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to play essential role in a number of important plant physiological processes. This manuscript reviews the role of NO on these processes during various biotic and abiotic stresses.

Antioxidant activity of enzymatic system of two different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars growing under salt stress

W.M. Bhutta

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):101-107 | DOI: 10.17221/95/2010-PSE  

Soil salinity and semi-arid and arid climate of Pakistan is a major constraint in agriculture and predominantly in foodstuff production. It limits crop yield and use of land previously uncultivated. Wheat is moderately salt tolerant. A great variation was observed between and within the cultivars (genotypes: S-24 salt tolerant and DN-27 salt sensitive) in relationship to the choice of salinity level (control and treatments: in increment of 25 mol/m3 NaCl/day to a final level of 80 and 160 mol/m3 NaCl into the nutrient solution) that will be used for screening purpose. Relative water content (RWC), membrane stability index and...

The arsenic speciation transformation in artificially arsenic-contaminated fluvo-aquic soil (Beijing, China)

X. Zeng, Q. He, L. Bai, L. Li, S. Su

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):108-114 | DOI: 10.17221/198/2010-PSE  

Arsenic (As) speciation transformation often accompanies adsorption-desorption when exogenous arsenide is poured into soil. Disregarding the speciation transformation when evaluating adsorption-desorption of As can greatly influence the experimental results. In this study, batch experiments were conducted, and the results indicated that exogenous monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) or dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) added to fluvo-aquic soil collected from agricultural area in Beijing of China, was completely converted into As(V) after cultivated for60 or 90 days. However, when exogenous As(V) was added to the soil, no speciation transformation of As(V) was observed....

Effects of row spacing on soil water and water consumption of winter wheat under irrigated and rainfed conditions

X.B. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, Z. Ouyang

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):115-121 | DOI: 10.17221/130/2010-PSE  

The results of two seasons' work on soil water content (SWC), evapotranspiration (ET), total dry matter (TDM), and harvest index (HI) of crops under different row spacing (RS), as well as possible ways to improve water utilization, have been reported. Field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of Shandong Agricultural University (36°09'N, 117°09'E) in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Four types of RS were treated under two different water conditions (rainfed and irrigated) and set up in a randomized plot design. RS did not exhibit any obvious effects on SWC during the study period. SWC was enhanced evidently by irrigation, especially in the...

Survival of Pseudomonas extremorientalis TSAU20 and P. chlororaphis TSAU13 in the rhizosphere of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under saline conditions

D. Egamberdieva

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):122-127 | DOI: 10.17221/316/2010-PSE  

The abilities of Pseudomonas extremorientalis TSAU20 and P. chlororaphis TSAU13 to colonise and survive in the rhizosphere of common bean under saline conditions were studied. Four salinity levels (5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 12.5 dS/m) were maintained in the gnotobiotic system using NaCl salt. Results showed that with increasing salt content root-tip colonization of both bacterial strains was reduced. Both bacterial treatments used in the study increased root and/or shoot length compared to non-treated plants at each NaCl concentration tested, whereas shoot growth was not stimulated at high saline condition (12.5 dS/m). In conclusion, the...

Influence of N, P, and K application on Zea mays L. growth and Cu and Pb accumulation

W.J. Xie, H.Y. Wang, J.B. Xia, Z.G. Yao

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):128-134 | DOI: 10.17221/225/2010-PSE  

Fertilization affects soil processes in many ways that remain unclear. The effects of N, P, and K application on plant growth and Cu and Pb accumulation were thus evaluated in a soil-maize system using five treatments: N, P, and K application; N and P application; N and K application; P and K application; and control (no fertilization). Compared to the control, fertilizer application treatments, especially N application, significantly increased maize photosynthetic rate, which further improved shoot biomass production. Root growth, root and shoot Cu and Pb concentrations, and Cu and Pb mobility also significantly altered with fertilizer application....

Early evaluation of root morphology of maize genotypes under phosphorus deficiency

P.C. Magalhães, T.C. de Souza, F.R.O. Cantão

Plant Soil Environ., 2011, 57(3):135-138 | DOI: 10.17221/360/2010-PSE  

In Brazil savanna type of soils presents problems with phosphorus content. The selection and identification of maize genotypes to such environments is a high priority of Brazilian research. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate, in soils with different P concentrations, the dry mass attributes and characteristics of root morphology in eight maize lines with different genetic background and origins of the Breeding Program of the National Research Center for Maize and Sorghum. The experiment was carried out in plots prepared with two levels of phosphorus: high phosphorus (HP) and low phosphorus (LP). The experimental design was randomized blocks...